Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?

Posted by redladyjoni @redladyjoni, Nov 26, 2018

I started having the only way I can explain it is internal vibrations. I've had them for 3 months now, I went to t hihe ER and they told me it was anxiety. A doctor diagnosed me at a clinic as having Lyme disease I've started a 21-day prescription of Doxycycline I'm on day 7. I went to a psychiatrist a week ago to get something because of my nerves are just over the brink. He prescribed me Gabapentin and Valium I've only been on them a few days.
Has anyone experienced these internal vibrations?I have them almost 24/7 chest neck stomach from the hips down. I have more lab tests that should be in today, but the doctor's office said that they would not call unless there was some abnormality in the lab work.

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Hi. I am sorry you are faced with this and no answers to date.
I did find your post interesting. I have had an internal vibration that wakes me from my sleep only since March 2021. I feel mine in my thoracic area. However, I too had INTERNAL shingles in oct of 2020 continued suppression therapy until dec of 2020. I have experience 2 more upticks of internal shingles suspected on my part then confirmed with IGM and IGg testing for shingles. My PC has recommend I see an neuroimmunologist to evaluated the reoccurrence of shingles. Could you be having a reoccurrence of shingles? Are the lesions suspect of MS? This was another diagnosis that my rheumatologist has ruled out autoimmune disease now with blood tests of your ANA tiger which is markers to evaluate inflammation in your body. I do experience hip and groin pain, fatigue, and lots of burning( working with a pelvic physical therapist right now) on left side only as well as left thoracic pain and pulling and nightly vibration. I would be interested to know if shingles is playing a part in this vibration. No muscle relaxer or gabapentin is a help. Valacyclovir to for suppression of shingles. Only antibiotic ciproflaxin and doxcycline has almost eliminated the burning pain in hips, lower back, groin but not the vibration in my thoracic. ( cipro made it worst in my hands at night thrust awake). In the middle of 14 day dose of doxicycline for overgrowth of ureaplasma which can spread beyond the pelvis I just found out. I hope they have checked your magnesium levels with muscle cramping too. Hope you get some answers. My sanity comes from the app “Insight timer” meditations, talks, music for sleep and calming the sympathetic nervous system. It’s got 195000 free mediations to try! Don’t give up!

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Thank you for the support! I know the burning your talking about I get I have it also but no else enderstoood when I tell them there are days it feels like my skin is burning from the inside. Shoot I have wondered if it was internal shingles AGAIN but getting VA to check is impossible as my Dr Zarnik advised thats not real... idiot!!! Any way I. Sorry you are going through similar I know how bad the sleep deprivation makes it. I do not have my neuro apt until end of March so hopefully I can give some updates.


Hi, I have those internal vibrations and it raises my blood pressure. It gives me bad headaches and I am going crazy, neurologist don't know what is but I have white matter brain disease that I found on MRI wish I could find a resolution because it 's very bad.

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Im sorry you are dealing with this also and the unknown of what doctors offer. I will keep posted as I get answers.


Hello, I’m still having internal Vibrations as I describe them. Others may call it tremors. I started having them back in mid Sept. of 2020of the second week. Been to numerous Drs. Had many tests along with MRIs to CTs. Drs sees nothing that can be cause them except 1 area n my mid back where I have a cyst in my spine that may be causing fluid from going through normally. So I did some research in my prescriptions. Starting with something that was my latest meds that I could remember back then that I started. I called my Pharmacist over this past weekend after I googled” can Tremors and Serotonin leveled when taking Tramadol “ and it listed 9 out of 10 symptoms that I’ve been having all this time. Drs know what meds I’m on so I don’t understand how they couldn’t pick up on this. I have a appt in Ann Arbor hosp to start going through a bunch of tests next month, in March that I’ve been on that waiting list for the past year. But after talking a good while w my Pharmacist Saturday along w my family listening n he suggests I see my Family Dr which I do have my appt this Friday to get my next script for my meds. But Pharmacy says it can be very dangerous situation n needs addressed. So I’ve been reading from here for a good couple years from this problem n it seems a lot of you also seeing Drs for having the tremors n I never seen a response from anyone if whatever they done or seen a Dr for these has been resolved. My vibrations started mid Sept in 2020. It started in my left foot and on Nov. of that year it moved up to to my left knee, by December it had moved up both legs up to my waist. I’m anxious near panic attack n so nauseous. I started seeing a Neurologist, to a Neurosurgeon to a foot Dr. And all I got was don’t know. Could be the brain or spinal issue. It’s so uncomfortable I can’t sleep. I’m lucky I sleep 4 hrs a nite. Sometimes 1-2hrs. I do have tinnitus, my head is ringing loud. That’s another dr I’ll be seeing. But w these vibrations, it feels like a motor in my body where I can hear it nearly. It may have something to do w the tinnitus but that’s another time. I can’t rest or sit w out this rumbling going through my body. I’ll lay n then it rumbles all in my lower back and belly and legs. It may slow down to a 5 for couple hours but it’s constantly rumbling n my body like an engine. I don’t know how else to describe this. But I’m really praying it may be a Serotonin level situation. From what I’ve read it can be dangerous n also Gabapentin may be related to. I started that In maybe year and half ago due to nerves making my arms twitch. One Neurologist said I don’t have a Parkinson’s issue. My mom passed in 2017 n she had PD for a few years. So if anyone can comment on their results or Diagnose of Tremors or internal Vibrations I’d appreciate any note’s relating to this subject. I started having the nervy feelings in my arms just shortly after having a Cervical Fusion on my C4-C5-C6-C7 and that’s why they gave me the Gabapentin. But the tremors r all inside from waist to bottom of my feet. So I hope this can lead to some insight of what maybe some meds might be responsible to causing Silent Tremors inside. Hope I hear any replies relating to this matter. Good luck and God Bless all! Thank You much for allowing me to post this.


