Iron Depletion in Blood related to COVID?

Posted by stellm @stellm, Jun 11, 2021

Has there been any reports of iron depletion in the blood after receiving the Pfizer vaccine?

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Upper and lower scopes were pretty much normal. Biopsy of duodenum negative for celiac. Waiting for other celiac profile labs to return but thinking they will be normal. They mentioned doing the camera capsule to see the areas not reachable with the scopes. Anyone find anything doing this? If nothing abnormal with the absorption then will continue with the oral iron for 3 months. Will recheck labs after 3 months. If not improved will start iv infusion. If absorption labs are abnormal will switch to iv sooner.
What am I missing? So tired. I know this is going to take a long time to come up.

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Non-invasive interventions is first line treatment… if oral iron supplements did not replenish your iron stores, the next step is IV infusions. If no improvement after infusions, then diagnostics which are invasive and carry risks become part of the medical plan.

I am sorry that you underwent such procedures before all first
line interventions were tried

I hope the infusions b ing you back to normal levels.


One more thought. After my second Covid shot back in 2021 my monthly friend was pissed! Very heavy (sorry tmi). For several months after. Maybe that was the start of it all and I never recovered? Doctors just shook it off as nothing.


Non-invasive interventions is first line treatment… if oral iron supplements did not replenish your iron stores, the next step is IV infusions. If no improvement after infusions, then diagnostics which are invasive and carry risks become part of the medical plan.

I am sorry that you underwent such procedures before all first
line interventions were tried

I hope the infusions b ing you back to normal levels.

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Thanks. I was overdue for the GI tests anyway - age recommendation.


Hello @stellm. I am not aware of any reports of iron depletion in the blood post Pfizer vaccine and when doing a quick search for information, did not come up with any either. Conversely, there is quite a bit of information on the importance of not going into the vaccine with iron deficiency due to the way in which the vaccine works. This article can shed light on the details.

- Normal Iron and Hemoglobin Levels Are Needed for Optimizing the Response to COVID-19 Vaccination:

Can you start by sharing more about why this is of interest to you to perhaps bring in other members who may be able to relate?

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Vaccinated with Covid 19 Bivalent booster months ago, was in excellent health before vaccine. I noticed Fatigue at first, then extreme fatigue,shortness of breath,racing heart rate, to name a few of my most serious symptoms. I had not seen a doctor in nine years, I had blood work done my hemoglobin level was 6.5. When I went in for the blood transfusion 4 days later my hemoglobin was 6.3. The doctors think I lost blood, but my RBC was in normal range,somehow the vaccine caused my anemia.


@maitri, @stellm & @trieste -
This is an interesting issue - I have a few questions for each of you, as we all look for answers about these new vaccines.

As I said in earlier posts, I have looked at both VAERS (the place to report reactions) and everything I could find through research, and this is a completely unreported issue to date. Additionally, my daughter a Covid health/triage nurse for a large health system has not heard of it either.

- Did you report the reaction where you received the vaccine or to your doc, so it could be recorded in VAERS?
- Were your low blood counts found as the result of your feeling ill after the vaccine, or during routine blood tests during other health care?
- Have the counts been repeated to see if they have improved?
- What did the doc have to say?
- Are you able to see your blood test results over time, to see if this is part of the normal fluctuations we all have?
- @trieste Did you or your husband have any other symptoms?

Sorry for the long list, but it certainly is curious that we have not seen any reports since Day 1, and would love to improve our knowledge of what is going on.
Thank you!

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I sent in a form to VAERS reporting my symptoms it takes three years to be compensated for countermeasure (vaccine). My four visits- 2 doctor visits, 2 ER Visits will be extremely high in cost out of my pocket. When I update or hear from Vaers I will include the low hemoglobin and iron results.


After reading all of your reports and comments here, I decided to look at VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and search for low hemoglobin or low ferritin reports. There were 420,000 adverse events reported out of 330,000,000 Covid vaccine doses administered. Of those 778 reported low hemoglobin or ferritin, 324 of those from the Pfizer vaccine. We cannot tell from this simple search exactly when, in relation to injection, these events were reported. Now is there a cause/effect proven by reporting. To make a comparison, I also looked at reduced ferritin/hemoglobin in VAERS for the Shingrix and Quadravalent flu vaccines (with far fewer doses delivered than Covid) and found 23 for each, out of 30-40 thousand VAERS reports.

I understand that this is undoubtedly underreported, especially since the discovery is coming some time after the vaccine. So, I would say that there appears to be some indication that some people may experience lower hemoglobin at a point after vaccination. In addition, it is known that some people show lower hemoglobin after having the Covid virus (even after a mild case sometimes.)

Perhaps, at some point we will come to a better understanding of all the interactions between Covid infections, the vaccine, and our bodies.

Has anyone experienced either
1) dangerously low hemoglobin of ferritin after vaccination, or
2) numbers that are not recovering?

