Post-Covid dizziness/off-balance, as most troubling symptom

Posted by kirstenk2003 @kirstenk2003, Mar 30, 2022

I contracted Covid in December 2021 and am currently dealing with persistent dizziness (off balance, sometimes feels like swaying, rocking, spinning, or a pull to one side). My other most bothersome symptoms are ear ringing, headaches (pressure in the head), feelings of pressure change in my ears, trouble multitasking or thinking, along with developing anxiety/ depression and some elevated heart rate and blood pressure.

Dizziness was not a symptom of my initial infection. I developed dizziness (not BPPV) around January 15th. I saw a physical therapist who determined I had Vestibular Hypofunction and I began vestibular therapy. It seemed to be working and I even returned to my office job for about 3 weeks, restricted hours. Two weeks ago I began feeling worse again. My physical therapist believes my initial issue has improved - so he doesn't know what's causing my current onset of symptoms. I started an antihistamine to combat any allergy related ear fluid, along with an anxiety medication to try and improve my blood pressure and heart rate.

I'm going to see an ENT next, and hope that I haven't waited too long to try other remedies (if there are any). Has anyone else experienced this overwhelming dizziness and had positive results with treatment or answers as to the cause? I'm scared that this is going to be how I feel forever.

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New to the group. So glad my brother found this site for me! Helps so much to see I’m not the only one still dealing with issues.
I was hospitalized November 2021 with Covid pneumonia for one week. Although most of my symptoms have gone away-I’m still dealing with dizziness and what I describe as a tightness in my neck, face, shoulders and left arm and leg. Physical therapy did not work for me. Currently seeing a neurologist who seems to think my blood vessels are “irritated”. I’ve been on a low dose of Verapamil for 4 weeks now. No change. I’ve had blood tests, CT scan and MRI-all have come back normal.
Was not an anxious person before my Covid-but some days now I feel I’m losing my mind. I pay more attention to things going on in my body now. Praying all these issues go away soon and I hope this isn’t permanent. That’s my worse fear-this is my new normal (or I get worse). Trying to be patient like everyone tells me. That is not an easy thing to do. I have not felt like myself since last November.
Would like to hear from others dealing with issues and how long before they went away. Also want to hear different things you’ve tried. Thanks

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@auntb65, I believe physical therapy brought me the most significant improvement, early on. I stopped going in June, but I do continue to experience dizziness and off balance sensations (less severe). It sounds like that did not help you, so we may have similar symptoms but different root causes. I do believe an anxiety medication I started taking was contributing to my dizziness. I started several new medications at one time and never thought to consider if they were making me more lightheaded/dizzy. If you've started anything new, it may be worthwhile to discuss with your dr. I also developed worsened anxiety and depression this year. Panic attacks and high anxiety make me feel more dizzy (more vertigo like feelings). I am working on improving my mental health in hopes it will also help me cope with or resolve the dizziness. I meditate regularly and do notice I feel worse on days when I'm tired, have not had enough fluids, or when I go too long without eating. I take allergy medicine as allergies definitely make me feel a little more "floaty." I know being patient is very difficult. If you can make a log of when you feel the worse, and what you've done/ not done each day, it may help you find a pattern in movements or activities that make you feel worse to discuss with your doctors. I hope you can find some relief.


Physical therapy didn’t help me at all. I’ve been seeing a neurologist. He started me on Verapamil late July. He said he thought my blood vessels were inflamed. Well that hasn’t worked. He told me (today actually) to stop taking them since they aren’t working. One of the side effects is dizziness. So maybe now that I’m not taking them anymore I will see an improvement. I see him mid October for “Plan B”. I just keep wondering if time is the only thing that will heal this. All other symptoms have cleared up now. It’s just so frustrating. I’ve always been healthy and can’t understand why this dizziness is still hanging on. Thank you so much for sharing. It helps to know I’m not the only one dealing with issues. And I’m so grateful I’m not dealing with the problems so many others are. Take care and hope you find relief soon!


