Heart Rhythm Conditions – Welcome to the group

Welcome to the Heart Rhythm Conditions group on Mayo Clinic Connect.
Did you know that the average heart beats 100,000 times a day? Millions of people live with heart rhythm problems (heart arrhythmias) which occur when the electrical impulses that coordinate heartbeats don't work properly. Let's connect with each other; we can share stories and learn about coping with the challenges, and living well with abnormal heart rhythms. I invite you to follow the group. Simply click the +FOLLOW icon on the group landing page.

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I started heart palpitations a month ago ..horrible and makes you nervous..went to cardio..increased metropol to 50mg..ekg normal..might be from stress but I wish they would go away..any tips on how to tolerate them...

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I am lucky in that my ventricular tacycardia (also have atrial) is so far, controlled with low dose metoprolol 12.5mg x2. Watch caffeine intake, dont drink, daily walking is good.
Maybe try a different beta-blocker. Bisoprolol is often the first choice.
Occasionally still get the odd flip flop.


Thank you for your reply..I know that this will pass hopefully ...will try walking and thank you again


I get PVCs and PACs that now wake me up from sleep 😴 and I’m getting to be a nervous wreck over it...it’s a bigeminy or trigeminy or just regular irregular rhythm..
Wish I could get some relief from these...anxious...76 and had normal echo and holter...starting corvedilol 12.5 mg twice daily, and discontinuing metropolol and HCTZ tomorrow morning..Cardiologist says this might help with borderline high blood pressure and Palpitations...hope she is onto something...any response is welcome....now dread going to bed....hope this will pass.....

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you sound like me, no one knows till they have been thru it i am getting an ablation .i am 75.


you sound like me, no one knows till they have been thru it i am getting an ablation .i am 75.

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You are so true...haven’t had a decent nights sleep in weeks...taking Klonopin for anxiety...picked up my second monitor in month for 5 more days...I’ve had these since 29, bit rarely have they woke me up after a couple hours, then it’s s struggle to sit up and go back to sleep for another hour or two... I feel for you and anyone else in this pvc cycle...I’m 76 now....thanks for your response


Hello I am 34 yr old women so I recently started getting chest pain and also rapid heart beat while I am asleep goes up to 100-146 and wakes me up I started feeling like this the night after I got a steroid shot and a breathing treatment I started getting anxiety and my life went downhill…I’ve been to the ER twice this week had 2 EKG at the hospital, blood work, urine work and told me everything was fine I did have some irregular heartbeats but said it was nothing major just to follow up with my cardiologist so I did they did another EKG and she said I have some arrhythmia but it was benign nothing major but she did want to test me some more so she gave me a 24hr heart monitor but I have to wait for my results for one more week but I am panicking and I feel like I might not wake up I am so scared they did give me some antidepressants to help me sleep but I still wake up feeling jittery and anxious please help


I have a slow heart beat. From the beginning of my teenage years, my heart rate was 72 and I was comblimented for such a low heart beat. then a few years ago, I would suddenly have difficulty staying awake at meetings and at the computer. Then one Monday morning, I had difficulty staying awake. I decided to contact the 811 for advice. The nurse directed to my doctor immediately. He sent me off to the Emergency Room immediately. A few weeks later I was called in to have a pacemaker put in my chest. I haven't had problems with it. I am wondering if I can have lazar treatment with my acupuncture treatment along with my acupuncture. The lazar treatment is separate from my acupuncture treatment. e.g. no use of acupuncture needles attached to the lazar machine. The other problem I have is spinal stenosis.


Hi, my name is Gloria and I just received my 72 hour Holter Report showing 21% PACs in a 24 hour period. That is 21,000 PACs! I am freaking out and anxious which only makes it worse. I also get out of breath walking. My Echocardiogram is normal which shows a structurally sound heart. I am on carvedilol. Recently been having trouble finding the right Levothyroxine dosage to keep my TSH within normal limits, although my free T-4 is normal. TSH sinks to 1.5 then goes up to 6.5. How worrisome is this high percentage of PACs. Could the thyroid irregularity be a factor.


You are so true...haven’t had a decent nights sleep in weeks...taking Klonopin for anxiety...picked up my second monitor in month for 5 more days...I’ve had these since 29, bit rarely have they woke me up after a couple hours, then it’s s struggle to sit up and go back to sleep for another hour or two... I feel for you and anyone else in this pvc cycle...I’m 76 now....thanks for your response

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we just have to keep on reaching out, the more i reachout i find a piece of the puzzle i need


we just have to keep on reaching out, the more i reachout i find a piece of the puzzle i need

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Yes, and having forums that people can share their experiences is a big help to me....thanks for your response...


Has anyone out there been diagnosed with 21% PACs in a 24 hour period.Just had a 72 hour Holter Test and it showed very frequent Atrial ectopic. I am anxiety ridden thinking I am going to have a stroke any minute.I am on Carvelillol at present. Still haven’t heard back from the cardiologist. I am afraid he will insist on an ablation but that scares me more. Any reassurance will be appreciated. Taking Xanax now for the anxiety but I cannot continue this way.

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