Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

Welcome to the Neuropathy group.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet other people who are dealing with neuropathy. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with neuropathy, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentor John (@johnbishop) and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.
Let’s chat. Why not start by introducing yourself? What concerns would you like to talk about?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.


This is very helpful, I always wondered (and must have been too lazy to look up) what their role was. Opening this up to everyone on the site, how have your experiences been with a physiatrist? Are they hard to find or are they scheduled so far out it's impossible to see them in a reasonable amount of time?

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Had no problem scheduling an appointment in about a week and follow up in about 3 weeks later. Needed a referral though. My neurologist was kind enough to do so. So far my experience is very positive. He is now reviewing all the scans, etc. for possible damage, and sources of the pain, etc.


You are lucky to have a choice. Cannabis is still illegal in Wisconsin.

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You aren’t far from Illinois or Michigan.


Yes, that’s a point, it’s illegal where I live as well. Old folks arrested for eating pot gummies?


I wish there was more info on usage of cannabis for pain. It really helps me, but it would be helpful if they started sharing some research results. I think until recently, it couldn't be used to research because it is still illegal federally. I'm sure someone is looking into it! I am sure there are probably side effects that we don't know about.

So what kind of doses and what form are you given when you go the medical cannabis route?

Maybe we will hear from some suffering people who have more info on using cannabis.

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I had a consultation with the pharmacist at the medical dispensary. He was knowledgeable about which strains, strengths would be helpful for pain, insomnia. It’s kinda trial and error. Start low , you can always increase a little at a time. It’s hard to figure out in Ct. because they don’t use the true name of the product so you have to cross reference the dispensary name online.


Hello @greenacres
I'm having a more difficult time sleeping than my usual insomnia.
I thought I would check in and see how your husband and you are doing. Your expression of gratitude for some simple strategies was very gracious and gratifying.
I have a follow-up appointment with a neurologist in October. He'll probably attribute my symptoms as poly pharmaceutical in nature. I don't have much confidence in the new doctor, so I'll go to my journal and write my questions, comments and concerns.


Yes, that’s a point, it’s illegal where I live as well. Old folks arrested for eating pot gummies?

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What happens if my pain doctor takes a urine sample and finds cannabis? They would drop me as a patient


Had no problem scheduling an appointment in about a week and follow up in about 3 weeks later. Needed a referral though. My neurologist was kind enough to do so. So far my experience is very positive. He is now reviewing all the scans, etc. for possible damage, and sources of the pain, etc.

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That sounds awesome. Please keep us posted7!


Hi Cathy-
I can't believe I reaad this! I have a toe on my left foot that starts to fire up in the afternoon and is like an ice pick stabbing pain. Up all night and nothing helps. Now this week I have 2 toes on my right foot doing it- I want to amputate them! FYI- I have had ideopathic bilateral neuropathy in both feet for about 10 years. I take 3300 mg gabapentin, cymbalta and klonopin ( 1 mg at night ) . Nothing helps with the toes. Luann

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Hi glad I'm not finally losing it!!! I have thought of cutting my toes off many times!!! Never experienced pain like it. I have had neuropathy for many years but just numbness for years. Over the past several years pain and burning has entered the picture. I am taking Gabapentin 1800mg daily. Many years on tramadol,but my pain doctor has decided I need to come off of that. I have been weaning myself off and of course the neuropathy pain has increased greatly. I also take klonopin .5 mg Which I am also wanting to stop. I am trying many things. Right now have found a little relief with voltaren cream and cbd cream,on my toes and burning areas. Also using ibuprofen and Tylenol. The pain,has altered my life...not for the best to say the least. It is so difficult to know what to do. My neurologist want me to start Cymbalta thoughts are why bother If It won't help me. I live in the flirida panhandle and have toyed with the idea of going to the mayo clinic in Jacksonville. Let's stay in touch us so good to share information. Cathy


Hi glad I'm not finally losing it!!! I have thought of cutting my toes off many times!!! Never experienced pain like it. I have had neuropathy for many years but just numbness for years. Over the past several years pain and burning has entered the picture. I am taking Gabapentin 1800mg daily. Many years on tramadol,but my pain doctor has decided I need to come off of that. I have been weaning myself off and of course the neuropathy pain has increased greatly. I also take klonopin .5 mg Which I am also wanting to stop. I am trying many things. Right now have found a little relief with voltaren cream and cbd cream,on my toes and burning areas. Also using ibuprofen and Tylenol. The pain,has altered my life...not for the best to say the least. It is so difficult to know what to do. My neurologist want me to start Cymbalta thoughts are why bother If It won't help me. I live in the flirida panhandle and have toyed with the idea of going to the mayo clinic in Jacksonville. Let's stay in touch us so good to share information. Cathy

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Hi Cathy’
Wow- we have a lot in common. So… I see a neurologist at Yale. Basically, he has just slowly increased the gabapentin to now I’m at the max- I will say if I miss a dose or am late, I can feel it as a nasty reminder so I guess it helps. I worry about what it is doing to my brain. He also put me on 30 mg Cymbalta. It is supposed to help? Maybe with anxiety and depression.
He also prescribed Tramadol, as needed. I’ve been taking it lately every day in the afternoon and again at night. Doesn’t seem to do much but no luck with Aleve or Advil. I got my medical marijuana card and have been using a the/Cbd blend at night. That helps some to allow distraction and some dulling of the general pain. Also my daughter who is a nurse told me about Voltarex cream - helps some. But nothing touches the toes. The ice pick pain is awful as you know! I wish I had Novocain to stick in there! I tried lidocaine cream - nothing. I’ve asked for an mri but neurologist says it won’t show anything. Wonder if there’s something in my lower spine putting pressure on nerves but he doesn’t buy it.
If I had a Mayo Clinic near me, I’d go.
Has yours traveled up your legs? Mine is starting …
Yes! Let’s keep in touch! I finally found someone who understands!
If you don’t have this, you have no idea!


@luann262 I am hoping 3300 mg is a typo and it's supposed to be 300 mg?

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Nope! 3300 mg - I take 600 am,noon , then 900 at dinner , 1200 at bed. I worry about the side effects.

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