Living with lung cancer - Introduce yourself & come say hi

Welcome to the Lung Cancer group on Mayo Clinic Connect.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet people living with lung cancer or caring for someone with lung cancer. Let's learn from each other and share stories about living well with cancer, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I'm Colleen, and I'm the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you'll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentors and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.
Let's chat. Why not start by introducing yourself?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Lung Cancer Support Group.


Always good to hear from you when you do post, @meka. Great advice for @scoop2365
Meka, how are you doing?

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Good morning @meka, @bluelagoon @scoop2365 @alamogal635- My CT scan came back as unchanged, everything is stable! There were no changes! Yipee! I will have another CT scan in 6 months! That will make 22 1/2 years! Wahoo!


Good morning @meka, @bluelagoon @scoop2365 @alamogal635- My CT scan came back as unchanged, everything is stable! There were no changes! Yipee! I will have another CT scan in 6 months! That will make 22 1/2 years! Wahoo!

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Congratulations! You’re an inspiration for so many.


Hello Everyone. Last week I found this group in search of friendly ears and good advise and knowledge. I posted about how my wife's doctor told her through a X-ray she was showing a 1.7 cm and 3 cm nodule. This created so much concern that I had nowhere to turn except for hear. For those of you who responded with encouraging words and advise ,I thank you all. Our prayers were herd. We had a Ct scan on a Sunday and then had a appointment 4 days later with the specialist. The news was good. He has told my wife that she has pneumonia. Wow what a relief. He proscribed her with what he called a 5 day pill and sent us on our way. He said the CT scan showed no signs of lung cancer. As a precaution we will be going back just to see if everything is 100% ok in the next 4 to 6 weeks. I want to thank you all, and wish you all the very best and my prayers will go out to every one of you. Merry Christmas and live to the fullest each and every day.


Hello Everyone. Last week I found this group in search of friendly ears and good advise and knowledge. I posted about how my wife's doctor told her through a X-ray she was showing a 1.7 cm and 3 cm nodule. This created so much concern that I had nowhere to turn except for hear. For those of you who responded with encouraging words and advise ,I thank you all. Our prayers were herd. We had a Ct scan on a Sunday and then had a appointment 4 days later with the specialist. The news was good. He has told my wife that she has pneumonia. Wow what a relief. He proscribed her with what he called a 5 day pill and sent us on our way. He said the CT scan showed no signs of lung cancer. As a precaution we will be going back just to see if everything is 100% ok in the next 4 to 6 weeks. I want to thank you all, and wish you all the very best and my prayers will go out to every one of you. Merry Christmas and live to the fullest each and every day.

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@scoop2365- Scoop! Phew! What wonderful news. Relax and enjoy life!


Thanks for thr welcome Colleen. I'm a recently diagnosed, actually I had a CT that showed a "suspicious, spinated (?)" lesion and am gathering any and all good information I can get!. I'll check back after I've met with an oncologist.


Thanks for thr welcome Colleen. I'm a recently diagnosed, actually I had a CT that showed a "suspicious, spinated (?)" lesion and am gathering any and all good information I can get!. I'll check back after I've met with an oncologist.

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@mrmouth19- Good morning and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I looked high and low for "spinated" lesion and for the life of me I couldn't find the term. Do you have a better spelling?
I have an unusual lung cancer called multi-focal adenocarcinoma of the lung- it's plagued me for 12 years. Ten years before that I had my first cancer which was a simple adenocarcinoma, very fast growing.
Have you had your appointment with your oncologist?


Good morning @meka, @bluelagoon @scoop2365 @alamogal635- My CT scan came back as unchanged, everything is stable! There were no changes! Yipee! I will have another CT scan in 6 months! That will make 22 1/2 years! Wahoo!

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Great news to hear merry. Hope younhave a very merry christmas


@mrmouth19- Good morning and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I looked high and low for "spinated" lesion and for the life of me I couldn't find the term. Do you have a better spelling?
I have an unusual lung cancer called multi-focal adenocarcinoma of the lung- it's plagued me for 12 years. Ten years before that I had my first cancer which was a simple adenocarcinoma, very fast growing.
Have you had your appointment with your oncologist?

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@mrmouth19- Good morning. I'm checking up to see how you are doing. I haven't heard from you since December 20, 2019. May I help you in any way?


Great news to hear merry. Hope younhave a very merry christmas

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@sakota Hello Joan:

I just wanted to check in with you and see how you are doing. I see that you were dealing with a lot of health problems in December.

I would enjoy hearing from you. Will you post an update when it's convenient for you?


<p>I was diagnose with two kinds of lung cancer in 1916. I have mesothelioma in my left lung and plain old cancer in my right lung. I have been on Mayo Clinic Connect for several years, but have not been here for several months. I have been talking with Colleen and Teresa for several years. I would like to visit with Colleen and Teresa. Thank you. I would update them for the past six months.</p>

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