Severe anxiety/depression. Need help.

Posted by Mimi @anoushey, Oct 22, 2018

Hey everyone,
Five months ago I had mental breakdown and wasn’t able to get out of bed, let alone work or even get out for a meal for days. I experienced severe depersonalisation/depression/anxiety and involuntary bouts of crying.
The doctor put me on venaflaxine which made me borderline suicidal. Was then gently moved to Zoloft but the side effects including suicial ideation, eye pain, blurred vision, seeing black spots, nausea etc didn’t leave me. I was switched for the 3rd time onto the lightest dose of Escitalopram 5mg 6th of last month with 100mg Pregabalin in the mornings and 100mg Pregabalin in the night.
I’ve taken off work because nothing in life interests me at this point and am barely living one day at a time. I know I’m not suicidal but the ideation doesn’t go, however if I try and stop the meds, the anxiety comes back with a vengeance. I also suffer from diurnal mood variation disorder, which means my mornings/afternoons are the worst and I only feel better by evening. I’m slowly trying to get off the pregabalin. And am going to increase dose of anti depressants. Anyone have any clue on this? Sorry for the lengthy message. Am desperate.

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Yes, I do have ample family support thankfully but my anxiety is baddddd. I’m seeing the doctor again on the 1st and hoping for the best

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Mimi, I hope you are still in this loop. If so, can you tell me what your anxiety symptoms are? When I get a “spell” I truly feel like I’m about to die. Waves of nervousness, nausea, sense of doom. Yucky!!!!


Sounds like a panic attack. Talk to your doctor, Valium helps to reduce and relax symptoms. Anxiety and panic attacks suck.


Hi I hope things get better I am dealing with anxiety but I have been diagnosed with chronic pain crps I had a breakdown at the doctor office and I am currently taking gabapentin for nerve pain the doctor said that a family physcholgist comes in once a week and he had different meds he was going to put me on but want me to see her .


Hi I hope things get better I am dealing with anxiety but I have been diagnosed with chronic pain crps I had a breakdown at the doctor office and I am currently taking gabapentin for nerve pain the doctor said that a family physcholgist comes in once a week and he had different meds he was going to put me on but want me to see her .

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Hi, @cyme - sorry to hear you are dealing with chronic pain and also anxiety. It's understandable dealing with continual pain issues could lead to a breakdown.

I'd like to introduce you to @lizzyisme @annedodrill44 @anoushey @stressedmesseddepressed @cdcc @gailb, who may have some thoughts on living with anxiety.

What types of symptoms are you experiencing with your anxiety?


I dont know I ha e an doctor appointment Friday for my anxieties and I will learn then as to what they will put me on for anxieties I am already taken gabapentin for my nerves and pain. I want listen in to what everyone else has to say


I dont know I ha e an doctor appointment Friday for my anxieties and I will learn then as to what they will put me on for anxieties I am already taken gabapentin for my nerves and pain. I want listen in to what everyone else has to say

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Hi, @cyme - I'd also like to suggest you check out our Chronic Pain group, Will update this week about what your doctor recommends?


Hi I hope things get better I am dealing with anxiety but I have been diagnosed with chronic pain crps I had a breakdown at the doctor office and I am currently taking gabapentin for nerve pain the doctor said that a family physcholgist comes in once a week and he had different meds he was going to put me on but want me to see her .

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Please get tested for lyme disease and not by ur dr. Go see a lyme literate dr because the test are accurate and the Elissa and Wester Blot or less than 40% affective.

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