How do you manage daily life with IBS-D?

Posted by pjss48 @pjss48, Dec 11, 2018

I have IBS with diarrhea. I'm taking med for it. Had several bowel movements already today. How do you get things done in house and go out on errands and going to Dr appointments? Driving me crazy!

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srobison I also have IBS=D and it really was out of control. After my first meal within an hour of going outside I would get diarrhea and it was bad. So when I finally went to a gastroenterologist he gave me amitriptoline, dyclomine and Put me on over the counter fiber like Metamucil and yogurt which I take daily. This combo seems to be working. I rarely get diarrhea and if I do I take something over the counter. These combos are still working for me. I hope this was helpful

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Yes, it is helpful and gives me some hope. Thank you.


Hi to all. I have been battling spontaneous and severe diarrhea along with back pain for several years. I have really no life when I go outside, see friends, no social life because of this. Latest diagnosis is IBS-D Given Viberzi 100mg twice daily. I have severe abdominal pain and block up. I also have pretty intense spinal problems. I had a spinal fusion L2-L7. I have pain and numbness, buttocks and back leg pain. I have researched and found Cauda equine syndrome, which I know you are not suppose to do this but my doctors are not ones who go beyond what they have already done. I cannot control this diarrhea, cannot stop it and I am really at the end of a pretty long rope. Can anyone share suggestions or anything. I have been to Mayo and I will come back. I live several states away. But would like to hear any comments. Thanks you, Sharon

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I understand your problems--I also have suffered with IBS for years. Used Alosetron for a year and for some reason it quit working. Dr. switched me to Viberzi I had severe cramps and was throwing up--Dr. said try to stick with it--I am looking for a second opinion. Anyone have a diet suggestion?


I understand your problems--I also have suffered with IBS for years. Used Alosetron for a year and for some reason it quit working. Dr. switched me to Viberzi I had severe cramps and was throwing up--Dr. said try to stick with it--I am looking for a second opinion. Anyone have a diet suggestion?

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Did you read my comments? About vegetables and protein simple and clean diet. Processed foods are very effective and are causing problems. The best is steamed or cooked vegetables with olive oil or chicken broth. Low salt. No bread, carbohydrates, and sugars. I am learning about the behavior of the liver. Never suspected bread and sweets causing diabetes, triglycerides, GERD, Crohn's, high blood pressure, and inflammation pain sometimes called arthritis. I have all those under control understanding how the liver works. The liver loves vegetables specially raw. I heard of incidents people healing eating raw vegetables. I've tested it and it takes the inflammation pain down in one hour. I am scared of the bacteria concentration therefor I cook the vegetables. But if I eat things I shouldn't and get a lot of pain I eat raw vegetables specially broccoli and cauliflower. I take charge of the pain quickly. The secret is the medical science must learn how to test the liver to know the quantities of free radicals, toxins, fat, and other trouble makers that accumulates in the liver. How is the liver functioning as the person is suffering from IBS or Crohn's. If doctors had to pay for our medicines from their own pocket I wonder what they will advise. It will be a totally different treatment I am sure. I am convinced since 1960 that the liver controls our health. I almost lost part of my intestines to correct diagnosis of severe inflamación causing a lot of pain medication not able to stop. A doctor in Italy knew what to do immediately when he touched my pain and I fainted. He cleaned my liver. I was brand new for 3 years and never lost part of my intestines. I can't convince the Doctors in USA that there are treatments that removes inflammation, allergies, Crohn's, IBS, arthritis, memory problems just by understanding the liver. Why is it that nutritionist know it and our medical doctors don't know it. It makes me very upset specially when they will not listen. I heard the liver have about 500 functions so easy to get us sick even one of the function if not working properly. I hope Mayo Clinic does something about it.


I understand your problems--I also have suffered with IBS for years. Used Alosetron for a year and for some reason it quit working. Dr. switched me to Viberzi I had severe cramps and was throwing up--Dr. said try to stick with it--I am looking for a second opinion. Anyone have a diet suggestion?

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Yes, I certainly did and I'm trying to absorb all this great information...thank you.


srobison I also have IBS=D and it really was out of control. After my first meal within an hour of going outside I would get diarrhea and it was bad. So when I finally went to a gastroenterologist he gave me amitriptoline, dyclomine and Put me on over the counter fiber like Metamucil and yogurt which I take daily. This combo seems to be working. I rarely get diarrhea and if I do I take something over the counter. These combos are still working for me. I hope this was helpful

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I too, eat yogurt, eat a high fiber cereal, and take Metamucil-type fiber therapy pills every day. It's been over four years now and I seldom experience diarrhea. I sometimes still have cycles of stomach pain and discomfort, but the unpredictable diarrhea that made life so miserable for many years - I no longer have. Just so thankful not to have the sudden and intense episodes of diarrhea that use to plague my life!