Hello, I’m still having internal Vibrations as I describe them. Others may call it tremors. I started having them back in mid Sept. of 2020of the second week. Been to numerous Drs. Had many tests along with MRIs to CTs. Drs sees nothing that can be cause them except 1 area n my mid back where I have a cyst in my spine that may be causing fluid from going through normally. So I did some research in my prescriptions. Starting with something that was my latest meds that I could remember back then that I started. I called my Pharmacist over this past weekend after I googled” can Tremors and Serotonin levels be


Im 40 years old and been living with these issues for several years now becoming worse with time.
Currently is call it a flare up but I get severe internal vibrations through out my entire body. The vibrations do not stop I get severe muscle spasms in legs, feet(feels like toes are going to pry foot apart) and hands that often cause me to drop things or fall. I get muscle jerks which feel very different more like a rubber band snap but my muscle pulling inward ( abdomen, arms and legs). I have joint pain in hips, wrist, elbos and feet. I cant sleep constantly in pain or movement. Im beyond fatigued unsure from sleep loss or pain. My brain is a mess with migraines and liss of attention and retention of memory.
2017 I had Valley Fever pretty bad and it was dormants. My vibrations and pain started in 2018 and infectious disease docs at VA hospital declared not related. It took till 2021 for VA to get me into neurologist that found some brain lesionsin frontal left lobe and labs showing I had internal shingles. I was medicated and felt great for about 6 months then back again while I was pregnant and increased with issues and pain after pregnancy. I currently am waiting to see a diff neurologist but appointments keep getting pushed back. I am on duloxetine60mg for depression and hopes would help pain and vibrations. It seems that i will get about 2 month gaps when feel pretty good then one day it all flares up again for months. It calms as fast as it comes on but been this way for several years. Only thing that mildly help is very and I mean very hot baths. Any insight or valudation Im not crazy and what Im going through would be great!

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Hello @cez1981 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I saw you were looking to connect with other members on internal vibrations, so you will notice that I have moved your post into an existing discussion you can find here:
- Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/internal-viberations/

It is great to see that @hope23 @khali and others have joined you already! I will let you all compare your experiences.


I have been experiencing tremors, internal vibrations, trouble walking and talking. I've got to get a second opinion because my neurologist doesn't think it's anything to worry about. I have RA, Fibro, MCTD, and other things. I'm thinking MS because I have never heard of the other diseases cause this trouble. Any ideas?

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Yes, I have them too and is because the White Matter Brain disease. I get all day headaches, high blood pressure which I have not have before, nausea, dizziness


yes I have them all day every and cannot get diagnosed 2 neurologist same office say anxiety it is NOT anxiety no reslove I am miserable and have tinnitus too

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Have you ever been exposed to ticks I was exposed as a young child in the Adirondack Mountains I know I had ticks on me and at that time antibiotics were not given I have a vibration feeling often in my body which seems to make me feel weak at the same time. I've experienced this twice in the past and was diagnosed with Lyme disease it will show up in the blood when a Lyme test is given . Thank God intravenous antibiotics were finally given. oral antibiotics simply don't work I got over it in about 6 weeks each time and was fine for many years until it seems it comes back especially it seems if I am overly tired. I have this at the present time and will be looking for a doctor to put me back on intravenous antibiotics. I can't believe how ignorant many doctors are about Lyme disease.


