Post-Covid dizziness/off-balance, as most troubling symptom

Posted by kirstenk2003 @kirstenk2003, Mar 30, 2022

I contracted Covid in December 2021 and am currently dealing with persistent dizziness (off balance, sometimes feels like swaying, rocking, spinning, or a pull to one side). My other most bothersome symptoms are ear ringing, headaches (pressure in the head), feelings of pressure change in my ears, trouble multitasking or thinking, along with developing anxiety/ depression and some elevated heart rate and blood pressure.

Dizziness was not a symptom of my initial infection. I developed dizziness (not BPPV) around January 15th. I saw a physical therapist who determined I had Vestibular Hypofunction and I began vestibular therapy. It seemed to be working and I even returned to my office job for about 3 weeks, restricted hours. Two weeks ago I began feeling worse again. My physical therapist believes my initial issue has improved - so he doesn't know what's causing my current onset of symptoms. I started an antihistamine to combat any allergy related ear fluid, along with an anxiety medication to try and improve my blood pressure and heart rate.

I'm going to see an ENT next, and hope that I haven't waited too long to try other remedies (if there are any). Has anyone else experienced this overwhelming dizziness and had positive results with treatment or answers as to the cause? I'm scared that this is going to be how I feel forever.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.


I'm new to this thread and reading the posts. I'll try to cram the timeline and my personal storyline in here as briefly as possible, but hopefully someone here can help in support. I got covid in late November 2020 (lost sense of taste and smell with nothing out of the ordinary). Fast forward a year later to November of 2021, and out-of-the- blue my right eye started twitching, followed by muscle twitching in my right arm, and then eventually all over my body which basically hasn't stopped. I then started experiencing heavy/dizzy/leaning feeling all the time and when walking, along with feeling fatigued and an abnormal feeling in my gait. I also experienced these weird internal vibrations while laying down at night, but mostly when I woke up in the morning. It was nothing that I have ever felt before in my life. I was finally able to get an MRI to scan for lesions on my brain and then met with my neurologist in January of 2022. The first MRI of my brain and top area of my neck came back normal and unremarkable. My neurologist then completed the EMG test and then another MRI, this time of my upper spine/cervical neck area. Both tests came back as normal. The Neurologist ruled out the scary ALS and stated she didn't think it was MS either. Though the tests all came back clear (which is a relief to negate the scary stuff), these symptoms, unfortunately, persist but with less internal vibrations interestingly enough. I still to this day have the heaviness and the "weighted down" feeling, as well as muscle twitches everywhere and wavy ripple-like muscle twitches in my legs. I have fatigue and especially in my right hand/arm when picking stuff up. I do plan to go back to the neurologist and re-test with an EMG, just to make sure muscle/nerves haven't degenerated.

For a span of maybe a month or two, these symptoms had lessened, but then have reared its ugly head again the past few weeks. I suppose the good news is that I don't feel I've deteriorated within the last 10/11 months as far as muscle degeneration, worsened fatigue, etc. However, the bad news is, it hasn't "gone away" like what many people have told me. I take magnesium at night, and I think that helps a little with the muscle spasms. If anyone can share their experiences with me and provide possible medications/supplements to help lessen the symptoms, it would be greatly appreciated.

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I bad those exact same symptoms. If you read my post, you know that what helped me was sinus medications. However, I failed to mention the EXTREME fatigue that made it so hard to get out of bed in the mornings and the all-over weakness, tingling, and sometimes numbness. Since I began the sinus med regimen, the fatigue is all but gone! The tingling persists, but I can deal with it because I no longer feel such a terrible abnormal brain fog and intense vertigo (floor "tilted", hallway "moving", etc). Try Zyrtec, Flonase, and NeilMed sinus rinses daily. (Or generics, of course.) Maybe that will help you like it helped me. However, I will say, the two prescription meds helped the most: Singulair (montelukast) & Azelistine/Asteline.

I dealt with my symptoms for 14 months before I saw a HUGE improvement after starting those sinus meds.

Good luck to you!


I bad those exact same symptoms. If you read my post, you know that what helped me was sinus medications. However, I failed to mention the EXTREME fatigue that made it so hard to get out of bed in the mornings and the all-over weakness, tingling, and sometimes numbness. Since I began the sinus med regimen, the fatigue is all but gone! The tingling persists, but I can deal with it because I no longer feel such a terrible abnormal brain fog and intense vertigo (floor "tilted", hallway "moving", etc). Try Zyrtec, Flonase, and NeilMed sinus rinses daily. (Or generics, of course.) Maybe that will help you like it helped me. However, I will say, the two prescription meds helped the most: Singulair (montelukast) & Azelistine/Asteline.

I dealt with my symptoms for 14 months before I saw a HUGE improvement after starting those sinus meds.

Good luck to you!

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Thank you, for your reply! I'm glad to hear other people are having (have had) the same symptoms as I've had for months and months. It was, and sometimes still is a lonely feeling to go through this. And it's even more promising to hear that you have found something that has worked! I will inquire about the Singulair and Azelistine with my doctor.


