Low-carb healthy fat living. Intermittent fasting. What’s your why?

Welcome to the LCHF and Intermittent Fasting group - a place where you can meet other people who are living a low carb healthy fat life and others who want to learn about low carb healthy fat (LCHF) living and intermittent fasting. You can ask questions, offer tips, give and get support, and celebrate milestones.

Exploring the world of low-carb, healthy fat eating and intermittent fasting, I quickly realized that there are many reasons why people adopt this lifestyle.

What is your why?
Why did you choose LCHF? Intermittent fasting? Or both? What's your experience? What are you exploring?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the LCHF Living & Intermittent Fasting Support Group.

hello. I’m new to this group. I started intermittent fasting about 2 weeks ago as a way to reduce the weight added from being on steroids to control my PMR. I am now looking at adding a low carb diet and started exploring Keto. I found this group and I’m hopeful it will help.


hello. I’m new to this group. I started intermittent fasting about 2 weeks ago as a way to reduce the weight added from being on steroids to control my PMR. I am now looking at adding a low carb diet and started exploring Keto. I found this group and I’m hopeful it will help.

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Welcome @abbeyc, I'm glad to see you found this group and hoping it provides a lot of help and ideas for you. If you haven't read through the discussion yet there are many really helpful posts early in the discussion starting at the first page here - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/low-carb-healthy-fat-living-intermittent-fasting-whats-your-why/

You mentioned that you have already started intermittent fasting. I think that was the one most important step in helping me control my weight. Have you tried the Zero app? -- https://www.zerolongevity.com/


I tried Intermittent diet, that I think was working for me, but gave up because I didn’t know how to adjust different hours when I missed a day. (I am not of young age.)


I tried Intermittent diet, that I think was working for me, but gave up because I didn’t know how to adjust different hours when I missed a day. (I am not of young age.)

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What helped me was using the Zero app on my phone -- https://www.zerofasting.com/lp/fast-with-zero/

I just use the free version. I switch between the different fasts depending on how my daily struggle is going. Mostly doing 18-6, 16-8 and sporadically doing 20-4. If you miss a day, it's OK.


What helped me was using the Zero app on my phone -- https://www.zerofasting.com/lp/fast-with-zero/

I just use the free version. I switch between the different fasts depending on how my daily struggle is going. Mostly doing 18-6, 16-8 and sporadically doing 20-4. If you miss a day, it's OK.

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Will try the Zero app. Thank you. Blessings.


I have a lot of weight to lose and I am at the end of trying anything. But hopefully this may work for me if I do it right with help


I have a lot of weight to lose and I am at the end of trying anything. But hopefully this may work for me if I do it right with help

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Nanamae, how are you doing? Did you decide to try low carbs and healthy fat or did you start with intermittent fasting?

What is your goal?


Nanamae, how are you doing? Did you decide to try low carbs and healthy fat or did you start with intermittent fasting?

What is your goal?

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I am doing the intermittent 11 to 7 eating fast. It’s working mostly but sometimes I am just nausea’s and grab a100 calories of something to stop it by9 ish. I am also diligently writing down everything I eat with a 1200 to 1300 cal count as a goal. I have a carb of some kind most days but mostly one fruit and vegetables and mostly protein…I am down a few pounds but it’s a struggle.


I have neuropathy in the feet for 3+ years. Numbness only. No one can yet figure out the cause.
My sugar is within limits, but on the high side of limits:
A1C range: 5.3 - 5.6 (high normal is 5.7)
Fasting glucose range: 94 - 104 (high normal is 99)
I am 6-1 210, so roughly 30 pounds overweight
I am told by some that sugar is not the issue. But one neurologist said that even slightly elevated sugar can cause neuropathy.
I do think I notice that my feet are worse when I over eat.
I am going to try keto + fasting to see what happens. Will report back.
According to this guy, it works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcQxbN3XIMk


I have neuropathy in the feet for 3+ years. Numbness only. No one can yet figure out the cause.
My sugar is within limits, but on the high side of limits:
A1C range: 5.3 - 5.6 (high normal is 5.7)
Fasting glucose range: 94 - 104 (high normal is 99)
I am 6-1 210, so roughly 30 pounds overweight
I am told by some that sugar is not the issue. But one neurologist said that even slightly elevated sugar can cause neuropathy.
I do think I notice that my feet are worse when I over eat.
I am going to try keto + fasting to see what happens. Will report back.
According to this guy, it works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcQxbN3XIMk

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@rickhood, thanks for sharing the helpful video. I had not heard of treatment induced neuropathy (TIND). I've always been pre-diabetic and diabetes runs in my family. I typically do the one meal a day with my intermittent fasting and try to eat less than 50 carbs. It's only been the past few years that I've focused on losing weight and keeping it off. My A1C last December was 5.8 and fasting glucose was 100. I have been working to get the numbers lower but have not been able to cut out all carbs. I did try it after reading how Dr. Terry Wahls was able to treat her MS symptoms through diet and nutrition - https://terrywahls.com/about/about-terry-wahls/.

Looking forward to your update on the keto diet!

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