Have you been cured of POST COVID?

Posted by mccoydj1 @mccoydj1, Sep 28, 2023

I would love to hear from folks that have been cured from Post COVID. What were your symptoms.... what things helped you improve? what things made it worse for you?

I ask because I am currently on a recovery journey - would love to understand what you've done

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Yep! I totally remember the constant drip down the throat -- especially when trying to sleep! It's really annoying and frustrating! I slept 1/3 inclined for weeks to help with that...

Solutions are easy and you're definitely on the right track but you need to eat an anti-inflammatory diet + low histamine diet as well. Have you tried that? (Strictly?) You can look up which foods have high histamine levels -- it may surprise you! I was eating things that I thought were healthy but they actually have high histamine levels (tomato, avocado, fermented foods etc). That way your body can get out of the inflammatory/high histamine response... Are you taking any histamine blockers? It helps! (Allegra etc)

Happy to send you my overall protocol when it's ready.

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Any idea of when you will have your protocol written up and ready? I feel like I’m going to lose this battle if I don’t get some relief soon. Even just an outline of what to try for what symptom would be helpful.


You're welcome! I used Liquid IV (no sugar version) because of the added B-vitamins. B-3 is absolutely crucial for long haul recovery... There are others out there that may be higher quality ingredients (LMNT), but I actually wanted the additional vitamins that Liquid IV provides. All the best!

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I have taken B-12 sublingual for several years. 2500 mcg. I doubled it to 5000 mg but only 3 times a week. It appears to be helping with the fatigue I've had since having COVID in march 2023. I also take super b complex as it carries the rest of b vitamins along with a few other essential needed vitamins to promote more energy and strengthen the immune system.


I have taken B-12 sublingual for several years. 2500 mcg. I doubled it to 5000 mg but only 3 times a week. It appears to be helping with the fatigue I've had since having COVID in march 2023. I also take super b complex as it carries the rest of b vitamins along with a few other essential needed vitamins to promote more energy and strengthen the immune system.

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You need B-3 specifically, in large doses. Not just in a B-complex. B-3 (niacinamide, NON-flushing) is absolutely critical.

Everyone keeps telling me they are taking B-Vitamins... I don't mean a simple multi-vitamin or a B-complex -- it's NOT ENOUGH. Please trust me on this one. I don't bother with B-12, although I've heard it's useful for some people, which is great. You need niacinamide, non-flushing form which is B-3. At my worst I was taking 1000mg per day. (Only for a short time period because it does have other effects in the body, but it was necessary for recovery.)


Any idea of when you will have your protocol written up and ready? I feel like I’m going to lose this battle if I don’t get some relief soon. Even just an outline of what to try for what symptom would be helpful.

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Biggsy, I'm so sorry to hear this! And yes, I will send you my brief, condensed version today so you can at least look at it and see if there are other things you can incorporate.

You might see a lot of things already mentioned by others, but it is the combination of all of it, followed strictly, that makes it work. All factors are necessary. I do hope you can find some relief soon, and appreciate any feedback/questions you can provide me to continue refining the protocol to help others.


Any idea of when you will have your protocol written up and ready? I feel like I’m going to lose this battle if I don’t get some relief soon. Even just an outline of what to try for what symptom would be helpful.

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Biggsy, what are your main complaints/symptoms? I will send you my full protocol but everyone's case is a little different, so I can highlight certain things that may work better for you.


You need B-3 specifically, in large doses. Not just in a B-complex. B-3 (niacinamide, NON-flushing) is absolutely critical.

Everyone keeps telling me they are taking B-Vitamins... I don't mean a simple multi-vitamin or a B-complex -- it's NOT ENOUGH. Please trust me on this one. I don't bother with B-12, although I've heard it's useful for some people, which is great. You need niacinamide, non-flushing form which is B-3. At my worst I was taking 1000mg per day. (Only for a short time period because it does have other effects in the body, but it was necessary for recovery.)

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My b complex is super b complex. It has all the b vitamins in it. The b3, niacin... Check it out. I have improved enormously.


My b complex is super b complex. It has all the b vitamins in it. The b3, niacin... Check it out. I have improved enormously.

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I'm so glad to heart that, Nancy! Is there a particular brand that you're using? Perhaps it can help others here...


Biggsy, what are your main complaints/symptoms? I will send you my full protocol but everyone's case is a little different, so I can highlight certain things that may work better for you.

