How about a laugh, (hopefully)

Posted by Leonard @jakedduck1, Dec 31, 2018

I believe laughter is the best medicine. Laughter has actually been scientifically proven to help people with depression issues.
Let’s give it a try so we can all get happy and feel better. Many Epilepsy forums I’ve been on had joke sections. I was probably the biggest joke of all since I didn’t get a lot of the jokes. They said the jokes couldn’t be above 4th grade level for me to understand them so my jokes may be rather simplistic but let’s give it a try.
Have a lovely day everyone,

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I have a horse called Mayo. And sometimes Mayo neighs.

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Your Mayo joke reminded me of the one of the hilarious scenes in the comedy movie "Airplane". The pilot is on an urgent call with the Mayo Clinic about quickly flying in a patient for a heart transplant. He interrupted mid call by a telephone operator, who tells him that there is an "emergency" call for him from Mr. Ham on line 5.

The pilot says, "Ok give me Ham on five hold the Mayo".


It’s been discovered that William Tell and his son belonged to a bowling league. But Swiss historians have not been able to determine the names of the league’s sponsors. So we’ll never get to know for whom the Tells bowled.


Your Mayo joke reminded me of the one of the hilarious scenes in the comedy movie "Airplane". The pilot is on an urgent call with the Mayo Clinic about quickly flying in a patient for a heart transplant. He interrupted mid call by a telephone operator, who tells him that there is an "emergency" call for him from Mr. Ham on line 5.

The pilot says, "Ok give me Ham on five hold the Mayo".

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Haha-- When I repeated the horse/Mayo joke to my husband, he immediately thought of that movie, too. He also said something about there being a wall full of mayonaise jars behind the doctor at the Mayo clinic.
I bet everyone who works at Mayo clinic has heard every mayo pun there is.

Lagrange, when my husband goes on break from work, I will ask him to explain the punch line you wrote...I still don't get it.


It’s been discovered that William Tell and his son belonged to a bowling league. But Swiss historians have not been able to determine the names of the league’s sponsors. So we’ll never get to know for whom the Tells bowled.

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William Tell- grooooan! Great!

"Ask not for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."

Anyone remember if this quote is from John Donne? "Meditation 17"? No cheating by using the google- haha. Let's see if we still can work our retrieval brain cells.

Frankly, as maybe you can tell, I've given up on retrieving correct English spellings!
Es mucho mas facil el deletrear en espanol!


William Tell- grooooan! Great!

"Ask not for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."

Anyone remember if this quote is from John Donne? "Meditation 17"? No cheating by using the google- haha. Let's see if we still can work our retrieval brain cells.

Frankly, as maybe you can tell, I've given up on retrieving correct English spellings!
Es mucho mas facil el deletrear en espanol!

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Yes, John Donne. And it may be easier in Spanish but certainly not in Cherokee! (I only know a few phrases, LOL)


Haha-- When I repeated the horse/Mayo joke to my husband, he immediately thought of that movie, too. He also said something about there being a wall full of mayonaise jars behind the doctor at the Mayo clinic.
I bet everyone who works at Mayo clinic has heard every mayo pun there is.

Lagrange, when my husband goes on break from work, I will ask him to explain the punch line you wrote...I still don't get it.

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Anne, you can Google for YouTube videos of the actual movie scene. Just type in the punchline. The pilot is portrayed by Peter Graves. It's as funny now as it was then.


I got called pretty today! Well, actually the full statement was, “You’re pretty annoying”, but I only focus on positive things. 🙃

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You are not annoying.


William Tell- grooooan! Great!

"Ask not for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."

Anyone remember if this quote is from John Donne? "Meditation 17"? No cheating by using the google- haha. Let's see if we still can work our retrieval brain cells.

Frankly, as maybe you can tell, I've given up on retrieving correct English spellings!
Es mucho mas facil el deletrear en espanol!

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I like the Latin:
"Proxima es no fumero".

My loose version:
"Close but no cigar".


It’s been discovered that William Tell and his son belonged to a bowling league. But Swiss historians have not been able to determine the names of the league’s sponsors. So we’ll never get to know for whom the Tells bowled.

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Oh my giggle!

A burst out loud joke!

FL Mary

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