srobison I also have IBS=D and it really was out of control. After my first meal within an hour of going outside I would get diarrhea and it was bad. So when I finally went to a gastroenterologist he gave me amitriptoline, dyclomine and Put me on over the counter fiber like Metamucil and yogurt which I take daily. This combo seems to be working. I rarely get diarrhea and if I do I take something over the counter. These combos are still working for me. I hope this was helpful

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I can imagine just how happy I would be and I am going to try it at once...can you give me any brand of yogut or cereal?


srobison I also have IBS=D and it really was out of control. After my first meal within an hour of going outside I would get diarrhea and it was bad. So when I finally went to a gastroenterologist he gave me amitriptoline, dyclomine and Put me on over the counter fiber like Metamucil and yogurt which I take daily. This combo seems to be working. I rarely get diarrhea and if I do I take something over the counter. These combos are still working for me. I hope this was helpful

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Absolutely! Dannon Activia probiotic yogurt, 4 oz. green container (make sure to get the one that has about 100 to 120 calories per serving). Comes in an assortment of flavors and has real sugar in it. For me personally, I avoid artificial sweeteners as they tend to make my IBS worse, promoting gas, bloating, etc. So check the container to make sure you aren't buying the one with artificial sweetener/reduced calorie types if you also have this concern . I eat 1/2 cup of General Mills Fiber One cereal (original, not the flakes) - usually mixing the yogurt with it. Activia peach is one of my favorite flavors, and mixed in with the cereal is a great afternoon snack.


I understand your problems--I also have suffered with IBS for years. Used Alosetron for a year and for some reason it quit working. Dr. switched me to Viberzi I had severe cramps and was throwing up--Dr. said try to stick with it--I am looking for a second opinion. Anyone have a diet suggestion?

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Sir, I appreciate all your wise advice, however, I have had IBSD for well over 20 years and never could tolerate Veg. or fruit, cooked or raw. One piece of fruit or veg. and within 10 minutes I am in full blown IBSD crisis. I do ,however, like the fact that you have found a concoction that works for you via your liver. Please tell me where I can get it and how do I begin a regime for myself. Fiber is also my enemy. The truth of it is, no matter what I eat, I have a problem, but fruit and vegetables are number one on my list of no nos. thank you for all your very inspiring words of wisdom. And I thank you in advance for any information you would care to share regarding your formula for a healthier life style.


srobison I also have IBS=D and it really was out of control. After my first meal within an hour of going outside I would get diarrhea and it was bad. So when I finally went to a gastroenterologist he gave me amitriptoline, dyclomine and Put me on over the counter fiber like Metamucil and yogurt which I take daily. This combo seems to be working. I rarely get diarrhea and if I do I take something over the counter. These combos are still working for me. I hope this was helpful

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Thank you so the store I go tomorrow. Thank you, thank you....


Hi to all. I have been battling spontaneous and severe diarrhea along with back pain for several years. I have really no life when I go outside, see friends, no social life because of this. Latest diagnosis is IBS-D Given Viberzi 100mg twice daily. I have severe abdominal pain and block up. I also have pretty intense spinal problems. I had a spinal fusion L2-L7. I have pain and numbness, buttocks and back leg pain. I have researched and found Cauda equine syndrome, which I know you are not suppose to do this but my doctors are not ones who go beyond what they have already done. I cannot control this diarrhea, cannot stop it and I am really at the end of a pretty long rope. Can anyone share suggestions or anything. I have been to Mayo and I will come back. I live several states away. But would like to hear any comments. Thanks you, Sharon

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Interesting how the system works. I heard from that the pancreas produces some hormons that digest vegetables. He doesn't have the ability to digest broccoli. I am very fortunate that it helps me and don't react to it. The liver, pancreas, and gallbladder work together. Stress impacts them and the medication for stress is exercise. Also the splin have a lot to do with such problems. There are tests to check each organ. My experience have been a clean liver gives you all the health and removes many symptoms. If the pancreas is not working properly a doctor can guide you to heal it properly. I also heard from nutritionist that coloidal or certain minerals help rebuild the pancreas. Check with Dr Wallach he has a book on "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" there are a lot of websites that sell items, but your interest is your specific problem. Have you gone to Mayo Clinic for examination? What did they recommend? They are the best in the world. I hope soon they will combine nutrition with drugs to help heal us.
For me flaxseed is making my intestines work properly. It it is a fiber item that will react with you. Have you taken any stress management class? It maybe the source of your symptoms. Under stress the organs don't work properly. Since I was able to put Crohn's in remission I have a good understanding how the system is operating. The doctor setup my next appointment four months from now. I have not resolve my inflammation problem that I had for many years but now I have it isolated and responds to vegetables. But I do eat items out of diet and get the pain. My best wishes to you.

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