I discovered new technique to nebulize, encourages sputum removal

Posted by healthybon @healthybon, Sep 4, 2023

I tried something new tonight..maybe this could help some people.
So, I nebulize with the 7% saline twice a day.
Tonight, I breathed it in, held it for a couple seconds, blew it out, but kept blowing, blowing, blowing out (through pursed lips).. until I couldn't blow out any more. It seemed to have reached maybe the lower part of my lungs. The sputum was copious!
So. breathe in.....hold a couple seconds,.....breathe out....out out out out..............(pursed lips ) out through your mouth!
Try it........it worked for me!
Additonally, when I do the Autogenic Breathing using the App, I do the same thing when blowing out. I breathe in through my nose, then breathe out through my mouth...out, out , out til I can't anymore. It really shakes up the sputum down under I think.... Hope it will help you too! Bon

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The technique describes how I use the Aerobika AFTER saline nebulizing. Breath in and hold a few seconds and breath out for longer than you breathed in. This squeezes the lungs and forces out mucus. I tried it with the saline nebulizing and for me it just felt irritating. With the saline I just breath naturally and easily. But whatever works!


you can breathe in through your mouth (gently),,hold a sec and beathe slowly out of your mouth til no more air comes out...gently..emoty out your lungs on the out breath

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Using the mouthpiece the saline enters through the mouth, If I use the mouthpiece there is no reason to breathe through the nose. Am I missing something. I had no training, just a prescription


Using the mouthpiece the saline enters through the mouth, If I use the mouthpiece there is no reason to breathe through the nose. Am I missing something. I had no training, just a prescription

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@reneemc perhaps you're conflating nebulizing and clearing your lungs? With nebulizing you breathe through mouth in and out. With clearing using autogenic drainage you breathe in through nose and out through mouth. Do yourself a favor and check out these videos on nebulizing and clearing your lungs. It's all very individualized and unfortunately it takes time figuring out a regime that works well for you.


hi renee...yes...I'm trying this as I'm typing...I'm no expert at any stretch. so I breathe through my mouth... in through the mouthpiece, and out of my mouth. sorry if I confused you or anyone else....

when I do the autogenic thing I deep breathe through my nose or short breathe through my nose, and then out breathe through my mouth.......in through nose, out through mouth........

I always get one good spit from that at the end of my nebbing session.........i do it for four minutes on the app

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