Husband just had a heart attack :(

Posted by jwa81 @jwa81, Dec 1, 2015

Hi everyone,
My husband is 43 years old. Over this past weekend, he developed gradually worsening chest pain and then developed nausea and vomiting. He finally couldn't take it anymore and went to the ER, where he was admitted for a chest pain rule out. He is diabetic and overweight and has a family history of cardiac disease (his mother had her first heart attack right at his age). His EKGs and troponins were all completely normal, but his magnesium was critically low at 1, so they repleted it with IV magnesium. He had a Lexiscan stress test this morning, which showed that he, in fact, suffered a heart attack. His ejection fraction on the right was 55% and on the left was, I believe, around 45%. There is also some evidence of ischemia. Tomorrow morning, they are taking him to the cath lab to see exactly what is going on and to see if they can do anything there to help him. If they can't I guess the next step is a bypass, which we are praying won't be necessary. Both my husband and I work in healthcare, but we are not cardiologists and we are not experts by any means. Has anyone been through this before? I'm a complete mess and worried sick over this. My husband is my best friend and I just want him to be okay. Can anyone offer any words of advice or encouragement?

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Hang in there. Hopefully the cath will bring good news tomorrow. Maybe it will just take a stent or two to fix him up.


Hang in there. Hopefully the cath will bring good news tomorrow. Maybe it will just take a stent or two to fix him up.

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The night before the procedure is definitely very rough! We are hoping and praying for good news. He is much too young to be going through something like this. His right ejection fraction is normal, but his left is a bit low and the cardiologist says there is some ischemia somewhere. I don't think I'll sleep very well tonight!


hi jwa. I know exactly how you must feel. My dad has had 3 heart attacks, he's had to go to the cath lab too, to have an angiogram and an angioplasty, he's also had a bypass surgery. And he's still doing great! So I'm hoping for you that everything turns out alright with your husband. *hugs*


Hi need to know just how lucky you are that you and your husband are at is a fantastic place. Everyone I dealt with during my open heart surgery was warm and caring and very competent. You really are in wonderful hands.


I had a double cath about a month ago a long with a bunch of other tests. It was no biggie...they had me asleep and don't remember anything ...about an hour afterwards I was dressing and headed to the motel. I have surgery for my problems on the 10th! Mayo is the best place for your hubby to be treated!! If anything needs to be done, they can do it!! They are awesome!!- Lynn


Hi need to know just how lucky you are that you and your husband are at is a fantastic place. Everyone I dealt with during my open heart surgery was warm and caring and very competent. You really are in wonderful hands.

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We're actually not at Mayo. I just happened to find this forum and it looked really helpful. 🙂


Hi @jwa81,
Welcome to this forum. While Connect is a Mayo Clinic initiative, the community is for everyone regardless of where they are being treated. We're all thinking about you today and hope you'll pop back on the forum to give us an update on how things go today.


Checking in @jwa81. How is your husband doing? How are you?

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