Congestive Heart Failure & Neuropathy

Posted by jillg @jillg, Jul 30, 2012

Looking for information on neuropathy and congestive heart failure. Hoping someone can lend and ear so to speak or has any information. I am having a hard time with my Dr.'s. Thank jillg

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Jill, I'm in CHF now, 5 weeks after suffering my first heart attack and having 3 stents placed. I have severe neuropathy in the lower extremities - and although I was diabetic before the heart attack, I never had this type of neuropathy. What exactly are you suffering with?


Jill, I'm in CHF now, 5 weeks after suffering my first heart attack and having 3 stents placed. I have severe neuropathy in the lower extremities - and although I was diabetic before the heart attack, I never had this type of neuropathy. What exactly are you suffering with?

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Thanks for replying, and sorry to hear about your health problems. I have CHF, no heart attack yet. I want to stop from having one, my Dr's are treating me with medicine and a breathing machine at night. I can't sleep at night, not sure why. The neuropathy I have had for about 2 years, lots of pain. Gone through lots of drugs that worked for a while like Lyrcia, Cymbalta, Neurotin. I am still on neurotin 600mg 3 x's @ day, plus norco a pain med. Can't walk much or do any exercise, oh I do not have diabetes. What can I suggest to my Dr's about my chf I want to prevent a heart attack? Thank care Jill


Jill, I'm in CHF now, 5 weeks after suffering my first heart attack and having 3 stents placed. I have severe neuropathy in the lower extremities - and although I was diabetic before the heart attack, I never had this type of neuropathy. What exactly are you suffering with?

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Well, my sister has been on 450 mgs of Lyrica a day and Cymbalta - no resolution. I don't have any advice for you on the CHF part except for exercise. That's my problem as well. With the recent heart attack, I've been told to walk as much as I can to build back my endurance - but the pain/neuralgias prevent that. It's a Catch-22, that's for sure! You didn't mention your age - but it seems like a nerve block would be helpful if your neuropathy was limited to one or the other extremity?? Don't know, just thinking aloud.


Jill, I'm in CHF now, 5 weeks after suffering my first heart attack and having 3 stents placed. I have severe neuropathy in the lower extremities - and although I was diabetic before the heart attack, I never had this type of neuropathy. What exactly are you suffering with?

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Well, I am 56 the neuropathy is now "uncontrollable" and pretty much all over. Exercise is out of the question for me also. I am now on methadone for pain. I want to prevent what happened to you. a heart attack. I watch what I eat closely but my fluid retention is real bad, how is yours.


Have you checked with any other doctors beside the one your seeing. mite make a difference if they can do alot of tests to see which one you have.


i started having severe neuropathy in legs and feet AFTER i was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. I have tried everything - compression sox for legs and feet, elevation, supplements - it is getting worse by the hour. can't sleep, walk, stand - pain is constant but funny, no swelling. my heart doc wanted to give me gabapentin - he was pretty sure it would help - maybe ask your cardiologist about it - i could not take it because i take Vimpat (and others) for my epilepsy and was told to talk to my neurologist. doc told me my CHF damaged my nerves and i am scheduled for an ultrasound of my legs and feet but the damage may be permanent. my heart goes out to all sufferers of this horrible, painful issue.

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