How about a laugh, (hopefully)

Posted by Leonard @jakedduck1, Dec 31, 2018

I believe laughter is the best medicine. Laughter has actually been scientifically proven to help people with depression issues.
Let’s give it a try so we can all get happy and feel better. Many Epilepsy forums I’ve been on had joke sections. I was probably the biggest joke of all since I didn’t get a lot of the jokes. They said the jokes couldn’t be above 4th grade level for me to understand them so my jokes may be rather simplistic but let’s give it a try.
Have a lovely day everyone,

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Comic Relief - Oldest Known Fruitcake


Comic Relief - Pet Rock Practical Joke

So, one Christmas, a man decided to prank his best friend.

He had a 1000 lb boulder delivered to his friend, placed on his front lawn with a note:

“I bought you a pet rock for Christmas.”

His friend waited a full year until next Christmas.

Had had 1000 lbs of gravel shipped to this friend’s lawn with a note:

“Your pet rock had babies.”

Not to be outdone, the first guy waited a full year until next Christmas and had 1000 lbs of manure shipped to his friend’s lawn with a note:

“The babies were not potty trained…”


Comic Relief from Gilda Radner, on SNL


Comic Relief - The Story of the 92-Year-Old Bank Robber


Comedy Short from the Great Wendy Liebman...


I just told my cat "I love you."

I know she is going to use this against me.

I think it is already starting...


I told my cat "I love you," (Part Two)

I told my cat "I love you," and took her in my arms for a cuddle.

After "The Cuddle," I felt good, as a human. I felt loved.

I looked back and kitty was viciously, scrupulously cleaning every single part of her cat body that had touched the Hooman. She was engaged with a powerful devotion, intensity and vigor.

My heart broke like fallen china, into a million pieces of scalding depression and trauma.

I called my therapist.

She said, "it's ok, you will probably recover from the psychological scars in 3 - 5 years."

I said, "but she does stuff like this all the time! That means I will never recover!"

Therapist said, "Look, I gotta go, I think I hear my cat meowing for me."


I hate long distance relationships. That`s why I moved the fridge into my bedroom.


I hate long distance relationships. That`s why I moved the fridge into my bedroom.

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long distance relationships? get yourself a cat

(sorry, cat lovers. I couldn't pass it up)

Hey, everybody! I really, really, really needed a laugh. You know what I mean, I'm sure. SO, a really BIG thank you for all of the funny posts! I've laughed out loud!


Have you ever tried to breathe quieter while walking up a hill so bystanders don't hear you fighting foro your life?


Is there no way I can escape the horrors of cooking?



Yup…buy premade grains like farro, brown rice, quinoa and add pre cooked protein and veggies. The supermarkets here in Florida are great for premade anything. If that’s the way you want to go.

Keep it simple and do a few recipes on repeat and cook in bulk.

What kind of coffee did they serve on the Titanic?

Your welcome
FL Mary



Why did the blonde on a diet eat her food so fast?

She thought she was fasting.

Sorry all you real blondes out there.

FL Mary

Ps Remember during Covid lockdown when all we did was talk and think about food?


I hate long distance relationships. That`s why I moved the fridge into my bedroom.

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Another classic from you ! Made my day!


I accidentally got ketchup in my eye. Now I have Heinzsight.

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