Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?

Posted by redladyjoni @redladyjoni, Nov 26, 2018

I started having the only way I can explain it is internal vibrations. I've had them for 3 months now, I went to t hihe ER and they told me it was anxiety. A doctor diagnosed me at a clinic as having Lyme disease I've started a 21-day prescription of Doxycycline I'm on day 7. I went to a psychiatrist a week ago to get something because of my nerves are just over the brink. He prescribed me Gabapentin and Valium I've only been on them a few days.
Has anyone experienced these internal vibrations?I have them almost 24/7 chest neck stomach from the hips down. I have more lab tests that should be in today, but the doctor's office said that they would not call unless there was some abnormality in the lab work.

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I’m having the same tingling/buzzing/vibrating when I am either trying to fall asleep or waking up. It does not hurt but I am finding it very annoying and somewhat worrisome. I’ve read that some are thinking it is caused by the covid vaccines and I have had all recommended including the latest booster. I do not believe I’ve had Covid, Right now it is 1 AM and I got up out of bed hoping the trembling would go away. MIT has not.


I have internal tremors to from the covid vaccine along with tinnitus and tingling of my feet. Have you found anything that helps? It seems like it was getting better but it’s all of a sudden getting worse again. These internal tremors are quite bothersome. My body tremors and buzzes when I’m sleeping.

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I made my first comment on this site last night. I too have what I call internal vibrations or buzzing! Usually only in bed when trying to fall asleep or waking up with them. I do sometimes get up and walk around but that really doesn’t help much. I am not hurting at all, just wondering what’s going on!? I have not had Covid but have had all the shots. I am a female almost 74 and no other physical problems, except for a recent diagnosis of ortho static tremor in my legs! A neurologist told me I have what used to be known as ‘shaky legs’. All that means is that I cannot lift up both feet at the same time or I may fall over. I’ve been very careful to always hang on to something when I slip on a pair of shoes! That’s it, so I haven’t fallen since the diagnosis. Might that have something to do with this shaking inside? I just don’t know and my neurologist did not know what I was talking about when I mentioned these internal vibrations. I have read on this site about others having these vibrations. Any comments from others experiencing these symptoms?


I have had these internal fluttering, vibrations, or buzzing for almost 2 and half yrs now. Started before I had Covid and I have never been vaccinated, that’s my choice for not injecting something into my body that I know nothing about, so please keep all those comments to yourself. I’m here to discuss the symptoms I experience like many others, I too experience them only when lying in my bed, upon waking or falling asleep. Once I’m awake, moving around I don’t experience the vibrational fluttering. I was very scared when they first started, talked with a few drs, heart,spine and general. All said it’s anxiety, I do not believe it because I have no anxiety or stress in my life anymore, yet they are still present. I have had several tests for heart, MRI, and nothing seems to pin point the problem. I believe it has something to do with my central nervous system. All the other drs just want to push drugs on me. I am taking gabapentin and high blood pressure meds. If anyone finds any answers as to what this is or the cause, please share with the rest of us. Thanks


I have had these internal fluttering, vibrations, or buzzing for almost 2 and half yrs now. Started before I had Covid and I have never been vaccinated, that’s my choice for not injecting something into my body that I know nothing about, so please keep all those comments to yourself. I’m here to discuss the symptoms I experience like many others, I too experience them only when lying in my bed, upon waking or falling asleep. Once I’m awake, moving around I don’t experience the vibrational fluttering. I was very scared when they first started, talked with a few drs, heart,spine and general. All said it’s anxiety, I do not believe it because I have no anxiety or stress in my life anymore, yet they are still present. I have had several tests for heart, MRI, and nothing seems to pin point the problem. I believe it has something to do with my central nervous system. All the other drs just want to push drugs on me. I am taking gabapentin and high blood pressure meds. If anyone finds any answers as to what this is or the cause, please share with the rest of us. Thanks

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Hello and welcome @luckymspenny1 and @7881188. Thank you for joining the conversation about internal vibrations, tingling, buzzing, shaky leg, and all that other not so fun stuff.

You're both asking the great question of, "what is this and why is it happening?" Are odd sensations from COVID or maybe from the vaccine itself? Interestingly enough one of you has had COVID and the other has not, and one of you has been vaccinated and the other has not. If you scroll back through this conversation thread page by page you will find you're not alone in wondering. Many tests later prove nothing is wrong, many doctors later brush it off as anxiety. It is neurological, but why?

Because I have Central Sensitization Syndrome (CSS) and have experienced symptoms like restless leg syndrome, internal vibrations, buzzing, shocks, etc...I can offer you information about CSS that may help answer your questions. I will say that anxiety can definitely increase these symptoms, but not likely to cause them as some doctors chalk it up to.

I'd like to introduce you to Mayo Clinic's Dr. Sletten who heads up the Mayo Clinic Pain Rehabilitation Center. He offers an in depth look of CSS and explains the how the central and peripheral nervous systems can be affected with upregulation and changes. Here is a video explaining more -

Central Sensitization Syndrome by Dr. Christopher Sletten:

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJNhdnSK3WQ

I hope this helps explain some of what you're experiencing. Would you mind letting me know your thoughts after watching the video? There is a lot to digest. Does any of it resonate with you?


I wish I could tell you of something helpful. Could try low dose naltrexone, especially for your tinnitus. Aspirin and nattokinase 4000fu.


