Living with lung cancer - Introduce yourself & come say hi

Welcome to the Lung Cancer group on Mayo Clinic Connect.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet people living with lung cancer or caring for someone with lung cancer. Let's learn from each other and share stories about living well with cancer, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I'm Colleen, and I'm the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you'll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentors and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.
Let's chat. Why not start by introducing yourself?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Lung Cancer Support Group.


Today I put up this post as I need knowledge and support. This is all very new to me and I have never dealt with anything like it. My wife is quite calm and easy going and is patiently awaiting her results this Thursday. I am the weaker one and I show more fear then her. I don't believe that she is in denial keeping this a secret. I can say that the secret is being kept from our two daughters. My step daughters The girls are 45 and 49 and there biological father died from lung cancer a few years back and they were devastated. She will tell them when we find out more information. I ask for prayers.
Thank you

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@scoop2365 You are in my prayers as is your wife and are your daughters. It is a tough time for all of you. Quite often the one standing has a more difficult time than the one who is the patient. God bless you all.


Prayers. Hope all goes well. Above all ask questions upon questions, and research on your own then go back and ask more questions knowledge is power.


@scoop2365 So sorry you have these worries at this family time of year but you found a great group of people here. My two cent thought is to remember that if it is cancerous that no matter what options you are given that you very likely will want a second opinion and hopefully from a completely separate facility. I did not understand until it happened to me how we only had a handful of hospitals in our state with decent marks for lung cancer surgery and my doctors were not at one of them. (And, as a friend pointed out, the places that advertise the most are often not one, either.) It's a stressful time, but it helps when you have confidence in the team that handles everything. Prayers to you both.


@merpreb Hi, Merry! This reminded me to let you know that all went well at my check up the week before last. I can go to 4 months before the next one, which will be just shy of 2 years since surgery. If all good on that one, I can switch to twice a year. So, thankful at Thanksgiving here. Good thoughts to you on yours.


Thank you all for the kind words and prayers. I have prayed each and every day and sometimes more then once. I am happy to hear from you all, as you are all that I have at this point other then talking to my wife. It sounds like questions are key and knowledge is power so with prayer I hope we can fight this together. God bless you all and I will post our findings this week after Thursday. Hopefully all goes well.
Thanks everyone.


Thank you all for the kind words and prayers. I have prayed each and every day and sometimes more then once. I am happy to hear from you all, as you are all that I have at this point other then talking to my wife. It sounds like questions are key and knowledge is power so with prayer I hope we can fight this together. God bless you all and I will post our findings this week after Thursday. Hopefully all goes well.
Thanks everyone.

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Hi @scoop2365, as you can see, you will get first-hand experience and support from members who live with lung cancer like @merpreb @alamogal635 @bluelagoon and others, as well as fellow caregivers for people living with lung cancer or cancer like @burrkay @reibur1951 and @artscaping.

Waiting for results is tough. But remember, while lung nodules can be cancerous, most lung nodules are noncancerous (benign). Whatever you find out on Thursday, it will give you a plan for next steps. And the community will be here to accompany you, answers questions where we can and help you navigate the path ahead.

Should you wish to talk with other caregivers about caregiver in general, you may also wish to follow the Caregivers group here:


Thank you all for the kind words and prayers. I have prayed each and every day and sometimes more then once. I am happy to hear from you all, as you are all that I have at this point other then talking to my wife. It sounds like questions are key and knowledge is power so with prayer I hope we can fight this together. God bless you all and I will post our findings this week after Thursday. Hopefully all goes well.
Thanks everyone.

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You are not alone. I am a 12 year lung cancer survivor. The miracles and medical changes have been amazing. Lung Cancer has become my blessing. The support of Mayo Clinic has been remarkable and has given me a pathway to a great quality of life, for which I am grateful. I have learned that with time the shock of lung cancer becomes less harsh. The therapies and hard work of medical teams and research will continue to lessen our burden and create a better life for our children and grand children. God Bless You


@merpreb Hi, Merry! This reminded me to let you know that all went well at my check up the week before last. I can go to 4 months before the next one, which will be just shy of 2 years since surgery. If all good on that one, I can switch to twice a year. So, thankful at Thanksgiving here. Good thoughts to you on yours.

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Hi @bluelagoon- Today is my CT scan. I know that you know how I feel. I am very happy that your CT scan went well. Lots to be thankful for! Please stay in touch!


Thank you all for the kind words and prayers. I have prayed each and every day and sometimes more then once. I am happy to hear from you all, as you are all that I have at this point other then talking to my wife. It sounds like questions are key and knowledge is power so with prayer I hope we can fight this together. God bless you all and I will post our findings this week after Thursday. Hopefully all goes well.
Thanks everyone.

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The people on this site are wonderful, I don't post often enough for sure, but knowing the group is here has helped sustain me since my diagnosis almost exactly one year ago today!! If you are able to, my advice is get a second opinion!! Hugs


The people on this site are wonderful, I don't post often enough for sure, but knowing the group is here has helped sustain me since my diagnosis almost exactly one year ago today!! If you are able to, my advice is get a second opinion!! Hugs

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Always good to hear from you when you do post, @meka. Great advice for @scoop2365
Meka, how are you doing?

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