I had my second bout of Covid January 2022. I had dizzy spells, could barely walk. I was diagnosed with POTS in August 2022


I bad those exact same symptoms. If you read my post, you know that what helped me was sinus medications. However, I failed to mention the EXTREME fatigue that made it so hard to get out of bed in the mornings and the all-over weakness, tingling, and sometimes numbness. Since I began the sinus med regimen, the fatigue is all but gone! The tingling persists, but I can deal with it because I no longer feel such a terrible abnormal brain fog and intense vertigo (floor "tilted", hallway "moving", etc). Try Zyrtec, Flonase, and NeilMed sinus rinses daily. (Or generics, of course.) Maybe that will help you like it helped me. However, I will say, the two prescription meds helped the most: Singulair (montelukast) & Azelistine/Asteline.

I dealt with my symptoms for 14 months before I saw a HUGE improvement after starting those sinus meds.

Good luck to you!

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How long did it take to see any relief? And how many times a day did you use the nasal sprays? I’m going to give this a try!! Thank you for sharing!


The very first night I took the montelukast pill, I slept like a log and did not breathe with my mouth open which I've done since I was a teenager). I was breathing through my nose all night long and woke up so refreshed! Within 2 weeks of starting the montelukast & cetirizine pills (1 each at bedtime), I had regained my speed of walking to a normal pace ... after 13 months of walking like a 90-year-old zombie wearing lead boots in the mud!

My vision was still "off". I didn't see correctly. Everything still LOOKED wrong to me. I was walking faster and appearing more normal outwardly, but inside my own head, things were not right yet. I was still having such vertigo, especially when I would walk into stores where there are fluorescent lights, reflective white tile floors, and so much visiual stimuli as I looked up and down aisles and shelves. When I explained this to my immunologist, he added that 2nd nasal spray (Azelistine / asteline). It took about 1-2 weeks of taking this before I started to come out of my nearly 14-month covid brain fog/vertigo/weird vision symptoms. Then, I finally began FEELING almost like my old self again! I can now go into stores without feeling so exhausted, or getting tremors, or getting hit with such horrible vertigo that I have trouble looking from my grocery cart to the checkout while I load my groceries.

Here is my daily regimen:
In the morning, I use my OTC NeilMed sinus rinse. Then, I use 2 sprays in each nostril of the Azelistine (Rx). After work, I use 2 sprays in each nostril of OTC fluticasone (Flonase). At bedtime, I use 2 sprays in each nostril of the Azelistine again. And I take my two pills: one OTC cetirizine (Zyrtec) and one Rx montelukast (Singulair).

I hope that helps you like it has helped me!


The very first night I took the montelukast pill, I slept like a log and did not breathe with my mouth open which I've done since I was a teenager). I was breathing through my nose all night long and woke up so refreshed! Within 2 weeks of starting the montelukast & cetirizine pills (1 each at bedtime), I had regained my speed of walking to a normal pace ... after 13 months of walking like a 90-year-old zombie wearing lead boots in the mud!

My vision was still "off". I didn't see correctly. Everything still LOOKED wrong to me. I was walking faster and appearing more normal outwardly, but inside my own head, things were not right yet. I was still having such vertigo, especially when I would walk into stores where there are fluorescent lights, reflective white tile floors, and so much visiual stimuli as I looked up and down aisles and shelves. When I explained this to my immunologist, he added that 2nd nasal spray (Azelistine / asteline). It took about 1-2 weeks of taking this before I started to come out of my nearly 14-month covid brain fog/vertigo/weird vision symptoms. Then, I finally began FEELING almost like my old self again! I can now go into stores without feeling so exhausted, or getting tremors, or getting hit with such horrible vertigo that I have trouble looking from my grocery cart to the checkout while I load my groceries.

Here is my daily regimen:
In the morning, I use my OTC NeilMed sinus rinse. Then, I use 2 sprays in each nostril of the Azelistine (Rx). After work, I use 2 sprays in each nostril of OTC fluticasone (Flonase). At bedtime, I use 2 sprays in each nostril of the Azelistine again. And I take my two pills: one OTC cetirizine (Zyrtec) and one Rx montelukast (Singulair).

I hope that helps you like it has helped me!

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Thank you for all the information. So glad you have seen such a big improvement. Looking forward to the day that my symptoms go away!!


It is encouraging to see things that have helped others improve, and to be reminded that patience with one’s self also helps. I have many of the same symptoms described here and am striving to stay hopeful and committed to healing.

My combination of symptoms and slow recovery have been wearying. I was diagnosed with COVID on 8/28/22 and initially had fevers >103, nausea, cough and congestion, lightheadedness, weakness, feeling utterly drained etc. I took the five day COVID antiviral pack and was beginning to see some improvement by day 6-7 when I was able to actively engage with others, sit up and walk around. Despite overall aching and discomfort, I started to feel enough better that returning to work was on my radar.

On 9/10/2022 I began to experience transient confusion that worsened over the course of an afternoon, had severe lightheadedness, difficulty focusing and putting words and sentences together. Standing up was difficult due to weakness and heavy swaying/near falling (mostly in a straight back direction). One side of my chest felt tight, coughing was deep and uncontrolled and caused my stomach and chest to hurt. With assistance from my daughter, I was able to walk into the ER but getting my legs to move in a coordinated way was impossible and and I felt like something was pulling me backwards. I was admitted to the hospital 9/10/22 - 9/30-22. (Some of this time was acute rehab).