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48 years old men in normally very healthy condition.
5foot7.. 68 kilo. Lifting weights.
Had blood works in November 2020 done as part of yearly checkup. All was perfect. Including ferritin.. iron levels and hemoglobin. Had pfizer vaccine first dose in march 2021 with no apparent side effects. Minimal pain. Started to feel tired and out of breath a few months later. Had one episode where I could not get back to my bed at night during a bathroom break and had to lay on the floor for some minutes before reaching my bed. Went to do blood work in June 2021 and they revealed I had extremely low iron levels. A hemoglobin of 99 (from140... view screenshot for overtime evolution). Since I did not do a blood test in march before vaccine then the drop would be steeper of the drop started then. Saw a hematologyst that prescribed me two iron pills of 150mg of iron a day. Did some ultrasound. CT imaging. Colonoscopy all perfectly normal. Due to the iron pills my blood level stabilized and I'm no longer anemic. However my hematologist was not satisfied with the iron level recovery based on the amount of pills I was taking a day. I just completed a gastroscopy last week to rule out stomach ulcers. All was completely fine. My hematologyst called my condition a mystery. I mentioned the possibility it could be linked to the COVID vaccine due to the strange timing. And complete lack of other cause. My hematologist dismissed it completely. And said it could be micro blood vessels in my intestine that could lose 5ml of blood a hour. So 120 ml a day . That could explain my case. However it would be not detectable. I still find it strange that I had no issues post vaccine. And that it was so quickly dismissed as a cause. That cause me to search the internet and fall on this post. I also did not find any research on that. Besides those people that had the same story as me. I'm now fine. All my organs have been checked. But still have to take 300mg of iron a day to maintain normal blood levels. I never gived blood. And since I'm male I have no menstruation;)


48 years old men in normally very healthy condition.
5foot7.. 68 kilo. Lifting weights.
Had blood works in November 2020 done as part of yearly checkup. All was perfect. Including ferritin.. iron levels and hemoglobin. Had pfizer vaccine first dose in march 2021 with no apparent side effects. Minimal pain. Started to feel tired and out of breath a few months later. Had one episode where I could not get back to my bed at night during a bathroom break and had to lay on the floor for some minutes before reaching my bed. Went to do blood work in June 2021 and they revealed I had extremely low iron levels. A hemoglobin of 99 (from140... view screenshot for overtime evolution). Since I did not do a blood test in march before vaccine then the drop would be steeper of the drop started then. Saw a hematologyst that prescribed me two iron pills of 150mg of iron a day. Did some ultrasound. CT imaging. Colonoscopy all perfectly normal. Due to the iron pills my blood level stabilized and I'm no longer anemic. However my hematologist was not satisfied with the iron level recovery based on the amount of pills I was taking a day. I just completed a gastroscopy last week to rule out stomach ulcers. All was completely fine. My hematologyst called my condition a mystery. I mentioned the possibility it could be linked to the COVID vaccine due to the strange timing. And complete lack of other cause. My hematologist dismissed it completely. And said it could be micro blood vessels in my intestine that could lose 5ml of blood a hour. So 120 ml a day . That could explain my case. However it would be not detectable. I still find it strange that I had no issues post vaccine. And that it was so quickly dismissed as a cause. That cause me to search the internet and fall on this post. I also did not find any research on that. Besides those people that had the same story as me. I'm now fine. All my organs have been checked. But still have to take 300mg of iron a day to maintain normal blood levels. I never gived blood. And since I'm male I have no menstruation;)

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My story is similar, so are MANY others in this group. I can't even imaging the numbers with similar issues that are not in this group.


I hope you start feeling better. It’s ridiculous how the government has treated this issue by ignoring it.

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Although costly and the blood given not completely screened, the unit of blood I received because of low Hgb hemoglobin 6.3 and low hematocrit saved my life.Was no longer dizzy, no tachycardia and more energy , shortness of breath just walking a very short distance. Although I have a long road ahead to feel good again. Pre vaccine,no pre-existing diseases, no drugs,excellent health, CBC normal. Sadly doctors will not believe the vaccine caused blood disorders. Truth is the Pfizer Covid bivalent booster where mRNA goes into every cell including blood cell needs to be looked at more seriously.


I have had 4 of the Pfizer vaccines. In December 2022 I collapsed on an overseas trip. Diagnosis iron-deficiency anemia. Had scopes. I had been feeling sick for about 4 months but doctor diagnosed high blood pressure. Now had two iron infusions and on iron supplements. SLOWLY feeling better but hearing more and more people in my community who had had vaccine and have been diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. Doctor will repeat bloods May 2023 to see if there is an improvement. The doctor who did the scopes expressed concerns that the Covid vaccine could be responsible. I live in South Africa, but my daughter's friends and colleagues in Australia are reporting the same incidents of anemia!

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