Have you been cured of POST COVID?

Posted by mccoydj1 @mccoydj1, Sep 28, 2023

I would love to hear from folks that have been cured from Post COVID. What were your symptoms.... what things helped you improve? what things made it worse for you?

I ask because I am currently on a recovery journey - would love to understand what you've done

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.


If you can, get yourself to the Mayo Long Covid Clinic in Rochester. My insurance covered all but airfare and housing but it was worth it for many reasons (a) docs know the latest and they believe and confirm what we say, (b) they follow Mayo traditions of testing to tell you what you don’t have so you know heart and lungs, for example, have not been damaged by the virus (despite symptoms), (c) they lay out a program without big pharma drugs to treat symptoms (not caused) that can make things worse when the virus has over-sensitized our central nervous system into a constant flight-flight, and (d) advise on optional for natural supplements and diet. Program included consults with great physical therapy folks there who know how to work with folks with post-exertion problems or Covid induced POTS and followup via zoom with an online wellness coach who was both my cheerleader and the best in offering strategies and support when I was most discouraged. I am slowly getting stronger and recovery from crashes is shorter. It’s taken me 15 months and I still have a way to go to be all I was — a high performing professional (now retired) who could multi-task like the best of them. Slow and steady has become my mantra. I can actually see a light at the end of the most debilitating of tunnels. Also most helpful — Redinger’s book “Cured” and changing to a nutrition-dense diet. God bless, all who suffer. I never thought I’d get back to anything close to full health, but see that I can and will. ❤️

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@joanma and all. Another endorsement of Mayo Rochester. Visited in August, full workup. I am on Medicare and my total bill is about ~ $300. Full plan was pulled together early September and by early October my symptoms were breaking up. I still have my bad days but far outnumbered by my good days. A couple of prescriptions, supplements, and a recovery plan with hopes that by end of year this is all history.


Interesting segment on WCBS (NYC) news tonight about long covid neurological issues. Apparently researchers at Penn have linked residual covid in the gut with interference with serotonin production that led to brain fog, memory problems, etc. This could lead to treatments (fingers crossed).

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An update: Today's NY Times has a front page article on the
same research with a lot more details. They're thinking that serotonin boosters (e.g. Prozac) might be a treatment. First they have to repeat the study with a larger group of participants to see if the preliminary results are confirmed.


I have never heard there is a "cure" for covid. The experts are making progress with research and have been able to tell us certain things are happening in our bodies and that some treatments may help but the actual use of the word cure I don't believe is out there yet ....but I am hopeful we will get there.


Still have heart palpitations from May Covid and headache and neck pain. Sleeping better. Aby thoughts? Sometimes I feel like the headaches come from no caffeine. I didn't drink a lot of coffee. Always water to start then a cup of coffee. I drink 84 ounces of water a day. I give blood every 8 weeks except that timing in May-mid July. Wonder if I should stop or do less. 74 years old.

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You need electrolytes with your water. It's quite possible you're not absorbing much water without them. When I was at my worst with long haul, I had to take electrolytes to actually absorb the supplements I was taking, and then I continued after I got better too, because the additional support/supplementation was very helpful in general.


Probably most people who have recovered have moved on. I think for me, IF I ever recover, I will want to stop talking about all this crap. I often say, I am so tired of talking about my health.
On the other hand, if I find something that really helps my particular set of issues, I’ll let everybody know what it was before I disappear!
I hope for all of us that one day we can regain our lives and move on.

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I have recovered to 90% of normal and I did so within 4-6 months, meaning I could go back to work full time and live a mostly normal life. Another year and I feel totally normal again (heart palpitations gone etc).

I'm actually writing up my own personal protocol and will be very happy to share here in the forums once I'm done. Please message me directly to get on my email list and be informed when it's ready. I plan to publish this protocol widely to help those who are still immensely suffering... It's heartbreaking to see people suffering so, and this is why I'm doing it...


YES. I recovered to 80% of normal within 4-6 months, meaning I could go back to work full time and live a mostly normal life, just watching my energy levels... One year later and I was back to 90% of normal. I'm sure there's some minor residual things but overall I'm living life very normally again.

I'm actually writing up my own personal protocol and will be very happy to share more here in the forums once I'm done. Please -- anyone who is interested -- message me directly to get on my email list and be informed when it's ready. I plan to publish it and make it available widely to help those who are still immensely suffering... It's heartbreaking to see people suffering so, and this is why I'm doing it. I did my own research and am treating THE ROOT CAUSE of long haul -- not just treating symptoms with a myriad different prescriptions. I wish everyone here all the very best!


I have never heard there is a "cure" for covid. The experts are making progress with research and have been able to tell us certain things are happening in our bodies and that some treatments may help but the actual use of the word cure I don't believe is out there yet ....but I am hopeful we will get there.

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I don't use the word "cure" either but I have improved my long haul to the point that I am normal again. I DO KNOW how to treat long haul and reduce all symptoms to a manageable level, by treating the ROOT cause of the problem. I went back to work after 6 months and have been very well since then. Feel free to message me -- I'm writing up my personal protocol for everyone that is still suffering.


I don't use the word "cure" either but I have improved my long haul to the point that I am normal again. I DO KNOW how to treat long haul and reduce all symptoms to a manageable level, by treating the ROOT cause of the problem. I went back to work after 6 months and have been very well since then. Feel free to message me -- I'm writing up my personal protocol for everyone that is still suffering.

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I agree some of us can get much better and what works for everyone seems to vary a lot. I think it was just the word "cure" that got my attention as I have heard no experts say that.....yet.


I agree some of us can get much better and what works for everyone seems to vary a lot. I think it was just the word "cure" that got my attention as I have heard no experts say that.....yet.

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That's true. Everyone's case is unique and everyone is affected in different ways.

I do believe my protocol would be effective for many/most people because it looks at the root causes of long haul -- reducing overall inflammation, reducing histamine levels, hydrating and supplementing in a specific way... So that the body is no longer in "fight or flight" or "attack mode" and can actually calm down internally enough to rest and recover.

I could feel in my own body that processes were disrupted at the *metabolic level*, the cellular level, so that's what I focused on in my own treatment. (I'm not a fan of taking prescriptions to treat symptoms, but very happy that it has worked for some people.)


An update: Today's NY Times has a front page article on the
same research with a lot more details. They're thinking that serotonin boosters (e.g. Prozac) might be a treatment. First they have to repeat the study with a larger group of participants to see if the preliminary results are confirmed.

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Since they hand these drugs out freely, I don’t think we have to wait for studies to be complete.
Seems to me if you have been offered SSRIs already, you could ask for Prozac. I am considering it for sure. I have tried several (SSRI and SNRI) unsuccessfully so maybe it isn’t the answer for me, but at this point I’m open for just about anything. Complicated protocols and restrictive diets are very difficult when you can hardly make it out of bed, or are too dizzy to walk.
I’m all for natural healing and getting to “root causes”, but sometimes you just have to deal with the problem in front of you.
If this is relief....I’m all in!
I hope anyone who gives this a try will post.

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