I still tested COVID positive when admitted, no fevers at this point but my lightheadedness, balance trouble and confusion were hard to work around. (My brain felt as foggy as when I had had a concussion/nose fracture two years earlier). I was still very congested and my coughing was so deep and constant it also caused abdominal pain. Immediate recall seemed hugely impaired but only milder problems with longer term recall were noticed.

CT, MRI, chest X-ray, labs and maybe other tests were done. I didn’t require oxygen at any point but found a small amount eased my coughing/breathing at night. My labs were reported as pretty good yet I had all these symptoms. There were MRI findings related to old/somewhat severe (C3-C7) problems but nothing to explain the abrupt changes I experienced contemporaneous with COVID. (I’m 63 yr old and had noticed gradual balance changes with three prior falls/fractures in the 36 months prior to COVID). But, I also worked full time, had an active life for a young senior, was able to enjoy family and social activities and had no difficulty driving (which I can’t safely do right now).

I am working with OT, PT, SLP multiple times a week in my home with the goal of restoring full independence in my home. I always hoped retirement would be on my own terms and not brought about by COVID or any other health challenges, but not sure if return to work is in the cards or not. I have follow up appointments coming up with Pulmonology, ENT, Neurological etc.

Of course, my concern is that there won’t be one answer or one thing to do. Has anyone else found the right combination? Any comments, ideas, personal success stories would be greatly appreciated. Despite millions being affected by this virus, it is isolating when one’s symptoms don’t fit the ‘get the virus and get over it’ pattern. I’m happy to have this forum to connect and to give and receive support.


Does your dizziness get triggered by any movements or activity? Mine typically just comes out of nowhere. I can have my eyes closed or open, laying down or sitting up, no rhyme or reason. It sometimes feels like my brain is shaking or unstable. Can anyone relate to that description?

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Yes. I can relate. This is consistent with my symptoms during the first month after diagnosis but the dizziness is now intermittent and also certain movements and activities do worsen it. Initially, like you, the light headedness was so awful I continuously felt I was on the verge of vomiting and nothing made it better or worse. It just was as bad as it was. It’s been 2 1/2 months since I was diagnosed with COVID, and there are times when it can still feel debilitating but overall the duration of my lightheaded is shorter and more manageable.


I’m on day 20 since I was diagnosed with Covid. Tiredness and sometimes with balance that’s off. Started taking B12, 500 mcg. a few days ago and notice my balance is better, especially when getting out of bed in the morning. Could be a coincidence (or not).
Certainly worth a try.
All the best to you.


I'm new to this thread and reading the posts. I'll try to cram the timeline and my personal storyline in here as briefly as possible, but hopefully someone here can help in support. I got covid in late November 2020 (lost sense of taste and smell with nothing out of the ordinary). Fast forward a year later to November of 2021, and out-of-the- blue my right eye started twitching, followed by muscle twitching in my right arm, and then eventually all over my body which basically hasn't stopped. I then started experiencing heavy/dizzy/leaning feeling all the time and when walking, along with feeling fatigued and an abnormal feeling in my gait. I also experienced these weird internal vibrations while laying down at night, but mostly when I woke up in the morning. It was nothing that I have ever felt before in my life. I was finally able to get an MRI to scan for lesions on my brain and then met with my neurologist in January of 2022. The first MRI of my brain and top area of my neck came back normal and unremarkable. My neurologist then completed the EMG test and then another MRI, this time of my upper spine/cervical neck area. Both tests came back as normal. The Neurologist ruled out the scary ALS and stated she didn't think it was MS either. Though the tests all came back clear (which is a relief to negate the scary stuff), these symptoms, unfortunately, persist but with less internal vibrations interestingly enough. I still to this day have the heaviness and the "weighted down" feeling, as well as muscle twitches everywhere and wavy ripple-like muscle twitches in my legs. I have fatigue and especially in my right hand/arm when picking stuff up. I do plan to go back to the neurologist and re-test with an EMG, just to make sure muscle/nerves haven't degenerated.

For a span of maybe a month or two, these symptoms had lessened, but then have reared its ugly head again the past few weeks. I suppose the good news is that I don't feel I've deteriorated within the last 10/11 months as far as muscle degeneration, worsened fatigue, etc. However, the bad news is, it hasn't "gone away" like what many people have told me. I take magnesium at night, and I think that helps a little with the muscle spasms. If anyone can share their experiences with me and provide possible medications/supplements to help lessen the symptoms, it would be greatly appreciated.

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Thank you for sharing your story here. Sometimes this alone helps provide strength. I shared my story (diagnosed 8/28/22 and 9/10/22) in this forum and reading through it might be helpful to you as I also have many similar neurological struggles (minus any smell or taste changes). Here’s a big virtual hug and encouragement to hang in there with the healing process. One helpful thing my PCP has said to me is that this seems to be an illness where most improve, but in our own time.

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