Post-Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) - Let's talk

Have you heard of Post-Intensive Care Syndrome? Sometimes it's called post ICU syndrome or PICS. PICS is defined as new or worse health problems after critical illness. These problems can affect your mind, body, thoughts, and/or feelings.

On Connect we would like to bring together people who have been affected by critical illness, and hopefully lighten the burden you bear. Patients and family members welcome.

Grab a cup of tea, or beverage of your choice, and let's chat. Why not start by introducing yourself?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Intensive Care (ICU) Support Group.


I have had multiple ER to ICU admissions with adrenal and septic shock (infection overwhelming my secondary adrenal insufficiency). I didn’t know about PICS until I read about it here but I have all the symptoms plus fear of reoccurrence, which is not unlikely. I don’t have a specific question but am looking to feel better and in more control of my fears. I understand what is going on but that doesn’t always diminish the symptoms. I traveled from my home on the east coast to Mayo in Rochester and received wonderful care, including treatment plans to minimize a reoccurrence. So far, 10 months without hospitalization, which is a record for what has been a 10 year chronic/acute illness. I am hopeful but always concerned about another life-threatening episode. Any feedback would be helpful. Thank you.

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@rosemarya, Thank you! My husband just told me he wishes I would ask more so he can feel more helpful to me. It does make it easier to accept.


I have had multiple ER to ICU admissions with adrenal and septic shock (infection overwhelming my secondary adrenal insufficiency). I didn’t know about PICS until I read about it here but I have all the symptoms plus fear of reoccurrence, which is not unlikely. I don’t have a specific question but am looking to feel better and in more control of my fears. I understand what is going on but that doesn’t always diminish the symptoms. I traveled from my home on the east coast to Mayo in Rochester and received wonderful care, including treatment plans to minimize a reoccurrence. So far, 10 months without hospitalization, which is a record for what has been a 10 year chronic/acute illness. I am hopeful but always concerned about another life-threatening episode. Any feedback would be helpful. Thank you.

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@rckj, He sounds like a real gem!
My own husband had to take care of everything, cooking, laundry, cleaning, shopping before my transplant. Never once did he complain. I had to learn that "his way" of performing chores was okay, too:-)


I hope to get some help, I have been getting a lot of pressure in my head which doctors says I have pressure headaches but they don't go away, it just sits there not moving....feels like a rock laying and waiting for me to miss up.
I have trouble concentrating and I'm also in college on line, and with this problem I have to get off the computer till the pressure subsides. Then I have days that I forget where I put something. Example: I would lay my glasses on my desk, and they won't be there, and after I'm done looking for them, they would be in front of my computer.
This becomes a nuisance, and I can't remember anything that happened after 2012, any thing before that I'm good, now I have to right everything down.
Can someone help me to figure out what's the cause of this.


I hope to get some help, I have been getting a lot of pressure in my head which doctors says I have pressure headaches but they don't go away, it just sits there not moving....feels like a rock laying and waiting for me to miss up.
I have trouble concentrating and I'm also in college on line, and with this problem I have to get off the computer till the pressure subsides. Then I have days that I forget where I put something. Example: I would lay my glasses on my desk, and they won't be there, and after I'm done looking for them, they would be in front of my computer.
This becomes a nuisance, and I can't remember anything that happened after 2012, any thing before that I'm good, now I have to right everything down.
Can someone help me to figure out what's the cause of this.

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Hi David, I also hope that we can find some support for you from others who are experiencing similar symptoms. I noticed in your autobiography that you have experienced a significant fall, and head surgeries. That is why I am going to provide the link to the Brain and Nervous System Group where you might find a larger group of people discussing similar situations.

Of course, you will still be able to receive and respond on this discussion, too.


