Husband diagnosed MCI: He is in denial and personality is changing

Posted by civvy @civvy, Mar 7 8:26pm

Spouse diagnosed with MCI and he is in denial that there is any problem. In spite of his forgetting appointments and getting lost
He has had major changes in his personality and is often irritable and hostile.

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New comment. My husband plays cards with 6 buddies once a week. Last night when he was dealing the cards, he totally forgot what he was doing and did something wrong, and one of the guys said, hey, what’s wrong with you, you’ve been playing cards for 25 years, did u forget the game? Reason I am telling you this is that he told me what happened last night and for the first time he realized he forgot something. I could tell he was scared. He said I guess there is something wrong with my brain. We are seeing the neuro at the end of this month. I thought it was something to mention. Did this ever happen to your spouse before?


New comment. My husband plays cards with 6 buddies once a week. Last night when he was dealing the cards, he totally forgot what he was doing and did something wrong, and one of the guys said, hey, what’s wrong with you, you’ve been playing cards for 25 years, did u forget the game? Reason I am telling you this is that he told me what happened last night and for the first time he realized he forgot something. I could tell he was scared. He said I guess there is something wrong with my brain. We are seeing the neuro at the end of this month. I thought it was something to mention. Did this ever happen to your spouse before?

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He forgets stuff all the time but he lacks cognitive awareness that he is forgetting
There is a specific term for this phenomenon but I can’t remember it. lol!
He blames me because he forgets things and thinks I should be remembering things HE forgot, even if I was not exposed to the event or incident in question


My husband has diagnosed MCI, Mild Cognitive Impairment. He started “slipping” several years ago but 2 years ago he was having more issues with memory and anxiety. We decided to see a neuropsychologist and gerontologist. After his diagnosis we didn’t know how or what to tell people. Holding it in became too difficult so now most everybody knows just like we know all our friends with diabetes, cancer and heart disease. If someone asks what’s wrong with you, he tells them.” I have Mild Cognitive Impairment, that’s another way of saying my memory is slipping. “ We are still very social and he works out at the gym, takes classes and
Goes out to lunch with friends. He no longer drives so has to be picked up.
If this is just the beginning for you, hopefully you have many more quality years together and him with his buddies.


My husband has diagnosed MCI, Mild Cognitive Impairment. He started “slipping” several years ago but 2 years ago he was having more issues with memory and anxiety. We decided to see a neuropsychologist and gerontologist. After his diagnosis we didn’t know how or what to tell people. Holding it in became too difficult so now most everybody knows just like we know all our friends with diabetes, cancer and heart disease. If someone asks what’s wrong with you, he tells them.” I have Mild Cognitive Impairment, that’s another way of saying my memory is slipping. “ We are still very social and he works out at the gym, takes classes and
Goes out to lunch with friends. He no longer drives so has to be picked up.
If this is just the beginning for you, hopefully you have many more quality years together and him with his buddies.

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Yes, I believe we have many more quality years together. Thank you for your comments, they are helpful.


My husband has diagnosed MCI, Mild Cognitive Impairment. He started “slipping” several years ago but 2 years ago he was having more issues with memory and anxiety. We decided to see a neuropsychologist and gerontologist. After his diagnosis we didn’t know how or what to tell people. Holding it in became too difficult so now most everybody knows just like we know all our friends with diabetes, cancer and heart disease. If someone asks what’s wrong with you, he tells them.” I have Mild Cognitive Impairment, that’s another way of saying my memory is slipping. “ We are still very social and he works out at the gym, takes classes and
Goes out to lunch with friends. He no longer drives so has to be picked up.
If this is just the beginning for you, hopefully you have many more quality years together and him with his buddies.

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I really like your husband’s response to people. It’s gets so tiring try to cover up what’s going on. The truth is the right answer. I am going to share this with my husband. Thank you for posting.

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