Aunt B! My case is so like yours- so dizzy, brain fog, exhausted!So far my doctors no help! “You’ve got arthritis- take pain pills- soo dizzy!
Neuropathy? Maybe!?!
Any help? 😳🙏


I was hospitalized in November 2021 for one week. I am still dealing with dizziness. My dizziness started in February 2022. I have tried physical therapy and that did not work. I am currently seeing a neurologist. He had me one Verapamil for almost 2 months. That didn’t help either. Waiting for my next appointment to see where I go from here. So frustrating! Hope we all find relief soon!!


Aunt B! My case is so like yours- so dizzy, brain fog, exhausted!So far my doctors no help! “You’ve got arthritis- take pain pills- soo dizzy!
Neuropathy? Maybe!?!
Any help? 😳🙏

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Felicia-I wish I had some suggestions for you. This is so frustrating! I pray we all find relief soon!!


I had dizziness with my 11 days of fever with covid. But that dizziness turned into 24/7 vertigo (not episodes of vertigo but constant vertigo) a month after getting covid. The 24/7 vertigo continued for 5 months. During that time, my dr referred me to a physical therapist. My proprioception was so off that I couldn't hold my electric toothbrush without bumping the vibrating brush portion onto my teeth.

I had to hang onto walls so I wouldn't fall. The P.T. gave me eye exercises and I did tons of balance exercises at P.T., twice a week for 3 months.

I couldn't drive or use stairs for 2 months. My husband would drive me to & from work every day. I felt like I was falling out of my chair at work, like the floor was unstable as I walked, like the end of the hallway was "jiggly". I couldn't turn my head from one computer monitor to the other without my head just spinning. And going to bed was the worst. It felt like my head was hanging down when, in fact, my head was up on pillows. I felt like I was going to fall out of bed. I would grab onto my husband or onto the sheets to keep myself from falling.

By my 3rd day of P.T., my P T. and I both knew I needed to see an ENT, but it took a month to get in to see him. When I did, he could see my extremely slow, wide-based, ataxic uncoordinated gait. Yet my ear pressure and hearing tests were 100% normal. He had me follow his finger with my eyes and I believe my nystagmus showed up. Right away, he told me there was nothing he could do to help me, that I needed balance testing and to see a neurologist. I couldn't get in for balance testing for another 6 weeks! And the neurology referrals (to 3 different neurologists) took 3-4 months each! It was crazy.

In the meantime, the eye exercises helped.

When I FINALLY got in to see a neurologist, 6 months after I'd gotten covid & 5 months after my terrible 24/7 vertigo had begun, she immediately wanted to check my ferritin level. She said anything below 50 can cause all sorts of neurological issues. Mine was a little less than 38. So, I began taking 65 mg of iron (ferrous sulfate) every other day and that helped me quite a bit, too.

It's now been almost 13 months since I got covid the first time and I still have vertigo, but at least it's now episodic (whenever I turn my head or move my body). But it's not as debilitating as it was. I can drive and use stairs (when I feel strong enough). Going upstairs is much easier than going down.

My neurologist asked me to walk heel-to-toe 10 months after covid and I couldn't do 2 steps without grabbing onto a wall, so she sent me back for more P.T.

This time, I'll be doing 6 weeks of PT, mostly working on strengthening my legs, my core, and my arms, but some balance work, too.

I hope this was helpful for you. If you haven't had your ferritin checked, do that. Best of luck to you. Keep us posted!

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Thank you!


I can relate to so many of these stories...I saw one person who is feeling better..Has anyone else found any relief from the dizziness?


I can relate to so many of these stories...I saw one person who is feeling better..Has anyone else found any relief from the dizziness?

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I have periodic vertigo for last 40 years of my life, cause never dagnosed, but responding to over the counter Meclazine. Treatment may take 2 wks to a month. Buy US lab brand in internet bottles of 100. Works better for me than the small, drugstore packets, likely Chinese labs.


i have experienced dizziness also. I'm wondering if anyone else has gotten any kind of rash that pops up now and then and sometimes be itchy...and nothing helps it when it does happen....the other day it picked my left hand and made me crazy for several just picks a spot on me when it feels like it wants to happen..sometimes it's a red color....


I have not found relief from the dizziness yet either. Going on 1 year since I had Covid. Wondering the same thing-if anyone has found relief. Did it just go away one day?? Currently seeing a neurologist without any help. Hope we al find relief soon!!

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