I hope to get some help, I have been getting a lot of pressure in my head which doctors says I have pressure headaches but they don't go away, it just sits there not moving....feels like a rock laying and waiting for me to miss up.
I have trouble concentrating and I'm also in college on line, and with this problem I have to get off the computer till the pressure subsides. Then I have days that I forget where I put something. Example: I would lay my glasses on my desk, and they won't be there, and after I'm done looking for them, they would be in front of my computer.
This becomes a nuisance, and I can't remember anything that happened after 2012, any thing before that I'm good, now I have to right everything down.
Can someone help me to figure out what's the cause of this.

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@david33 What you are describing sounds familiar to me. The pressure in your head may be migraines and you should describe them to your doctor to see if you can get some help for them. The confusion and forgetfulness may be a secondary component of a migraine. Again, you need to talk to you doctor about this. I suggest you keep a diary of your day to help you remember to report things to your doctor and aid in figuring out what is exactly going on for you. I had an extended migraine that put me in the hospital on heavy doses of steroids and morphine. Since that time I have the same forgetfulness and loss of memories. I have not lost all memory for the amount of time you have, but there are periods that I just cannot remember. My husband recently showed me a log he kept for a few days after my transplant surgery that explained quite a lot for me that I simply do not remember. I do comprehension-building exercises every day by completing crossword puzzles from several different places and researching quite a bit on the internet. Maybe some of those things will help you also. If you can become a person of habit, such as always putting your glasses in the same place, always brushing your teeth after meals, always checking your meds before breakfast, etc. that may help with your forgetfulness. I find I need to do this because I really have trouble with short-term memory. If I deviate from my normal patterns it gets worse. For example, if we travel I have to determine my travel locations or I can't find my glasses, medications, phone, comb, etc. You know, it really is invasive. One way I live with it is to consider my life an adventure. When I can't find or remember something it becomes a scavenger hunt to find it. I do ask for help if it becomes important, but it is so much more fulfilling when I can finally find it myself -- and remember why I put it THERE! lol Bless you on your journey and I hope you find some help. Cognitive testing might be appropriate for you also.


I’ve been searching for a support group for ICU Psychosis (that’s what my doctors labeled it) and feel relief finding this group. February 4, 2016 I fell very ill. I don’t know to this day if I had flu or just became dehydrated. I had suffered two TBI’s back in 2013/14 so my brain was a mess to begin with. I have also suffered with depression in my life however I was doing well.

I was so sick at 3 a.m. on February 4 and my husband finally said we were going to the ER. Admitted with acute renal failure. I was already hallucinating from severe dehydration and was in acute respiratory and brain failure as well. Sigh. Some days I really wish God had taken me on that day as my life changed abruptly during hospitalization. I was placed in a coma and intubated for 12 hours. I came to on my way to the ICU and I was completely disoriented and though I was being pumped full of medication for electrolyte balance I was not given any pain medication. I was taken off all of my medications which was very difficult. I also smoked at the time so add that to the withdrawal of my regular meds I was now going through nicotine withdraw. I was transferred to general ward after three days. It was there that I became paranoid and started having the most wicked hallucinations to the point where I ripped a line out of my neck and all other lines in my arms. I guess I was violent and screaming but I really don’t remember. I felt badly though because somewhere inside I knew this was not me and I had the sweetest roommate who was moved to another room immediately. The doctors decided to do a series of tests for such medical conditions like menengitis. I was left for two days in a terrible state of hallucinations while I had spinal tap and other tests done to rule out medical conditions. My husband finally said that the doctors had to do something other than keeping me in restraints while I screamed at everything and everyone including him.

Doctor put me back into a coma and intubation for two days. I came too once again back in ICU. I was still hallucinating but not as badly as before. Moved back to a general ward and finally discharged on February 16. By this time I had pneumonia in my right lung. It was a harrowing time. I’ve never been the same. I can’t seem to get over the memory of the hallucinations and sometimes they come flooding back while I’m going about my day. I’ve pretty much become dependent on my husband as I can’t drive well and I don’t want to go out at all. The psychiatrist gives me pills. Nothing works. I did stop smoking and lost 60 pounds so guess that’s the silver lining. I am forcing myself to go out today not because I want to but because I have to make myself work through these terrible emotions. I’m now terrified of dying as I came so close. I never had a fear of death.

