Anyone using Nicotine patches for Long Covid?

Posted by tgroff @tgroff, Apr 19, 2023

There is lots of discussion on Facebook Long Covid forums about nicotine patches helping with long covid symptoms after a few days of adjustment to the patches. Any thoughts on this?

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UPDATE: So I was feeling so incredible, and a day or so after my initial post I had a bad day/reaction to the patch. Almost passed out and couldn’t make a rational thought or statement, it scared everyone in my house (and it all came on almost instantly)…my family removed the patch and walked me to the couch where I slept for 3 hours and woke up feeling a little hungover. That feeling lasted 2 days. Today is my first day back on patch. I am just so determined to continue, in the hopes for any sort of normalcy. I still seem to have maintained the smells I gained, but do not think I am back to 100% (or even close), but it’s still better than it was so I will continue!!! I just don’t think people understand what it’s like having these issues and how much it has messed with my memory of what everything is supposed to smell/taste like. I find myself feeling really confused but I am still hopeful! Will continue to post as updates happen!!! I just pray we all find real answers someday…


Has anyone tried nicotine patches for their long covid? I would be interested to hear your experience - good, bad, whatever.

There is an article with a test on four people and positive results ... but who knows given the small sample size and lack of other literature confirming the efficacy.

Thank you

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A friend told me about a nicotine Long Covid trial last year in October. I looked up the research (search: 2013 Long Covid Covid 19 nicotine treatment impact Sars CoV 2) and found multiple papers. One publication was in January or February and had the mode of action (at least two) of nicotine on Sars CoV-2 virus and how the nicotine modulated cytokinin and blocked the ACE receptors. The other papers provided additional information and one was a study (August publication as I recall) in which 100% of patients with Long Covid recovered to symptom free in 7 days.

These were all refereed journal publications.

I started taking nicotine immediately. I found that the patch (7 mg) had no impact. With medications I have found that most are metabolism-weight dose reponses. So, I used two patches an additional 7 days (7 mg each). The adhesive bothered my skin, but I began to see a response. I augmented gum (4 mg, no sugar) one piece then two pieces, mid afternoon. I began to see very significant responses. Positive. After 28 days I had "found my dose-response" and began to see Long Covid symptoms dissappear including brain fog, attention issues, analysis and deep thinking issues, major short term memory, nerve jerks, nerve shooting pains, sweating, and control after one day of my Covid Viral Reactive Arthritis, etc...

Astounding. I am not nor have I ever been a smoker. Nicotine is bad..... this is all we have heard from medicine all our lives. No, smoking is bad. Nicotine comes from plants in the Solanaceae family. This family includes tomato, potato, pepper, egg plant. Two other plant species not in this family produce nicotine, cellery and cauliflower.

No, you do not have an addiction to tomatoz potato, pepper, eggplant, cellery, or cauliflower. It is not the nicotine which is additive. My family and I have all been using nicotine since October as needed. I have been diagnosed with Long Covid over five times, never recovering from it before I was reinfected by Sars CoV-2 again.

This is a game changer. My daughtef had Covid in January. After one gum treatment, her head woozy from the 4 mg dose, in 8 hours she had her smell returned and by the next morning her taste returned.

The issues: stigma, lack of knowlegde of medical professionals and researchers of truth, nicotine is a plant phytochem which protects the plant, fruit, and seed from pathogens and insects. I have a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology and Microbiology.

A green tomato, at maximim (50 mg nicotine reported), has more than 35 times more nicotine than a cigarette. The nicotine drops in ripe vegetables to lower quantities. Seed desimination by animals, birds, or insects would be eliminated if the nicotine remained high.

Returning to "the bad", the side effects are mostly minimal to none. Nausea seems to be the worst side effect for some, or the light headed effect.

I have no issues. I had Covid, Flu A, and bronchitis in December - January. I began treatment again after the Flu was over. It took about 14 days to see major improvement on my dose-response. I continued to take nicotine another three weeks and continued to see positive impact. I have not had covid again and the Long Covid was mostly gone in 28 days.



Today is day 6 of using 1/2 of a 7 mg nicotine patch for me. Also cold showers. No effect, good or bad. Debating on upping to using full patch. I am pretty desperate. I continue to lose strength. Can barely walk.