Hello and welcome @luckymspenny1 and @7881188. Thank you for joining the conversation about internal vibrations, tingling, buzzing, shaky leg, and all that other not so fun stuff.

You're both asking the great question of, "what is this and why is it happening?" Are odd sensations from COVID or maybe from the vaccine itself? Interestingly enough one of you has had COVID and the other has not, and one of you has been vaccinated and the other has not. If you scroll back through this conversation thread page by page you will find you're not alone in wondering. Many tests later prove nothing is wrong, many doctors later brush it off as anxiety. It is neurological, but why?

Because I have Central Sensitization Syndrome (CSS) and have experienced symptoms like restless leg syndrome, internal vibrations, buzzing, shocks, etc...I can offer you information about CSS that may help answer your questions. I will say that anxiety can definitely increase these symptoms, but not likely to cause them as some doctors chalk it up to.

I'd like to introduce you to Mayo Clinic's Dr. Sletten who heads up the Mayo Clinic Pain Rehabilitation Center. He offers an in depth look of CSS and explains the how the central and peripheral nervous systems can be affected with upregulation and changes. Here is a video explaining more -

Central Sensitization Syndrome by Dr. Christopher Sletten:

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJNhdnSK3WQ

I hope this helps explain some of what you're experiencing. Would you mind letting me know your thoughts after watching the video? There is a lot to digest. Does any of it resonate with you?

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Thanks so much for your comments. I feel lucky not to have some of the other symptoms so many have. My symptoms are pain free! I will look at the video first chance I get and will respond.



Yes I have gotten them since being infected with covid.
Many long haulers suffer with them. The only thing that seemed to help was vitamin b12 and folic acid. Also I did things to help vagal nerve. I did acupressure pressing one minute on a pressure pint located 1-2 inches below wrist. Pressure on that for a minute then on the other side multiple times a day seemed to help me get rid of them. Awful feeling.


Hello and welcome @luckymspenny1 and @7881188. Thank you for joining the conversation about internal vibrations, tingling, buzzing, shaky leg, and all that other not so fun stuff.

You're both asking the great question of, "what is this and why is it happening?" Are odd sensations from COVID or maybe from the vaccine itself? Interestingly enough one of you has had COVID and the other has not, and one of you has been vaccinated and the other has not. If you scroll back through this conversation thread page by page you will find you're not alone in wondering. Many tests later prove nothing is wrong, many doctors later brush it off as anxiety. It is neurological, but why?

Because I have Central Sensitization Syndrome (CSS) and have experienced symptoms like restless leg syndrome, internal vibrations, buzzing, shocks, etc...I can offer you information about CSS that may help answer your questions. I will say that anxiety can definitely increase these symptoms, but not likely to cause them as some doctors chalk it up to.

I'd like to introduce you to Mayo Clinic's Dr. Sletten who heads up the Mayo Clinic Pain Rehabilitation Center. He offers an in depth look of CSS and explains the how the central and peripheral nervous systems can be affected with upregulation and changes. Here is a video explaining more -

Central Sensitization Syndrome by Dr. Christopher Sletten:

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJNhdnSK3WQ

I hope this helps explain some of what you're experiencing. Would you mind letting me know your thoughts after watching the video? There is a lot to digest. Does any of it resonate with you?

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Hello, thank you for commenting, I will try and watch the video soon!!


Hi @crankyunicorn68 you may have noticed I moved your post to this discussion on internal vibrations that @johnbishop suggested. Simply click VIEW & REPLY in your email notification to get to your post.

Are these symptoms constant? Is there anything you can do to lessen them at this time?

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I have been having internal vibrations for a while.
The Vibrating is in my stomach area and comes on as I awake in the morning.

It goes away when I am awake for about 5 minutes and if I sit up on the side of the bed it goes away.

The thing is that the vibrations are increasing but it is not shaking, and I cannot feel any shaking if I place my hand on my belly.

I have spoken about it to my endocrinologist, and she says that she didn’t know what it was.

Any help in identifying the cause would be most welcome.



I have been having internal vibrations for a while.
The Vibrating is in my stomach area and comes on as I awake in the morning.

It goes away when I am awake for about 5 minutes and if I sit up on the side of the bed it goes away.

The thing is that the vibrations are increasing but it is not shaking, and I cannot feel any shaking if I place my hand on my belly.

I have spoken about it to my endocrinologist, and she says that she didn’t know what it was.

Any help in identifying the cause would be most welcome.


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I saw a neurologist that treats or specialist in motor senses . Yes this is real but most drs look at you like you have worms coming out of your head . They just don’t know it takes the right specialist . I have the tremors in my abdomen area and it wakes me up at night also . I have a cyst on my spine . I had lymphoma cancer and had radiation 11 years ago . Well they think the radiation was the cause.
But it could be caused by many things even environmental. Radiation saves your life but at the ten year mark all the damage shows up . I’m fixing to have pelvic wall reconstruction surgery Now u may not have had radiation but the tremors can be caused by many things . It’s something on your spine . A cyst or scar tissue . Have u ever had surgery that could cause scar tissue ? But what you are experiencing is real . Now mine has gotten a little worst but I don’t want my spine operated on . So we are in a monitoring mode . Go back in 6 months . Find you a neurologist that specializes in motor functions . Parkinson’s and MS . Good luck but you aren’t crazy . Research internal tremors . Hope you can get some answers but know it’s not in your head, it’s a real thing . Jackie

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