I know my circumstances were not as severe medically as some medicatl conditions that I’ve read here and I’m truly sorry to be such a wimp but I feel like I’m losing my mind. I sometimes don’t know if I’m dreaming or if this is real life. I did drink a lot to make the bad go away but it only made things worse so I don’t do that anymore. I have ptsd but I think because I’m 62 that the doctors don’t really care. My husband is this totally normal man who loves me and tells me to just get over it but of course no one understands if they have not gone through this. I know I’ll never be that kind and gentle person I was before. I miss some of the old me. Memory is shot. Can’t form words. Mind always racing.

Thank you for letting me ramble on. I’m going to go out now and try to make it through yet another day.


I’ve been searching for a support group for ICU Psychosis (that’s what my doctors labeled it) and feel relief finding this group. February 4, 2016 I fell very ill. I don’t know to this day if I had flu or just became dehydrated. I had suffered two TBI’s back in 2013/14 so my brain was a mess to begin with. I have also suffered with depression in my life however I was doing well.

I was so sick at 3 a.m. on February 4 and my husband finally said we were going to the ER. Admitted with acute renal failure. I was already hallucinating from severe dehydration and was in acute respiratory and brain failure as well. Sigh. Some days I really wish God had taken me on that day as my life changed abruptly during hospitalization. I was placed in a coma and intubated for 12 hours. I came to on my way to the ICU and I was completely disoriented and though I was being pumped full of medication for electrolyte balance I was not given any pain medication. I was taken off all of my medications which was very difficult. I also smoked at the time so add that to the withdrawal of my regular meds I was now going through nicotine withdraw. I was transferred to general ward after three days. It was there that I became paranoid and started having the most wicked hallucinations to the point where I ripped a line out of my neck and all other lines in my arms. I guess I was violent and screaming but I really don’t remember. I felt badly though because somewhere inside I knew this was not me and I had the sweetest roommate who was moved to another room immediately. The doctors decided to do a series of tests for such medical conditions like menengitis. I was left for two days in a terrible state of hallucinations while I had spinal tap and other tests done to rule out medical conditions. My husband finally said that the doctors had to do something other than keeping me in restraints while I screamed at everything and everyone including him.

Doctor put me back into a coma and intubation for two days. I came too once again back in ICU. I was still hallucinating but not as badly as before. Moved back to a general ward and finally discharged on February 16. By this time I had pneumonia in my right lung. It was a harrowing time. I’ve never been the same. I can’t seem to get over the memory of the hallucinations and sometimes they come flooding back while I’m going about my day. I’ve pretty much become dependent on my husband as I can’t drive well and I don’t want to go out at all. The psychiatrist gives me pills. Nothing works. I did stop smoking and lost 60 pounds so guess that’s the silver lining. I am forcing myself to go out today not because I want to but because I have to make myself work through these terrible emotions. I’m now terrified of dying as I came so close. I never had a fear of death.

I know my circumstances were not as severe medically as some medicatl conditions that I’ve read here and I’m truly sorry to be such a wimp but I feel like I’m losing my mind. I sometimes don’t know if I’m dreaming or if this is real life. I did drink a lot to make the bad go away but it only made things worse so I don’t do that anymore. I have ptsd but I think because I’m 62 that the doctors don’t really care. My husband is this totally normal man who loves me and tells me to just get over it but of course no one understands if they have not gone through this. I know I’ll never be that kind and gentle person I was before. I miss some of the old me. Memory is shot. Can’t form words. Mind always racing.

Thank you for letting me ramble on. I’m going to go out now and try to make it through yet another day.

