High Coronary Calcium Score: How do others feel emotionally?

Posted by mcphee @mcphee, Dec 14, 2016

I have a calcium score of 1,950 which is extremely high which means I am at a very high risk for a cardiac event,heart attack,stroke or sudden death.

I take a statin and baby aspirin. I have never been sick, have excellent cholesterol, low blood pressure and I am not overweight. I have no other health problems and I have never been sick. But I feel like a walking time bomb which has caused me a lot of stress. I am 70 yrs old.

I wonder how others with this condition feel emotionally?

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I just had a CT scan and have a calcium score of 1014, with the right coronary artery alone scoring 579. My cardiologist called me quite alarmed and ordered a stress test which was good. He then said he would see me in 6 months - no lifestyle changes or treatment whatsoever. I am 61 and in general good health, but both of my parents died in their 50's from heart attacks, as well as a grandfather and uncle in their early 40's and an aunt in her 50's. I have three cousins that have had heart attacks and/or stents in their 50's.

Needless to say, but I am quite anxious. I have read studies that indicate the risk of a serious or fatal MI at 20-25% within one year in asymptomatic individuals with CAC over 1000. Do I just wait until I have symptoms before I get more aggressive treatment? Many in my family had sudden death as their first symptom!


Thanks @botexas; I look forward to hearing from you.

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I'm so glad for you, @botexas! Thank you for letting the Connect community know. Are there any "next steps" you have to follow?


Thanks @botexas; I look forward to hearing from you.

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Had the nuclear stress test this morning and they said I did great. Finallly got my heart rate to the 120 after 15 minutes on the tread mill. No problems ,and was not breathing hard. Will get final results on June 4. Will post again after visit.



I would like to add my welcome to Connect! I am glad to hear that you will be having a nuclear stress test on Monday. This will give your doctor some good information to help you in treating your high calcium score.

While a high calcium score it not a problem for me I have several heart diagnoses and I understand how worrisome it can be.

I look forward to hearing about your doctor's suggestions for you after he reads the test results.



Thanks @botexas; I look forward to hearing from you.


Hi @botexas,

Welcome to Connect. I can imagine your worry about a high calcium score, despite leading healthy lifestyle! I'd like to introduce you to a few members who may be able to share some of their experiences with high calcium levels. Please meet @mcphee @gailfaith @jrismyname @dennisl27 @mcristodero and Mentors @hopeful33250 @predictable. You may also wish to view some of the conversations taking place in this other discussion on Connect:
– High Calcium CT Scan Score of 1925 – Anyone Else Experience This? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/high-calcium-ct-scan-score-of-1925-anyone-else-experience-this/

Here is a great journal discussion by Mayo Clinic cardiologists about the basics and significance of coronary calcium score: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/842348

Bo, did you have the nuclear stress test done? Has your doctor suggested any "next steps" to help lower the calcium score?

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Having a nuclear stress test on Monday. Will post after results and next steps he suggest. Thanks for your response. Bo


Hi @botexas,

Welcome to Connect. I can imagine your worry about a high calcium score, despite leading healthy lifestyle! I'd like to introduce you to a few members who may be able to share some of their experiences with high calcium levels. Please meet @mcphee @gailfaith @jrismyname @dennisl27 @mcristodero and Mentors @hopeful33250 @predictable. You may also wish to view some of the conversations taking place in this other discussion on Connect:
– High Calcium CT Scan Score of 1925 – Anyone Else Experience This? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/high-calcium-ct-scan-score-of-1925-anyone-else-experience-this/

Here is a great journal discussion by Mayo Clinic cardiologists about the basics and significance of coronary calcium score: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/842348

Bo, did you have the nuclear stress test done? Has your doctor suggested any "next steps" to help lower the calcium score?


@mcphee I agree with @predictable I also have high calcium caused by hyperparathyroidism. It can affect many areas of your health. Ask for a blood test to check the parathyroid hormone. Then, if it is high, ask for a scan of the parathyroid. Best wishes and keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.

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Hello @gailfaith Thanks for sharing your experience. I have a post and had a 2450 calcium score. Was wondering if after your surgery,have you had another CAT chest scan for a new calcium score. It is unclear to me the correlation between plaque in the arteries and a high calcium score. Have read enough about the surgery and I believe you picked the right Doctor. Thanks, Botexas


Hello, Bo from Texas. Yesterday I received my calcium score and was shocked! 2450. Going to see Doc today to talk to him about this terrible score. I feel great,go to gym every morning for one hour of hard exercise. Never stop doing weights and aerobics. My cholesterol is about 155 with Hdl at 80 and ldl 75. Take 40 mg of Zocor daily. I have always considered myself in great heath at 75. Thanks for reading my post. Any suggestions. Have a nuclear stress test scheduled in two weeks.


@luckyg Hello Gary:

Welcome to Connect! I appreciate your post and certainly congratulate you on your good heart health in spite of the high calcium score. If I may ask, do you exercise on a regular basis? Is your family history free of heart disease?

Thank you again for your encouraging post. I look forward to hearing from you again!


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my died of heart attach at age 67 any my younger brother has had 2 heart attacks. I also drink pretty much alcohol every day. at this point I have cut my drinks to about 3 a day. my doctor thinks the alcohol may have keep me alive before I started on meds.

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