How often do you get scans when there are no significant changes?

Posted by jeffdt65 @jeffdt65, Jan 17 11:13am

Hi, all. My name is Jeff and I was diagnosed with an aortic aneurysm in 2021. I need to review medical records for precision but I know my bulge is in the mid to high 4 area. My last scan didn't show any significant change and my cardiologist wants to perform a scan every 18 months. Anyway, I just learned about this group yesterday and I look forward to reading up on other people's experiences and offering any insight I can about my own journey.

Thanks all,

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Aortic Aneurysms Support Group.


Your advice is why I am looking into joining a study for the new GORE ASG stent placed endovascularly.

The Aortic Disease Center at Brigham and Women's in Boston placed me with a cardiovascular specialist who isn't a thoracic surgeon, nor is he a member of the ADC team. He doesn't even have aortic aneurysm listed on his clinical interests. I have been with them for over 3 years, and I have never seen a thoracic surgeon for consult.

My aneurysm is at 5 cm currently.

Well, at least, as far as I know. Imaging results thus far:
5/10/21 Echo - 4.7 cm here and on tests with previous providers
10/22/21 MRI - 4.9 cm
12/5/22 MRI Angio - 5.0 cm
1/20/23 MRI Cardiac Non-Stress (not angio) - 5.1 cm with a 3.7 cm dilated pulmonary artery. Should be 2.9-ish. 4 cm would be aneurysm for a woman. No one is concerned. This was done because it looked like I might have left to right shunting. I didn't.
12/11/23 MRI Angio - 5.0 cm

We skipped 2024 entirely. I don't get scanned again until this August. I think my doctor is unconcerned because it's been stable since 10/22/21. I think 5 cm makes it a concern regardless.

I just think my care has been kind of haphazard. No surgical consult. No scan for over a year and a half. I have all kinds of weird labs indicating some sort of autoimmune/autoinflammatory condition, not to mention the symptoms, the dry eye, the glaucoma/visual field defects, the skin condition, the hearing loss, my genetic results... I'm 55!!! And it just really goes on and on. I've started taking more regular pictures to document what is happening. The two top contenders absolutely intersect with vasculitis that might result in an aortic aneurysm. Can't get a BWH rheumatologist to take it seriously.

So I am going to take those two things elsewhere. Well, everything elsewhere, really. It's very frustrating and scary.

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You need to run for the hills as fast as you can. I don't like what I'm hearing about this hospital. Keep looking until you find doctors who will listen to you and take you seriously. Your treatment as you describe it is not acceptable.


Thank you and sending good thoughts to you on your positive outlook☺️

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