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@laci, Hi, laci. I see that this is your first post on Connect, and I want to extend a sincere welcome to you. I am happy that you have joined our community. I believe that you will soon connect with other members who are going thru similar journeys with all the ups and downs.
All us are here because we have experienced some kind of medically related episode. And we are dedicated to sharing with each other and encouraging each other. One thing that I have learned is that none of us ever has to walk alone. There is always someone here on Connect who is ready to listen and to share. No one is a wimp for what they have experienced and endured. So no apologies needed - ever. Did you know that rambling can be a good thing? I find that sometimes, it clears out all the clutter, kind of like a good housecleaning:-)
Your experience with ICU and the memories and nightmares are common to what others have described. I am going to give you the link to the Pages section of Connect. And while we are waiting for some replies here, I think you might find some good information.
I want to join you in counting your blessing of having a wonderful supportive husband who loves you.


I have had multiple ER to ICU admissions with adrenal and septic shock (infection overwhelming my secondary adrenal insufficiency). I didn’t know about PICS until I read about it here but I have all the symptoms plus fear of reoccurrence, which is not unlikely. I don’t have a specific question but am looking to feel better and in more control of my fears. I understand what is going on but that doesn’t always diminish the symptoms. I traveled from my home on the east coast to Mayo in Rochester and received wonderful care, including treatment plans to minimize a reoccurrence. So far, 10 months without hospitalization, which is a record for what has been a 10 year chronic/acute illness. I am hopeful but always concerned about another life-threatening episode. Any feedback would be helpful. Thank you.

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Hi @rckj
You mention dealing with delirium. I'm tagging @marield65 to bring her back into this discussion. She was looking to share with others who experienced delirium.

I'd also like to connect you with @muriel66 who suffered from severe septic shock. If you click VIEW & REPLY in the email notification, you'll see Muriel's posts about her experience.


I’ve been searching for a support group for ICU Psychosis (that’s what my doctors labeled it) and feel relief finding this group. February 4, 2016 I fell very ill. I don’t know to this day if I had flu or just became dehydrated. I had suffered two TBI’s back in 2013/14 so my brain was a mess to begin with. I have also suffered with depression in my life however I was doing well.

I was so sick at 3 a.m. on February 4 and my husband finally said we were going to the ER. Admitted with acute renal failure. I was already hallucinating from severe dehydration and was in acute respiratory and brain failure as well. Sigh. Some days I really wish God had taken me on that day as my life changed abruptly during hospitalization. I was placed in a coma and intubated for 12 hours. I came to on my way to the ICU and I was completely disoriented and though I was being pumped full of medication for electrolyte balance I was not given any pain medication. I was taken off all of my medications which was very difficult. I also smoked at the time so add that to the withdrawal of my regular meds I was now going through nicotine withdraw. I was transferred to general ward after three days. It was there that I became paranoid and started having the most wicked hallucinations to the point where I ripped a line out of my neck and all other lines in my arms. I guess I was violent and screaming but I really don’t remember. I felt badly though because somewhere inside I knew this was not me and I had the sweetest roommate who was moved to another room immediately. The doctors decided to do a series of tests for such medical conditions like menengitis. I was left for two days in a terrible state of hallucinations while I had spinal tap and other tests done to rule out medical conditions. My husband finally said that the doctors had to do something other than keeping me in restraints while I screamed at everything and everyone including him.

Doctor put me back into a coma and intubation for two days. I came too once again back in ICU. I was still hallucinating but not as badly as before. Moved back to a general ward and finally discharged on February 16. By this time I had pneumonia in my right lung. It was a harrowing time. I’ve never been the same. I can’t seem to get over the memory of the hallucinations and sometimes they come flooding back while I’m going about my day. I’ve pretty much become dependent on my husband as I can’t drive well and I don’t want to go out at all. The psychiatrist gives me pills. Nothing works. I did stop smoking and lost 60 pounds so guess that’s the silver lining. I am forcing myself to go out today not because I want to but because I have to make myself work through these terrible emotions. I’m now terrified of dying as I came so close. I never had a fear of death.

