How do I respond to my husband thinking I am his sister?

Posted by bdt @bdt, Jul 17, 2023

My husband recently diagnosed with dementia, for the last couple weeks he believes I am his sister part of the time, how do I respond? It’s very confusing time and him

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So sorry this was for the gal whose husband called the wife his sister’s name……oops! Attached to the wrong question, zi think…..sorry about you loss


Perhaps try, “Hello sweetie. Where is that wonderful wife of yours. I know she is around here somewhere and should be back real soon! She sure loves you.”


I haven’t experienced this yet as a caregiver but I did read a great idea from someone else struggling with the same challenge.

She responded something like, “hello sweetie. I know that wife of yours is around somewhere and she’ll be back soon. She sure loves you!” Then she would step out of the room and come back in a few minutes later and that often worked for her loved one.

This caregiving duty means ever adapting to change. I wish you peace and love on your journey. You are a hero.


Im sorry to hear this. my mom thought my father was his father or her brother. for years. it had to be so hard for him to deal with that. my heart breaks for you.

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