Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?

Posted by redladyjoni @redladyjoni, Nov 26, 2018

I started having the only way I can explain it is internal vibrations. I've had them for 3 months now, I went to t hihe ER and they told me it was anxiety. A doctor diagnosed me at a clinic as having Lyme disease I've started a 21-day prescription of Doxycycline I'm on day 7. I went to a psychiatrist a week ago to get something because of my nerves are just over the brink. He prescribed me Gabapentin and Valium I've only been on them a few days.
Has anyone experienced these internal vibrations?I have them almost 24/7 chest neck stomach from the hips down. I have more lab tests that should be in today, but the doctor's office said that they would not call unless there was some abnormality in the lab work.

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First of all, please get copies of your lab results--whethervthey are normal or not! Don't rely on the lab or doctor to "get back to you".

Secondly, what "kind" of vibrations? Tingling, light? Fluttering? Heavy anxiety type? I also get them, but they're very definitely related to anxiety in my case. I'd be interested to hear about yours.

Also, going off some antidepressants causes "vibrations", esp in the center of your head, as with Effexor withdrawal.


I do and I feel like nobody can tell us why this happens, I do have anxiety but it’s from dealing with this stuff for years.


I do and I feel like nobody can tell us why this happens, I do have anxiety but it’s from dealing with this stuff for years.

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I get heavy vibrations inside my body with stress being the main culprit, vibrations and noise like a hammer hammering, vibrations in my new apartment from the heating system being in the floor, so now I can’t live there because the vibrations go right through me making me so uncomfortable and painful constantly. My body doesn’t feel at all similar to my body prior to NMO Aquaporin 4 positive attack with extensive longitudinal transverse myelitis damaging T3 -T7. I would love to learn about other patients similar to me.


I do and I feel like nobody can tell us why this happens, I do have anxiety but it’s from dealing with this stuff for years.

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I feel horrible vibrations so much it causes me to have small anxiety attacks. I feel totally different feelings and many of them in my body now. The main culprit is anxiety, stress. Second for me is vibrations and loud noises. I prefer silence now.I’m trying to find similar NMO people like myself.


I get heavy vibrations inside my body with stress being the main culprit, vibrations and noise like a hammer hammering, vibrations in my new apartment from the heating system being in the floor, so now I can’t live there because the vibrations go right through me making me so uncomfortable and painful constantly. My body doesn’t feel at all similar to my body prior to NMO Aquaporin 4 positive attack with extensive longitudinal transverse myelitis damaging T3 -T7. I would love to learn about other patients similar to me.

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When my husband is upstairs in treadmill I can feel it so much!! Mine is most likely due to the small fiber neuropathy from having sjogrens but doctors still think I am cuckoo. I mentioned to my rheumatologist over 10 years ago and he said he has often heard of this happening with his patients but then I go to neurologist and they push you off.


I recently started getting internal vibrations that are mostly in my back. I don’t seems to have them all the time. But I’m a little worried about it. Anyone else experienced this?


I recently started getting internal vibrations that are mostly in my back. I don’t seems to have them all the time. But I’m a little worried about it. Anyone else experienced this?

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Hi @pattiwagon2424,
Welcome. I moved your post about internal vibrations to this existing discussion
- Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/internal-viberations/

I did this so you can read the previous messages by members and connect with others like you.

Patti, I can imagine you're worried about this. Have you noticed any patterns as to when you get these vibrations, time of day, activities that trigger them, etc? Have you talked to your doctor about them?


Hi @pattiwagon2424,
Welcome. I moved your post about internal vibrations to this existing discussion
- Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/internal-viberations/

I did this so you can read the previous messages by members and connect with others like you.

Patti, I can imagine you're worried about this. Have you noticed any patterns as to when you get these vibrations, time of day, activities that trigger them, etc? Have you talked to your doctor about them?

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Hello. No I have not talked to a doctor yet. It just started last week. I don’t know of any triggers yet, except it happened when I was exhausted. I have had it happen a couple other times but not as severe. And it’s always located in my back. Thank you for your reply.


I feel horrible vibrations so much it causes me to have small anxiety attacks. I feel totally different feelings and many of them in my body now. The main culprit is anxiety, stress. Second for me is vibrations and loud noises. I prefer silence now.I’m trying to find similar NMO people like myself.

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I have almost constant vibrations in the soles of my feet when at rest. It seems to go along with my Tinnitus. Nobody can explain either condition or why they seem to be related.


I recently started getting internal vibrations that are mostly in my back. I don’t seems to have them all the time. But I’m a little worried about it. Anyone else experienced this?

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Do your internal vibrations come on with stress or loud sounds like construction or types of vibrations?

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