I know my circumstances were not as severe medically as some medicatl conditions that I’ve read here and I’m truly sorry to be such a wimp but I feel like I’m losing my mind. I sometimes don’t know if I’m dreaming or if this is real life. I did drink a lot to make the bad go away but it only made things worse so I don’t do that anymore. I have ptsd but I think because I’m 62 that the doctors don’t really care. My husband is this totally normal man who loves me and tells me to just get over it but of course no one understands if they have not gone through this. I know I’ll never be that kind and gentle person I was before. I miss some of the old me. Memory is shot. Can’t form words. Mind always racing.

Thank you for letting me ramble on. I’m going to go out now and try to make it through yet another day.

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Dear Rosemary, Thank you for your gracious and kind message welcoming me to the group and providing me with the link you suggested. I in tha
blessing are unbelievable. I’ll get through this somehow. Thanks so much!


I’ve been searching for a support group for ICU Psychosis (that’s what my doctors labeled it) and feel relief finding this group. February 4, 2016 I fell very ill. I don’t know to this day if I had flu or just became dehydrated. I had suffered two TBI’s back in 2013/14 so my brain was a mess to begin with. I have also suffered with depression in my life however I was doing well.

I was so sick at 3 a.m. on February 4 and my husband finally said we were going to the ER. Admitted with acute renal failure. I was already hallucinating from severe dehydration and was in acute respiratory and brain failure as well. Sigh. Some days I really wish God had taken me on that day as my life changed abruptly during hospitalization. I was placed in a coma and intubated for 12 hours. I came to on my way to the ICU and I was completely disoriented and though I was being pumped full of medication for electrolyte balance I was not given any pain medication. I was taken off all of my medications which was very difficult. I also smoked at the time so add that to the withdrawal of my regular meds I was now going through nicotine withdraw. I was transferred to general ward after three days. It was there that I became paranoid and started having the most wicked hallucinations to the point where I ripped a line out of my neck and all other lines in my arms. I guess I was violent and screaming but I really don’t remember. I felt badly though because somewhere inside I knew this was not me and I had the sweetest roommate who was moved to another room immediately. The doctors decided to do a series of tests for such medical conditions like menengitis. I was left for two days in a terrible state of hallucinations while I had spinal tap and other tests done to rule out medical conditions. My husband finally said that the doctors had to do something other than keeping me in restraints while I screamed at everything and everyone including him.

Doctor put me back into a coma and intubation for two days. I came too once again back in ICU. I was still hallucinating but not as badly as before. Moved back to a general ward and finally discharged on February 16. By this time I had pneumonia in my right lung. It was a harrowing time. I’ve never been the same. I can’t seem to get over the memory of the hallucinations and sometimes they come flooding back while I’m going about my day. I’ve pretty much become dependent on my husband as I can’t drive well and I don’t want to go out at all. The psychiatrist gives me pills. Nothing works. I did stop smoking and lost 60 pounds so guess that’s the silver lining. I am forcing myself to go out today not because I want to but because I have to make myself work through these terrible emotions. I’m now terrified of dying as I came so close. I never had a fear of death.

I know my circumstances were not as severe medically as some medicatl conditions that I’ve read here and I’m truly sorry to be such a wimp but I feel like I’m losing my mind. I sometimes don’t know if I’m dreaming or if this is real life. I did drink a lot to make the bad go away but it only made things worse so I don’t do that anymore. I have ptsd but I think because I’m 62 that the doctors don’t really care. My husband is this totally normal man who loves me and tells me to just get over it but of course no one understands if they have not gone through this. I know I’ll never be that kind and gentle person I was before. I miss some of the old me. Memory is shot. Can’t form words. Mind always racing.

Thank you for letting me ramble on. I’m going to go out now and try to make it through yet another day.

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@laci, I am confident that you will get thru this. I can see that you are strong and determined because of what you have already experienced and overcome. We are always here to support you whenever you need it. We welcome your input anytime and invite you to comment as you feel comfortable.
This is a public conversation, so if you ever are uncomfortable with that, there is a Private Message option available by clicking on the envelope icon on top of each page.

Did you get a chance to look at the link to the Pages? What did you see that looked interesting?

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