Heart Event and So Confused...Left w/no answers and needing to vent I

Posted by sheri728 @sheri728, Apr 29, 2023

Hi. I am 51. Recently I experienced something really strange. My neighbors decided they wanted to start smoking...which my landlord had said this was a nonsmoking building...until now(he denies ever saying it) but one night I endured so much smoke..which I am assuming is coming through my vents...but I was on my couch like in shock. I didn't even get up and move...it was weird. My chest and right arm had some pain...then my left arm...but still I didn't react. The next day(and amongst continued fumes) I called to have family take me to the hospital. The urgent care doc asked a series of questions..did tests, xray, and ecg.. he sends me home saying all tests were fine. This was a Thursday. Saturday I get an email saying new test results. There is a result from ecg saying that there had been evidence of an infarction having happened.. ok. So I message my primary with results and he immediately says he's sending a referral I need to see a cardiologist asap. So that scared me. Thankfully I talked my way in to a quick appt.... ok so the cardiologist was kind. Pleasant. But the first thing he said to me was...did they admit you...I said no. He said did they do a scan? I said no..just an xray.....He was visibly confused and a bit upset not understanding why from the records in epic...they did not keep me. Ok. So he gave me an egg that day...turns out it wasn't normal either. I got those results later that day...but since then I have had a stress test that said something about moderate reversible fillable defect atrium wall ..(dont quote me on that word spelling) that was like 2 days ago...but a month ago I had an echo which said results were limited..(sad) anyway fast forward..today like most other days I feel afraid to do anything for dear of a heart attack. I go in and out of depression and I have no clue about what I should or should not be doing...nobody has called me from either test...just like when my creatine or albumin numbers among others be out of range...it's as if doctors have their own range and the lab's range is no cause for alarm. But perhaps I am just venting. I said to myself I am going to mayo clinic connect and write my feelings on this...I don't post often but it's a great site. Oh and then I can't sleep because I am afraid to. Then I sleep all day like a vampire. It's just weird. I am angry at everyone right now..especially my neighbors who continue to smoke God knows what...and my landlord for lying in my face that he never said this was a non smoking building...and my family for not coming and making a fight out of this...which I think is stupid..but would make me feel so much better and so less stressed. My life went from sunshine to all day laying around in a month's time. Like I said I am probably just venting...but I have no clue what to do except watch what I eat...because exercise is out the question..I have no zest for it..and I don't know if I should even exert myself. Yes. I am angry, lost, and confused. And still nobody has even told me exactly what went on with me...heart attack..stroke..mini stroke..mini heart attack...or nothing at all. I am so tired of feeling like a fish out of water. I just want them to give me answers so that I can adjust my life..and begin to live again.

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@mayoconnectuser1. Here I am...about a month later and blessed. I am a whole lot better. I am a very intelligent person, however I was experiencing all kinds of emotions when I wrote my initial post. I want to thank @lizzieann for her comment because she was spot on. Your response was rude and insensitive...and the very reason I stopped coming to this site...hence the lack of response from me- as you mentioned. Hope you are well and doing pushups@mayoconnectuser1...but do better. 🫡

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@sheri728 would you be open to sharing what doc or tests may have helped you? I am going through a similar situation of trying to find answers to palpitations, dizziness, irregular heart rhythm and ekg.

I have an amazing cardiologist group though and am able to read all their notes in my portal. If I have any questions a nurse at their office is just a phone call away. My stress tests and echocardiogram results were fine. Im currently using a 30 day heart monitor and have a calcium score test scheduled.

My cardiologist explained my event of chest pain that took me to the ER as a vagus nerve episode. I had pain that radiated into my neck and made me feel extremely nauseous with a lower than normal heart rate, extreme body heat and then chills. But we are going through a cardiac work up to see why I have arrhythmia.

Best of luck to you.

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