Possibly Helpful Resource

Posted by bitsygirl @bitsygirl, Mar 27 12:55pm

I ran across this website: https://www.aortichope.org when I was watching YouTube videos to try to understand what is/not advisable for exercise with an aorta dilation. They have a Live Q&A series with doctors that work in this area. (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXbCdIgPAMon_wM1wl4fS_3T7CnnO_e1n). (It confirms to me that no one really knows about exercise, but I have learned a bit from their videos, e.g. what systolic BP creates concerns for doctors.)

I just found the website and I haven't caught one of the Live sessions yet, but it appears to be a great opportunity to pose questions to doctors that would have as good an answer as one could hope, I think.

FWIW. Hope this is more signal than noise. :). Apologies if this is not the kind of post that's appropriate for this forum.

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