How do you manage daily life with IBS-D?

Posted by pjss48 @pjss48, Dec 11, 2018

I have IBS with diarrhea. I'm taking med for it. Had several bowel movements already today. How do you get things done in house and go out on errands and going to Dr appointments? Driving me crazy!

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Hi @srobison, welcome to Connect. I'd like to connect you with other members talking about the issues you raise here. First meet @agr205 @Pookith85 @jeanie26 @keysgull @bobsconnect @holly5757 and @missie who can share their experience and advice about IBS and IBS-D.

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What have your doctors recommended to try and stop the diarrhea?

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Hi @shirleyfoggepiazza,

Zinplava was just recently approved by the FDA in October 2016; you can read details about it here:

Although we cannot comment on Mayo Clinic's timeline for using medications, Mayo Clinic, Minnesota has been recognized as the best Gastroenterology & GI Surgery Hospital in the nation for 2016-2017 by U.S. News & World Report.


srobison I also have IBS=D and it really was out of control. After my first meal within an hour of going outside I would get diarrhea and it was bad. So when I finally went to a gastroenterologist he gave me amitriptoline, dyclomine and Put me on over the counter fiber like Metamucil and yogurt which I take daily. This combo seems to be working. I rarely get diarrhea and if I do I take something over the counter. These combos are still working for me. I hope this was helpful

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falconfly just to add to your yogurt of choice I buy Yoplait Light and it seems to work


I understand your problems--I also have suffered with IBS for years. Used Alosetron for a year and for some reason it quit working. Dr. switched me to Viberzi I had severe cramps and was throwing up--Dr. said try to stick with it--I am looking for a second opinion. Anyone have a diet suggestion?

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I do not know where you are from but you are absolutely correct. I cannot get 5 gastroenterologists to agree in a treatment or listen to suggestions from France. The same is true with IDs. I applaud your effort and wish we could educate our MDs.


Interesting how the system works. I heard from that the pancreas produces some hormons that digest vegetables. He doesn't have the ability to digest broccoli. I am very fortunate that it helps me and don't react to it. The liver, pancreas, and gallbladder work together. Stress impacts them and the medication for stress is exercise. Also the splin have a lot to do with such problems. There are tests to check each organ. My experience have been a clean liver gives you all the health and removes many symptoms. If the pancreas is not working properly a doctor can guide you to heal it properly. I also heard from nutritionist that coloidal or certain minerals help rebuild the pancreas. Check with Dr Wallach he has a book on "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" there are a lot of websites that sell items, but your interest is your specific problem. Have you gone to Mayo Clinic for examination? What did they recommend? They are the best in the world. I hope soon they will combine nutrition with drugs to help heal us.
For me flaxseed is making my intestines work properly. It it is a fiber item that will react with you. Have you taken any stress management class? It maybe the source of your symptoms. Under stress the organs don't work properly. Since I was able to put Crohn's in remission I have a good understanding how the system is operating. The doctor setup my next appointment four months from now. I have not resolve my inflammation problem that I had for many years but now I have it isolated and responds to vegetables. But I do eat items out of diet and get the pain. My best wishes to you.

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joannem I just had gall stones in my gallbladder and the surgeon just said take out the gallbladder and he did. The other remedy that you are using apple cider vinegar I also used when I had acid reflex. It worked fast but not for long so I added tyenol and it seems to work. When I went to the surgeon that worked on my Hiatel hernia and I told him about the pain that felt like bad acid reflex he said it wasn't acid reflex because he fixed it during the surgery so once more my doctor gave something for the pain but could not tell me the cause. I seem to hear that a lot from my doctors


srobison I also have IBS=D and it really was out of control. After my first meal within an hour of going outside I would get diarrhea and it was bad. So when I finally went to a gastroenterologist he gave me amitriptoline, dyclomine and Put me on over the counter fiber like Metamucil and yogurt which I take daily. This combo seems to be working. I rarely get diarrhea and if I do I take something over the counter. These combos are still working for me. I hope this was helpful

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I have bought the Activia, but I will also add the Yoplait Light for an alternative...thank you


I understand your problems--I also have suffered with IBS for years. Used Alosetron for a year and for some reason it quit working. Dr. switched me to Viberzi I had severe cramps and was throwing up--Dr. said try to stick with it--I am looking for a second opinion. Anyone have a diet suggestion?

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philjody I have been adviced by my doctors to take lots of fiber yogurt with live culture Yoplait and I also take Metamucil twice a day in the morning and once in the evening. I do take medication which you may want to a gastroenterologist about. So far my IBS-D is under control


<p>I was diagnosed with IBS-D when I was 16. In my 20's I went gluten free and I had a wonderful 4 years! Then I got a stomach bug after Thanksgiving Nov 2012 and by 12/23/12 I guess I started having GERD and IBS-C. It was an awful year to follow. Lansoprazole, pantropazole, omeprazole, all took the edge off but did not work. Finally I tried Nexium and it worked! But, I still could not cheat and have chocolate, coffee, alcohol, sugar (including fruit), or seasonings. I also started having panic attacks. I used essential oils and took a zantac twice a day up to ween myself off the Nexium. To this day I still can only eat brown rice, chicken or turkey (no red meats) and safe vegetables: zucchini, yellow squash, and carrots. I eat 2 eggs and a slice of gluten free bread for breakfast. I can take a probiotic and a biotin vitamin but all other vitamins go right thru me. With this limited diet I am concerned I am not getting the proper nutrients I need but I also can't take supplements or drink vitamin drinks. Does anyone else have this similar issue? Is there something I can do to improve my situation/symptoms. If I cheat and have sugar, fruit, or even just one sip of alcohol, I get acid indigestion which makes me nauseous. I used to feel strong and used to be able to work out but now I'm limited to work outs cause I can only work out in the morning on an empty stomach and can't push to hard. Thanks for any advice!</p>

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Hi @Pookith85
Welcome to Connect. You may wish to explore the discussions in the Digestive Health group (!tab=discussions)

I found this thread where @bettyann, @madelinehowell @roxie43, @rebeccah and others are talking about IBS-D

Eventhough you can't push too hard, do you find that exercise helps manage the IBD?


