Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?

Posted by redladyjoni @redladyjoni, Nov 26, 2018

I started having the only way I can explain it is internal vibrations. I've had them for 3 months now, I went to t hihe ER and they told me it was anxiety. A doctor diagnosed me at a clinic as having Lyme disease I've started a 21-day prescription of Doxycycline I'm on day 7. I went to a psychiatrist a week ago to get something because of my nerves are just over the brink. He prescribed me Gabapentin and Valium I've only been on them a few days.
Has anyone experienced these internal vibrations?I have them almost 24/7 chest neck stomach from the hips down. I have more lab tests that should be in today, but the doctor's office said that they would not call unless there was some abnormality in the lab work.

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The MRNA vaccine saved millions of lives and continues to do so. Some people out of the millions who received the vaccine have had reactions to it, some more than others and the varying degrees. So say that it was and is ineffective because some people had reactions is a cheap shot and inappropriate. Many of us older folks wouldn’t be here if not for vaccines.

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Is this your belief based on faith or based on facts? I for one would like to see the facts.

“ Vaccine efficacy against any SARS-CoV-2 infection was 30%”

From one of your links.


The efficacy waned over time which is why boosters were developed and will continue to evolve as the variants change. You can’t tell me you don’t know someone who had Covid, received the vaccine and came out alive. That is all the vaccine was meant to do. I’ve luckily never had it nor my wife and we shop locally with and w/o masks. We are both boosted too.


I have internal vibrations also. I vibrate most of the time, interanl organs and legs. No idea why.


COVID twice, even with the vaccines. I have what I can only describe as Jackhammer vibrations. I've learned to just go with the flow until they leave. It's not painful. Just annoying.

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Beyond helpful. Jackhammer vibrations is the same horrible sound (tinnitus?) I have had.
It lasted 12 long hours after a short treatment of prednisone which I immediately stopped.
I have used various descriptions of this head pounding; none were quite accurate. Imagine a jackhammer in your head. There are so many reactions to Covid shots. I got hugely sick. The jackhammer was an extra bonus for following the guidelines provided to the unsuspecting public. I am still not well months after getting the latest Covid shot.


I have them specially in my head/brain and I feel like out of it. Had MRI, MRA, electroencephalogram, etc neurologist don't know what is, makes me dizzy and also gets this horrible headache that lasts all day and sometimes the next

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Tinnitus is prevalent in conversations these days. Besides having the jackhammer pounding in my brain, I have been dizzy for days also. Covid shot? I read that all these tests are probably unnecessary, as many people are getting tinnitus, a fact that apparently neurologists are overlooking. The dizziness persists when I try to go outside making it trecherous to try to walk even with a cane.


I have had these vibrations for at least a year maybe longer. I have taken the first two covid shots and I have had covid. I was never so bad as to need to be in the hospital just the flu like symptoms for a week or so. Never did I associate it nightly vibrations I have when I go to sleep at night, and they wake me up. I change positions and it helps for a little bit till it wakes me up again. Sometimes my heart is racing but not always. It is scary but when I found this site and saw more people like me it was a comfort of sorts. Mentioned it to my Dr and they weren't concerned, but they didn't know what it was either. So is this a side effect from covid? I also suffer from migraines and have been taking medications for decades. I was on Topamax for years but for the last year I have been on Qulipta and for the last 3 years I have been on Eliquis for blood clots. Is there any connection to what I'm taking?


I have had these vibrations for at least a year maybe longer. I have taken the first two covid shots and I have had covid. I was never so bad as to need to be in the hospital just the flu like symptoms for a week or so. Never did I associate it nightly vibrations I have when I go to sleep at night, and they wake me up. I change positions and it helps for a little bit till it wakes me up again. Sometimes my heart is racing but not always. It is scary but when I found this site and saw more people like me it was a comfort of sorts. Mentioned it to my Dr and they weren't concerned, but they didn't know what it was either. So is this a side effect from covid? I also suffer from migraines and have been taking medications for decades. I was on Topamax for years but for the last year I have been on Qulipta and for the last 3 years I have been on Eliquis for blood clots. Is there any connection to what I'm taking?

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Also, once I'm up for the day it goes away. It is only at night while sleeping.


I have had these vibrations for at least a year maybe longer. I have taken the first two covid shots and I have had covid. I was never so bad as to need to be in the hospital just the flu like symptoms for a week or so. Never did I associate it nightly vibrations I have when I go to sleep at night, and they wake me up. I change positions and it helps for a little bit till it wakes me up again. Sometimes my heart is racing but not always. It is scary but when I found this site and saw more people like me it was a comfort of sorts. Mentioned it to my Dr and they weren't concerned, but they didn't know what it was either. So is this a side effect from covid? I also suffer from migraines and have been taking medications for decades. I was on Topamax for years but for the last year I have been on Qulipta and for the last 3 years I have been on Eliquis for blood clots. Is there any connection to what I'm taking?

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You are not alone. That is, in a way, comforting, isn’t it? I have them too, during the day and wake up with them in the morning. Like you, my doctor doesn’t think much of it. I had Covid (really sick) and all of the boosters. I am having a brain MRI so we will see what that shows …


I have had 3 MRI due to the migraines and all came back clear? Good luck and yes i'm glad I'm not alone.

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