How low do you let your heart rate go before seeing your doctor?

Posted by wyomingmiller208 @wyomingmiller208, Jan 31 6:52am

So I need some opinions from all you experienced people out there. I am a bit of a worrier by nature but so far have been pretty calm about my thoracic ascending aortic aneurysm. It grew by about .3 cm to a 4.7cm after four months. I am not scheduled for more tests until late August.

I have felt different for the past month. Enough so that I started wearing my Apple Watch to bed to see any abnormalities in heart rate. My heart rate regularly is recorded in the forty’s during the evening and overnight. Last night it was 44 for over ten minutes between 10-11 pm. Should I watch it for awhile longer or go in? I am not sure I am mentally ready for surgery but have also had low grade angina since November due to underlying small vessel disease. I don’t want to panic and also don’t want to wait too long. What do you think I should be watching for ? Blood pressure ? Heart Rate ? Angina ?

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Hello, I hope you're feeling better. Just wanted to let you know that shoveling snow is the type of activity that is absolutely forbidden with aortic aneurysms. Maybe you already knew this, but be careful.

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Aortic aneurysm needs to be very carefully monitored if it is getting larger. Please contact your physician about your limits.
Be very careful


Aortic aneurysm needs to be very carefully monitored if it is getting larger. Please contact your physician about your limits.
Be very careful

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Thank you for the reminder.


Hi I am new to this.. but I have been looking for a wrist monitor for when I excercise to monitor blood pressure.. I think that is key ... I have been learning that blood pressure and heart rate are two different things.. i am still learning ... if anyone has more info please share... I know there are different sizes and different activities we can do; Example can I use my snow blower? My constipation puts lots of pressure and holding breath i feel it on my chest and admomen.. yet was told constipation won't affect it... I do my best not to strain but it is difficult... mixed info out there... Lets do our best... get monitored... live the best life we can now!!! Keep that stress down. I don't have high blood pressure nor clogged arteries... and am apprehensive on taking Metropol beta blocker... I need to research more on this drug. Good day!!


Hi I am new to this.. but I have been looking for a wrist monitor for when I excercise to monitor blood pressure.. I think that is key ... I have been learning that blood pressure and heart rate are two different things.. i am still learning ... if anyone has more info please share... I know there are different sizes and different activities we can do; Example can I use my snow blower? My constipation puts lots of pressure and holding breath i feel it on my chest and admomen.. yet was told constipation won't affect it... I do my best not to strain but it is difficult... mixed info out there... Lets do our best... get monitored... live the best life we can now!!! Keep that stress down. I don't have high blood pressure nor clogged arteries... and am apprehensive on taking Metropol beta blocker... I need to research more on this drug. Good day!!

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I don’t think you can get an accurate blood pressure if you are moving around during it. You could take your BP directly after or before but you would need to be still.

Having diverticulitis is extremely hard on my heart because of the strain of being clogged up.


Hi I am new to this.. but I have been looking for a wrist monitor for when I excercise to monitor blood pressure.. I think that is key ... I have been learning that blood pressure and heart rate are two different things.. i am still learning ... if anyone has more info please share... I know there are different sizes and different activities we can do; Example can I use my snow blower? My constipation puts lots of pressure and holding breath i feel it on my chest and admomen.. yet was told constipation won't affect it... I do my best not to strain but it is difficult... mixed info out there... Lets do our best... get monitored... live the best life we can now!!! Keep that stress down. I don't have high blood pressure nor clogged arteries... and am apprehensive on taking Metropol beta blocker... I need to research more on this drug. Good day!!

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I bought one for my husband from Amazon or ask your cardiologist office. You may need him to check you out.


Thank you for your responses! I will see then what the heart rate should be in relation to the blood pressure!!


Hello Wyoming! Yes you should at minimum consult your PCP, especially regarding your angina and your noted CHANGE in its pattern. I to have small vessel issues in addition to my 4.4 ascending aneurysm. Mine is going to get measured again in a few weeks, as the growth rate is unclear. My small vessel issues, however, are what cause my angina.... not the aneurysm at its current size. Yours may be different, or changed. Be very very careful with the angina. My nocturnal heart rate goes into the forties on a regular basis. Its my norm. I got a pulse oximeter with a little vibrating alarm, in case my oxygen goes below 90. That helps me feel more confident when I sleep, plus it wakes me up if there is an issue. Good luck, and keep track of your blood pressure, your oxygen saturations (stay over 95 during the day time), your angina, and your overall sensations of feeling "different" especially during various activities. Your PCP will shed light on all of this. Thats what they want to do: "Prevent" adverse events❤️.


Hello Wyoming! Yes you should at minimum consult your PCP, especially regarding your angina and your noted CHANGE in its pattern. I to have small vessel issues in addition to my 4.4 ascending aneurysm. Mine is going to get measured again in a few weeks, as the growth rate is unclear. My small vessel issues, however, are what cause my angina.... not the aneurysm at its current size. Yours may be different, or changed. Be very very careful with the angina. My nocturnal heart rate goes into the forties on a regular basis. Its my norm. I got a pulse oximeter with a little vibrating alarm, in case my oxygen goes below 90. That helps me feel more confident when I sleep, plus it wakes me up if there is an issue. Good luck, and keep track of your blood pressure, your oxygen saturations (stay over 95 during the day time), your angina, and your overall sensations of feeling "different" especially during various activities. Your PCP will shed light on all of this. Thats what they want to do: "Prevent" adverse events❤️.

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My angina is almost completely due to the small vessel disease. Two of which are 90% blocked. I have become quite use to it and know what my normal is. I am scheduled for more tests until the fall. My cardiologist asked if I wanted to see him in 6 months or a year. I picked a year. The only other issue to be addressed sooner is follow up to skin cancer. The joys of getting older. I must have decided to start early. Had 9 surgeries since I turned 40 and it feels like 57 is still a little young for this. Oh well. Cheers


I don’t think you can get an accurate blood pressure if you are moving around during it. You could take your BP directly after or before but you would need to be still.

Having diverticulitis is extremely hard on my heart because of the strain of being clogged up.

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Why don’t you just buy a simple oximeter? It gives you your heart rate and oxygen level and fits any big finger. And it’s cheaper than a wrist cuff.
My nurse told me that wrist cuffs are inaccurate and either get a pressure cuff that registers your heart rate through a meter or have a nurse (if you have one) measure your heart pressure the old fashioned way .
You can get a finger oximeter cheap unless you want a fancy one with your heart rate monitor graph. It’s a little bit like an ekg graph .


Update. Cardiologist decided to run another heart monitor to see what all is happening. My heart rate is regularly sinking below 45 for more than 10 minutes at a time. I have been under 50 for 3 hours straight now too. Starting to get a little nervous about it all.

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