Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR): Meet others & Share Your Story

Welcome to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) group on Mayo Clinic Connect.

Meet other members who are dealing with PMR. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with PMR, coping with the challenges and offering tips.We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Grab a cup of coffee or beverage of choice and let’s chat. Why not start by introducing yourself? What's your experience with PMR? How are you doing today?

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I’m doing a low carb diet with no grains and no sugars. Add Vitamins A, C, D, Omega 3, magnesium, zinc, calcium and iodine then follow Dr. Davis who wrote Wheatbelly and make yourself some of his yogurt and you can get off Prednisone

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Hello @nuss95816, Welcome to Connect and thank you for sharing what helps you. I also use the strain of bacteria, Lactobacillis reuteri, recommended by Dr. William Davis to make yogurt for my wife and I. I first found out about on @LeeAase's health blog here - https://social-media-university-global.org/2020/05/best-yogurt-ever/.

My second flare of PMR has been in remission since 2018 so I'm hoping my intermittent fasting and doing a low carb diet helps keep the PMR in remission. I do think low carb is key to fixing a lot of health issues. There is another discussion you might find helpful - Low-carb healthy fat living. Intermittent fasting. What’s your why?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/low-carb-healthy-fat-living-intermittent-fasting-whats-your-why/. You can see a list of discussion in the group here: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/lchf-living-intermittent-fasting/

Have you been diagnosed with PMR and it's now in remission?


Hello @nuss95816, Welcome to Connect and thank you for sharing what helps you. I also use the strain of bacteria, Lactobacillis reuteri, recommended by Dr. William Davis to make yogurt for my wife and I. I first found out about on @LeeAase's health blog here - https://social-media-university-global.org/2020/05/best-yogurt-ever/.

My second flare of PMR has been in remission since 2018 so I'm hoping my intermittent fasting and doing a low carb diet helps keep the PMR in remission. I do think low carb is key to fixing a lot of health issues. There is another discussion you might find helpful - Low-carb healthy fat living. Intermittent fasting. What’s your why?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/low-carb-healthy-fat-living-intermittent-fasting-whats-your-why/. You can see a list of discussion in the group here: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/lchf-living-intermittent-fasting/

Have you been diagnosed with PMR and it's now in remission?

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Yes-I believe my PMR came from a Leaky Gut, so I take the pre and pro-biopics and it seems to work


my PMR started 3 days after second covid shot

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I'm still in the diagnosis stage, but it started 10 days after my second Covid vaccine. Agonizing pain. Waiting for neurologist to get back from Christmas vacation. Bloodwork done last week showing a jump in my CRP from 33.6 to 42 since bloods done end of November. Ugh. I find this very alarming.


Bloodwork done last week showing a jump in my CRP from 33.6 to 42 since bloods done end of November. Ugh. I find this very alarming. Still waiting for neurologist to get back from Christmas vacay on January 4th. I've had 2 disc ops and the pain was nothing like this prior to surgery. Does not run in my family. Blaming the Covid vax.


Bloodwork done last week showing a jump in my CRP from 33.6 to 42 since bloods done end of November. Ugh. I find this very alarming. Still waiting for neurologist to get back from Christmas vacay on January 4th. I've had 2 disc ops and the pain was nothing like this prior to surgery. Does not run in my family. Blaming the Covid vax.

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Welcome @milld835, I'm sorry to hear you are having so much pain after your second COVID vaccine. Hopefully you will get some answers when your neurologist gets back. Normally a rheumatologist would diagnose the PMR. Did your primary care doctor think it might be PMR?


Welcome @milld835, I'm sorry to hear you are having so much pain after your second COVID vaccine. Hopefully you will get some answers when your neurologist gets back. Normally a rheumatologist would diagnose the PMR. Did your primary care doctor think it might be PMR?

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He didn' t know I don't think although I did ask him, but because the CRP was so high he referred me to a neurologist, who also wondered why not a rheumatologist. BUT the neurologist also thought it to be PMR, but we had to do some blood work to rule out Lyme disease, because I had been bitten around the same time. So the Lyme was negative, but the CRP was 42. something. It's been four months since I woke up with the pain in my arms and shoulders. Now in my hip flexors, hips and back of thighs. My hands both now have what appears to be carpal tunnel. So splits on them. Fingers are so sore, feeling kind of numb and very stiff. Extremely swollen. I live in Canada, and these things take so long. Family doc retired just after the referral.


Hi John- my initial symptoms were so much like yours. I was able to get carpal tunnel release in both wrists sooner than I could get into the rheumatologist. It was the worst of my night time pain. I hope you get looked at soon -J


Hi all - Just wanting to wish y'all a Happy New Year and hoping remission comes to each of you! I was diagnosed with PMR the year I turned 70 - I am about to turn 77 so obviously I am a long hauler - hoping that you will find the lowest dose of prednisone where you can be comfortable and that your doctor will understand that is the goal.


He didn' t know I don't think although I did ask him, but because the CRP was so high he referred me to a neurologist, who also wondered why not a rheumatologist. BUT the neurologist also thought it to be PMR, but we had to do some blood work to rule out Lyme disease, because I had been bitten around the same time. So the Lyme was negative, but the CRP was 42. something. It's been four months since I woke up with the pain in my arms and shoulders. Now in my hip flexors, hips and back of thighs. My hands both now have what appears to be carpal tunnel. So splits on them. Fingers are so sore, feeling kind of numb and very stiff. Extremely swollen. I live in Canada, and these things take so long. Family doc retired just after the referral.

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I'm very sorry you developed this condition after your second Covid shot. I also experienced a PMR flare that began within days after my first Covid vaccination. It was my second bout with PMR after a thirteen-year remission. My symptoms were very similar to yours, with pain throughout my body. The carpal tunnel-like pain caused neurological symptoms in both hands. I saw a rheumatologist who prescribed prednisone, which relieved the symptoms. I am thankfully back in remission and no longer need prednisone. I hope you will find treatment and relief soon.


I'm still in the diagnosis stage, but it started 10 days after my second Covid vaccine. Agonizing pain. Waiting for neurologist to get back from Christmas vacation. Bloodwork done last week showing a jump in my CRP from 33.6 to 42 since bloods done end of November. Ugh. I find this very alarming.

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Hang in there. I've had PMR for 2 years now, and was diagnosed initially with a CRP of 46 which gave the rheumatologist proof of PMR. Are you not on Prednisone yet?

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