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Numb, very cold, painful feet with pins and needles. It is constant for every second of every minute of every day, no matter if I’m on my feet or off of them. No position is comfortable for more than a few minutes. Wear two layers of warm winter socks at all times, additionally wrap a blanket over top of socks while laying down. Can’t sleep with out pain meds and only get a few hours of disrupted sleep with meds. Taking a Garlic supplement, which I think makes it feel different/better, but not enough to ease the pain enough for sleep. I just want to cut off my feet.

Heavy tight painful chest. Also keep me up at night, causes disrupted sleep. Pulmonologist says lung function test was fine. Heart doctor echo showed no issues with heart. No one knows why this is or what to do to solve it. Some nights it is too painful to get any good sleep.

Had extreme heavy weighted fatigue , felt like I was walking around in a dizzy/lightheaded fog, extremely tired and had a heavy weighted blanket on every inch of my body. This was so scary, I could barely do anything, could barely think, felt like my body was shutting down with me inside of it. After taking NAC for about 3 months, this is so much better, I no longer feel like I’m dying soon, but I still don’t have any energy, though I think some of it is due to my poor disrupted sleep.

Brain fog/dizziness/light headedness - was severe, better after taking NAC for about 3 months now, but this is still an issue, whenever I try to do a task that requires some thought, I have a really hard time thinking and often can’t do it.

Had severe post nasal drip,per ENT Doctor . Chiro suggested I try Standard Process brand Antronex which is gotten this under control and continues to manage it. Was so extreme I couldn’t sleep for more than an hour without blowing my nose and coughing all night long. Antronex worked miracles for me with it. ENT had prescribed a nasal spray to dry it up which I hated taking, caused instant sharp pain in my brain. So glad Antronex worked for me.

Those are the big issues. I already eat a low inflammation diet. No processed food, mostly meat and veggies and some fruits. I strive for no added sugar, use a little honey in my oatmeal. Eat unsweetened applesauce for an evening snack/dessert.


Numb, very cold, painful feet with pins and needles. It is constant for every second of every minute of every day, no matter if I’m on my feet or off of them. No position is comfortable for more than a few minutes. Wear two layers of warm winter socks at all times, additionally wrap a blanket over top of socks while laying down. Can’t sleep with out pain meds and only get a few hours of disrupted sleep with meds. Taking a Garlic supplement, which I think makes it feel different/better, but not enough to ease the pain enough for sleep. I just want to cut off my feet.

Heavy tight painful chest. Also keep me up at night, causes disrupted sleep. Pulmonologist says lung function test was fine. Heart doctor echo showed no issues with heart. No one knows why this is or what to do to solve it. Some nights it is too painful to get any good sleep.

Had extreme heavy weighted fatigue , felt like I was walking around in a dizzy/lightheaded fog, extremely tired and had a heavy weighted blanket on every inch of my body. This was so scary, I could barely do anything, could barely think, felt like my body was shutting down with me inside of it. After taking NAC for about 3 months, this is so much better, I no longer feel like I’m dying soon, but I still don’t have any energy, though I think some of it is due to my poor disrupted sleep.

Brain fog/dizziness/light headedness - was severe, better after taking NAC for about 3 months now, but this is still an issue, whenever I try to do a task that requires some thought, I have a really hard time thinking and often can’t do it.

Had severe post nasal drip,per ENT Doctor . Chiro suggested I try Standard Process brand Antronex which is gotten this under control and continues to manage it. Was so extreme I couldn’t sleep for more than an hour without blowing my nose and coughing all night long. Antronex worked miracles for me with it. ENT had prescribed a nasal spray to dry it up which I hated taking, caused instant sharp pain in my brain. So glad Antronex worked for me.

Those are the big issues. I already eat a low inflammation diet. No processed food, mostly meat and veggies and some fruits. I strive for no added sugar, use a little honey in my oatmeal. Eat unsweetened applesauce for an evening snack/dessert.

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Ok, I'll send you a direct message.


Biggsy, I'm so sorry to hear this! And yes, I will send you my brief, condensed version today so you can at least look at it and see if there are other things you can incorporate.

You might see a lot of things already mentioned by others, but it is the combination of all of it, followed strictly, that makes it work. All factors are necessary. I do hope you can find some relief soon, and appreciate any feedback/questions you can provide me to continue refining the protocol to help others.

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Can you send me your protocol also?

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