Finally started nicotine patches with my teenage daughter. Just a week on the patches, and we're definitely seeing less pain and more energy! More info is to be had on the Renegade Research fb group.


A friend told me about a nicotine Long Covid trial last year in October. I looked up the research (search: 2013 Long Covid Covid 19 nicotine treatment impact Sars CoV 2) and found multiple papers. One publication was in January or February and had the mode of action (at least two) of nicotine on Sars CoV-2 virus and how the nicotine modulated cytokinin and blocked the ACE receptors. The other papers provided additional information and one was a study (August publication as I recall) in which 100% of patients with Long Covid recovered to symptom free in 7 days.

These were all refereed journal publications.

I started taking nicotine immediately. I found that the patch (7 mg) had no impact. With medications I have found that most are metabolism-weight dose reponses. So, I used two patches an additional 7 days (7 mg each). The adhesive bothered my skin, but I began to see a response. I augmented gum (4 mg, no sugar) one piece then two pieces, mid afternoon. I began to see very significant responses. Positive. After 28 days I had "found my dose-response" and began to see Long Covid symptoms dissappear including brain fog, attention issues, analysis and deep thinking issues, major short term memory, nerve jerks, nerve shooting pains, sweating, and control after one day of my Covid Viral Reactive Arthritis, etc...

Astounding. I am not nor have I ever been a smoker. Nicotine is bad..... this is all we have heard from medicine all our lives. No, smoking is bad. Nicotine comes from plants in the Solanaceae family. This family includes tomato, potato, pepper, egg plant. Two other plant species not in this family produce nicotine, cellery and cauliflower.

No, you do not have an addiction to tomatoz potato, pepper, eggplant, cellery, or cauliflower. It is not the nicotine which is additive. My family and I have all been using nicotine since October as needed. I have been diagnosed with Long Covid over five times, never recovering from it before I was reinfected by Sars CoV-2 again.

This is a game changer. My daughtef had Covid in January. After one gum treatment, her head woozy from the 4 mg dose, in 8 hours she had her smell returned and by the next morning her taste returned.

The issues: stigma, lack of knowlegde of medical professionals and researchers of truth, nicotine is a plant phytochem which protects the plant, fruit, and seed from pathogens and insects. I have a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology and Microbiology.

A green tomato, at maximim (50 mg nicotine reported), has more than 35 times more nicotine than a cigarette. The nicotine drops in ripe vegetables to lower quantities. Seed desimination by animals, birds, or insects would be eliminated if the nicotine remained high.

Returning to "the bad", the side effects are mostly minimal to none. Nausea seems to be the worst side effect for some, or the light headed effect.

I have no issues. I had Covid, Flu A, and bronchitis in December - January. I began treatment again after the Flu was over. It took about 14 days to see major improvement on my dose-response. I continued to take nicotine another three weeks and continued to see positive impact. I have not had covid again and the Long Covid was mostly gone in 28 days.


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Using a combination of nicotine patches, gum, and lozenges, I recovered from many LC symptoms, including severe daytime sleepiness, fatigue, brain fog very quickly. I also developed chronic bronchitis post covid, which is improving with the nicotine, but taking longer. The issues remaining are: very labile, often dangerously low pulse oximeter values, and (I think related) extreme heart rate variability. The issues are, I believe, caused by central apnea (I also had to graduate from CPAP to BIPAP post covid for severe central sleep apnea and nighttime oxygen desaturations) and some diaphragmatic weakness. I currently need home oxygen for activity and when resting during the day. I am disappointed that the nicotine hasn't been helpful for this life limiting issue.


I am wondering if there is maybe one person within this research group who has had some success with the nicotine supplements for Long Covid - massive dizziness!!! . It will be three years next month in April when I was clobbered with my second Moderna vaccine and I have been a cripple for all practical purposes since then. Walking with a cane and still swaying and staggering like a drunken sailor. Have taken 4 Covid tests over the years, all negative, but the vax did me in. Have of course lots of other symptoms but the never-ending dizziness is hard to handle, especially after such a long time .... ;-( thank you kindly


Nicotine patch for long covid


Nicotine patch for long covid

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Welcome, @gooeagle7. I see that you are interested in learning more and connecting with others who have used nicotine patches to help with long COVID. For this reason, I moved your message to this informative discussion:

- Anyone using Nicotine patches for Long Covid?

Click the link to read through previous posts and to connect with others.

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