Low-carb healthy fat living. Intermittent fasting. What’s your why?

Welcome to the LCHF and Intermittent Fasting group - a place where you can meet other people who are living a low carb healthy fat life and others who want to learn about low carb healthy fat (LCHF) living and intermittent fasting. You can ask questions, offer tips, give and get support, and celebrate milestones.

Exploring the world of low-carb, healthy fat eating and intermittent fasting, I quickly realized that there are many reasons why people adopt this lifestyle.

What is your why?
Why did you choose LCHF? Intermittent fasting? Or both? What's your experience? What are you exploring?

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@ketokathy Correction to my previous post re OMAD. These macro numbers didn't look right when I was doing my meal plans for the week, so I went back and checked them. The revised numbers are calories 1200, Protein: 6-8 oz/@ 60 grams, Fat: 86 grams, Carbs: 7 cups veg/ leafy greens and under 10 grams other carbs. Math was never my strong suit, and dealing with percent of calories, grams, ounces, tsp, etc is trying. I really regret posting something that isn't right.

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I remember watching a few of Dr Bergs videos a while back. I will revisit some of them. Also I found his podcasts yesterday and am cherry picking those that seem most relevant.
I also skimmed through “the obesity Code” by Dr Fung until I got to the how to chapters.
So I feel armed for the journey. Now to live it 🙂


Yesterday was a good day. - 2 meals - at 9:30AM and 6PM. I distracted myself from a few moments of hungries. Given my druthers I’d have eaten the 1st meal later, but had to work around my day’s schedule
I agree on the usefulness of a Bluetooth scale - am very happy with mine. But after trying the Zero app, I’m not a fan (maybe because I’m not a premium member).
And I’m keeping my eye out for an infuser - very good idea!


Yesterday was a good day. - 2 meals - at 9:30AM and 6PM. I distracted myself from a few moments of hungries. Given my druthers I’d have eaten the 1st meal later, but had to work around my day’s schedule
I agree on the usefulness of a Bluetooth scale - am very happy with mine. But after trying the Zero app, I’m not a fan (maybe because I’m not a premium member).
And I’m keeping my eye out for an infuser - very good idea!

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I just use the free version of the Zero app also. The Bluetooth scale with weight, body fat, muscle mass, water weight and BMI helps me keep track of whether the weight ups and downs for me are water loss or I've used up some stored fat 🙂


@ketokathy I am totally sold on intermittent fasting as a tool for better health and weight loss. I assume from your name you are doing Keto. There are a lot of experts promoting Keto, most of whom you probably already know. Dr. Jason Fung seems to be the go-to authority to learn about fasting, and I have his book which reassures me it isn't dangerous to fast. To merge keto and intermittent fasting, I've learned the most from Dr. Berg. He has thousands of videos on YouTube and an amazing web site that describe different ways to do IF and IF with keto. I started IF with a 16/8 plan, moved to a 20/4 plan and am now doing keto OMAD (one meal a day). I was really struggling with how to put a meal plan together. Dr. Berg made it very simple -- I need 7-9 oz of protein, 7-10 cups of salad and vegetables, and 20 grams of fat. For two meal a day he recommends 7-8 oz of protein per meal, 8 cups of salad/vegetables a day, and 20-40 grams of fat per meal (please double and triple check this info before using it -- I get numbers wrong sometimes). He says not to count the carbs in the salad greens -- they are unlimited. That was an AHA moment for me, because I knew I wasn't getting enough nutrients from the limited amount of vegetables in 20 carbs. Drinking tea and specialized fasting tea from Pique Tea have made all the difference in the world to me, as has starting my day with a tbs of coconut oil in my coffee and sipping bone broth. They really suppress my appetite and give me energy. Because of a health issue, I can't exercise much but have slowly been building up my strength and stamina and am really enjoying walking outside a little more every day....but I've lost weight anyway. I'm a big believer in IF. I tried using various fasting apps but haven't gotten into using them. I do track nutrients on Cronometer? You are well on your way -- losing 30 pounds is a wonderful achievement! I just got some electrolytes which I think are going to make a big difference in all this too. Good luck! Nancy

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This is great discussion. As @johnbishop said, my wife Lisa and I do intermittent fasting and it and combination with LCHF are why we're down 60 lbs. (me) and 50 lbs. (Lisa) from our peaks. The key as Dr. Fung says is to have sustained periods of low insulin levels, which enables fat to be liberated from your cells and to get into your bloodstream and used for fuel throughout your body. A Keto/LCHF eating pattern does this because it doesn't spike insulin, but intermittent fasting really puts the fat-release process into high gear. One thing we have found is that just a little cream (two tablespoons) in our 24-ounce morning coffee increases satiety without raising blood sugar (and hence insulin) levels, and this makes the shorter eating window something we can incorporate for the long term.


I just use the free version of the Zero app also. The Bluetooth scale with weight, body fat, muscle mass, water weight and BMI helps me keep track of whether the weight ups and downs for me are water loss or I've used up some stored fat 🙂

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Here's a blog post I wrote about that Bluetooth scale @johnbishop mentions. I'm now on a 402-day streak of daily weigh-ins (I even took the scale in my suitcase when we went to visit our daughter's family). It's a great way to capture meaningful data we can use to gauge progress https://social-media-university-global.org/2020/12/get-a-bluetooth-scale/


Has anybody defeated anxiety consistently while on keto permanent life style?


Has anybody defeated anxiety consistently while on keto permanent life style?

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Hi @lorena1egas - You raise a good question. I not sure I could recognize my own anxiety but I have not been on the keto diet for any length of time. Have you seen this article? It may offer some useful tips.

Does the Keto Diet Cause or Relieve Depression?: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/keto-depression


I started intermittent fasting + relatively low carb 6 weeks ago and it is working better than any other diet I have done. I simply skip dinner 2x a week. To help me with that I drink vegetable broth instead which feels like you are eating something but is zero calories. The only other thing is I have high protein low carb lunch, often scrambled eggs. Very little bread. Oatmeal and walnuts for breakfast. In the past I just counted calories and that worked, but here I don't really need to count.

I started this to lose weight (6-1, 225 - trying to get to 185, I am at 205 now) and also to see if that helps with my foot neuropathy.


I started intermittent fasting + relatively low carb 6 weeks ago and it is working better than any other diet I have done. I simply skip dinner 2x a week. To help me with that I drink vegetable broth instead which feels like you are eating something but is zero calories. The only other thing is I have high protein low carb lunch, often scrambled eggs. Very little bread. Oatmeal and walnuts for breakfast. In the past I just counted calories and that worked, but here I don't really need to count.

I started this to lose weight (6-1, 225 - trying to get to 185, I am at 205 now) and also to see if that helps with my foot neuropathy.

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That is really great news! @rickhood. I also have had better luck with the intermittent fasting and relatively low carb and don't really feel the need to count calories. I just use a 4 or 6 hour eating window daily and am surprised that I don't really feel hungry and the need to snack at night like my old self with my Weight Watchers days. Have you used the Zero fasting app? - https://www.zerofasting.com/ I use the free version and it makes it so easy to follow a plan.


That is really great news! @rickhood. I also have had better luck with the intermittent fasting and relatively low carb and don't really feel the need to count calories. I just use a 4 or 6 hour eating window daily and am surprised that I don't really feel hungry and the need to snack at night like my old self with my Weight Watchers days. Have you used the Zero fasting app? - https://www.zerofasting.com/ I use the free version and it makes it so easy to follow a plan.

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"I don't really feel hungry and the need to snack at night " Yes, same here.

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