How about a laugh, (hopefully)

Posted by Leonard @jakedduck1, Dec 31, 2018

I believe laughter is the best medicine. Laughter has actually been scientifically proven to help people with depression issues.
Let’s give it a try so we can all get happy and feel better. Many Epilepsy forums I’ve been on had joke sections. I was probably the biggest joke of all since I didn’t get a lot of the jokes. They said the jokes couldn’t be above 4th grade level for me to understand them so my jokes may be rather simplistic but let’s give it a try.
Have a lovely day everyone,

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That's what I always thought about yours but now that you say that about mine I have to wonder about yours 🤪😵‍💫🙃🤔

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Ha ha,
hee haw,
ho ho!



Just returning from a cruise and heard about the international bathroom:
“First you’re Russian, then European, then you’re Finnish!”


Just returning from a cruise and heard about the international bathroom:
“First you’re Russian, then European, then you’re Finnish!”

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Love It!


Just returning from a cruise and heard about the international bathroom:
“First you’re Russian, then European, then you’re Finnish!”

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good one!


Two young boys were getting ready for school and the 10 year old said to the 8 year old, "You know, I think we're old enough to swear like the big boys do, don't you?" The younger one said "Yeah, I like that idea" so they went down to breakfast and mom asked the older boy what he would like for breakfast and he replied, "Oh, hell, I think I'll have cornflakes." "WHAT?" the mom said. "She pulled him off his chair, spanked his bottom and told him to go upstairs until she told him to come down. She then turned to the 8 yeae old and asked him what he wanted for breakfast. "Well," he whimpered "You can be damn sure it won't be cornflakes". TA DA


An elderlyt man was lying in his hospital bed with a worried look on his face. When the nurse came by she asked him what his problem was. He spoke softly in her ear and she said, "Oh my, I'll check it out". She went to the bottom of the bed, lifted the sheet, looked closely and felt around. She then put the sheet down and came to his side and said "No, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong". He smiled broadly and said, "That was very nice but, are my test results back?"


An elderlyt man was lying in his hospital bed with a worried look on his face. When the nurse came by she asked him what his problem was. He spoke softly in her ear and she said, "Oh my, I'll check it out". She went to the bottom of the bed, lifted the sheet, looked closely and felt around. She then put the sheet down and came to his side and said "No, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong". He smiled broadly and said, "That was very nice but, are my test results back?"

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You got me on this one!! What did the nurse think he said in her ear?


You got me on this one!! What did the nurse think he said in her ear?

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Are my testcles black?


Patient: Doctor, I get heartburn every time I eat birthday cake.
Doctor: Next time, take off the candles.

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I cackled out loud! This is another great one!



“We've gotten a little thin on our funny posts the last couple of days. I hope it's because everyone is feeling pretty good and doing other stuff instead”

I think it’s because you’ve been slacking off!


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Hey there, Jake,
You callin' me a "slacker"? Those are fightin' words.

I was too busy nagging my husband to nag you for jokes, too!

(This is meant to be a joke, everybody.
I hope you are mildly amused by the stereotypical play on gender roles, reminiscent, perhaps, of our childhoods.)

[Actually, I'm still in that post Covid netherworld in which I feel good one day-- and over-do it-- then feel crappy for the next 3 days...I am so, so, so, so tired of Covid, on top of other disease. I feel like I can't leave the house...]

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