Have you ever been exposed to ticks I was exposed as a young child in the Adirondack Mountains I know I had ticks on me and at that time antibiotics were not given I have a vibration feeling often in my body which seems to make me feel weak at the same time. I've experienced this twice in the past and was diagnosed with Lyme disease it will show up in the blood when a Lyme test is given . Thank God intravenous antibiotics were finally given. oral antibiotics simply don't work I got over it in about 6 weeks each time and was fine for many years until it seems it comes back especially it seems if I am overly tired. I have this at the present time and will be looking for a doctor to put me back on intravenous antibiotics. I can't believe how ignorant many doctors are about Lyme disease.

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Sorry about the Lyme disease n yes I agree some Drs don’t have an idea what my vibrations are all about Except, on my MRI it does show a cyst n the spine about 3 inches long that may be preventing fluid to flow through properly. And he’s a Neurosurgeon who should know better n study more instead of telling me I need to follow up w a Neurologist. Well the one he had sent me to in the beginning only ran tests n didn’t want to get his hands dirty the way I feel. Just wants to sit back run the scans n then say sorry n not even evaluate or look over my back or neck. You can clearly see I’m hunch back from this. Meaning I have chronic back pain in 2 areas. Lower n mid back. When will Drs pay more attention to us? I just can’t understand it. It’s like they don’t have the time to study up on issues or talk w other Drs or Specialists to see if they’ve encountered such a thing. I can’t believe we’re the only ones with this problem. I’ve had this nearly 2 1/2 yrs now. I’m goin to Ann Arbor U of M next week n I Pray after their tests they know what my symptoms are all about. These vibrations r miserable at times. I’ve cried on my Dear Husband of 44 yrs shoulders since these started. My family is very patient of me. My lower half from mid back down to my feet. It’s like sitting on a rough motorcycle for hours but 10 times that amount. Some days like now it’s really angry. They’re rumbling to hard where I can just about hear it. I’m sure it’s spinal which explains my spondylitis or occipital nerves cause occasionally I can almost feel it at my chest n arms a few times. Not often just few times but they never seem to rest and I have to go to sleep this way. And when I wake up yep, they’re still w me. Only once I didn’t feel it for a day. And that’s when I had my total knee replacement n Nov. 21’ but I’m thinking that was due to maybe the nerve block or extremes plus the fentanyl that put me out. But 2nd day later they gradually built back up. We’re the only ones that knows how our Bodies work. I’m gonna have to be more voice full to get the needed attention. I know 1 Neurologist said last yr that might be next thing to go see Mayo Clinic. But I’m not sure how that works. My husband is retired but I do have good insurance (blue cross) darn these r Angry right now. I know after these started back in 20’ I was freaking out. My hands n arms was swinging like PD. Most people I’d imagine couldn’t handle this. I’m so grateful for my family and friends plus you Folks here. Knowing that I’m Not the only one. Our Drs need to follow up more n not get to over whelmed w getting more new patients. They should study up more on things I believe. There’s more diseases etc out there to understand. It can’t be just making another buck. I really appreciate responses to this. I’m so glad but sorry that I’m not imagining this. I just wish my Drs could feel this for 30 seconds n maybe it’ll dawn on them “yes, does feel like spine problems or how can anyone live w this? “ Thank you so much for your support n hopefully someone knows more about this. God Bless us All!


I have had these internal fluttering, vibrations, or buzzing for almost 2 and half yrs now. Started before I had Covid and I have never been vaccinated, that’s my choice for not injecting something into my body that I know nothing about, so please keep all those comments to yourself. I’m here to discuss the symptoms I experience like many others, I too experience them only when lying in my bed, upon waking or falling asleep. Once I’m awake, moving around I don’t experience the vibrational fluttering. I was very scared when they first started, talked with a few drs, heart,spine and general. All said it’s anxiety, I do not believe it because I have no anxiety or stress in my life anymore, yet they are still present. I have had several tests for heart, MRI, and nothing seems to pin point the problem. I believe it has something to do with my central nervous system. All the other drs just want to push drugs on me. I am taking gabapentin and high blood pressure meds. If anyone finds any answers as to what this is or the cause, please share with the rest of us. Thanks

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It happens to me as well. I am currently on klonopin which I take at bedtime and it stops it!!

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