<p>I was diagnosed with IBS-D when I was 16. In my 20's I went gluten free and I had a wonderful 4 years! Then I got a stomach bug after Thanksgiving Nov 2012 and by 12/23/12 I guess I started having GERD and IBS-C. It was an awful year to follow. Lansoprazole, pantropazole, omeprazole, all took the edge off but did not work. Finally I tried Nexium and it worked! But, I still could not cheat and have chocolate, coffee, alcohol, sugar (including fruit), or seasonings. I also started having panic attacks. I used essential oils and took a zantac twice a day up to ween myself off the Nexium. To this day I still can only eat brown rice, chicken or turkey (no red meats) and safe vegetables: zucchini, yellow squash, and carrots. I eat 2 eggs and a slice of gluten free bread for breakfast. I can take a probiotic and a biotin vitamin but all other vitamins go right thru me. With this limited diet I am concerned I am not getting the proper nutrients I need but I also can't take supplements or drink vitamin drinks. Does anyone else have this similar issue? Is there something I can do to improve my situation/symptoms. If I cheat and have sugar, fruit, or even just one sip of alcohol, I get acid indigestion which makes me nauseous. I used to feel strong and used to be able to work out but now I'm limited to work outs cause I can only work out in the morning on an empty stomach and can't push to hard. Thanks for any advice!</p>

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My Mayo gastroenterologyist permormed botox treatments through endoscopy finding to relieve my symptoms similar to yours. I have GERD and a "jack hammer" esophagus. I had high pressures at the end of my esophagus at the stomach-esophagus sphincter. The treatment lasted one year before it got painful to eat and swallow again even my meds. The only other cure is surgery. I just had it done again and is wonderous. The procedure takes a bit over 2 hrs pre to post op. This may be an answer to your issues. Ask your specialist. Good luck.


<p>I was diagnosed with IBS-D when I was 16. In my 20's I went gluten free and I had a wonderful 4 years! Then I got a stomach bug after Thanksgiving Nov 2012 and by 12/23/12 I guess I started having GERD and IBS-C. It was an awful year to follow. Lansoprazole, pantropazole, omeprazole, all took the edge off but did not work. Finally I tried Nexium and it worked! But, I still could not cheat and have chocolate, coffee, alcohol, sugar (including fruit), or seasonings. I also started having panic attacks. I used essential oils and took a zantac twice a day up to ween myself off the Nexium. To this day I still can only eat brown rice, chicken or turkey (no red meats) and safe vegetables: zucchini, yellow squash, and carrots. I eat 2 eggs and a slice of gluten free bread for breakfast. I can take a probiotic and a biotin vitamin but all other vitamins go right thru me. With this limited diet I am concerned I am not getting the proper nutrients I need but I also can't take supplements or drink vitamin drinks. Does anyone else have this similar issue? Is there something I can do to improve my situation/symptoms. If I cheat and have sugar, fruit, or even just one sip of alcohol, I get acid indigestion which makes me nauseous. I used to feel strong and used to be able to work out but now I'm limited to work outs cause I can only work out in the morning on an empty stomach and can't push to hard. Thanks for any advice!</p>


I have a long term problem with GERD and more recently with IBS-D. Am on the low Fodmap diet and recently saw a new GI who changed my PPI to Dexilant along with two Pepcid tablets—one before dinner and another at bedtime. This was working—until I became terribly constipated. Dr. told me to take Citrucel for the constipation. I tried the powder and the caplets, both of which caused really bad acid reflux. Forget that! Now I am supposed to take Miralax. I think to myself: here I am on this restrictive Low FODMAP diet to control diarrhea—and now I am supposed to take a laxative
that causes it?? I am wondering why I just don’t eat some of the restricted foods on the diet that used to give me diarrhea? Dr. says Metamucil causes a lot of gas. Well, if I go back to the Metamucil wafers I successfully used for years before the IBS, having gas is better than being plugged up and uncomfortable.

Am I losing my mind here? Has anyone had the problems with constipation on Pepcid or similar meds? Were you able to solve it without a heavy duty laxative like Miralax that more or less restricts you to the house while you wait for it to work?

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@jackiem95 I have been having a problem with loose stools also, and Metamucil and Citrucel have both been recommended. According to my PCP, they add bulk which supposedly firms the stools. Frankly, I did not have success with either, and I had minor success with Imodium. I have come to realize that I must have IBS-D or something like it. Initially I thought it was a lactose intolerance but I have cut out lactose and still had a problem, albeit a lesser problem, so obviously it was not just the lactose that was causing my problem. I have not yet figured out what else is.
I will have to look into the FODMAP diet, perhaps that will help. I will be interested in hearing if you find any solution to this problem.
This type of problem really does impact lifestyle, keeping a person at home.

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