Has anyone ever shrunk an Aneurysm?

Posted by tripleaaa @tripleaaa, Apr 30 11:24am

On 2/5/24 I took myself to the ER for ongoing sharp back pain (waited all day). The CT scan revealed a AAA at 7.9 on the verge of rupturing, plus 2 others. The next largest one is a 5.4 Ascending. I’m still recovering from the first life saving surgery and I was wondering in anyone has any information on shrinking an Aneurysm naturally.

I’m 51, in good shape and never smoked however I chewed tobacco or used nicotine pouches for 30 years (up until the surgery). My next scan is September. I’ve tried researching this topic but there is no information and no one says you can’t shrink it holistically but they also don’t offer any other information.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Aortic Aneurysms Support Group.

Hello @tripleaaa - welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect.

You pose a very interesting question, and like you, I had a hard time gathering information. However, here are a few articles that you may find insightful:

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8910935/#:~:text=Recent%20studies%20demonstrate%20that%20patients,AAA%20will%20shrink%20or%20not, https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-q-and-a-most-aortic-aneurysms-are-small-develop-slowly/.

It doesn't appear that there are any known paths to reversing the growth of an AAA naturally. The NIH study acknowledges that the research and guidelines need updating as they are decades old, but there is no mention of natural remedies to reverse.

@tripleaaa - were you given any guidelines as far as your activity and lifestyle go after your lifesaving surgery?


Hello @tripleaaa - welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect.

You pose a very interesting question, and like you, I had a hard time gathering information. However, here are a few articles that you may find insightful:

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8910935/#:~:text=Recent%20studies%20demonstrate%20that%20patients,AAA%20will%20shrink%20or%20not, https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-q-and-a-most-aortic-aneurysms-are-small-develop-slowly/.

It doesn't appear that there are any known paths to reversing the growth of an AAA naturally. The NIH study acknowledges that the research and guidelines need updating as they are decades old, but there is no mention of natural remedies to reverse.

@tripleaaa - were you given any guidelines as far as your activity and lifestyle go after your lifesaving surgery?

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Thanks. I wasn’t given much to go on, just the standard, don’t lift more than 30 pounds, keep my blood pressure under 130 (My diastolic is around 50 since the surgery) and take my pills (beta blocker, lypator). I do have a cardiologist now so I may ask him but I feel like if there isn’t a pill to prescribe then they won’t tell me it can be done.

I’ve incorporated a whole list of new daily routines (green tea, vitamins - saw a study on Vitamin C on rats 🤣, meditation, etc.) in hopes I can shrink the other 2. I didn’t have the EVAR surgery but the more evasive one. Taking it a day at a time, enjoying every second of it.


My cardio said my aneurysm cannot get smaller as it is like a balloon that has been blown up. The balloon will never go back to its original shape and neither will the area of the aneurysm. An aneurysm is a weak spot in the artery and we don't want to push it -- thus the limits on what we can lift and the need to keep our BP low.


Get a second opinion.


Thanks. I wasn’t given much to go on, just the standard, don’t lift more than 30 pounds, keep my blood pressure under 130 (My diastolic is around 50 since the surgery) and take my pills (beta blocker, lypator). I do have a cardiologist now so I may ask him but I feel like if there isn’t a pill to prescribe then they won’t tell me it can be done.

I’ve incorporated a whole list of new daily routines (green tea, vitamins - saw a study on Vitamin C on rats 🤣, meditation, etc.) in hopes I can shrink the other 2. I didn’t have the EVAR surgery but the more evasive one. Taking it a day at a time, enjoying every second of it.

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Is that from the open heart surgery ? I pray you’re healing


It is frightening when first diagnosed. I also had a couple in my legs which have been operated on. Hang in there and trust and follow your specialists advice. Your lifestyle changes will help your general wellbeing.


7.9 ? That's way beyond when they say it will typically rupture. Wow. Thank God they caught it! I hope you are healing or have healed well. I have heard that there is no way to shrink AAA. I have one that is 4.79 and I'm a mess. It's on my mind 24/7. I have pain in the right side of my abdomen thru to my back that is dull. Don't know if it the AAA or just my sleeping position. I've had this pain on and off for years and doctors tell me they cannot figure it out. So, I'm a bit unnerved. Ugh.


Is that from the open heart surgery ? I pray you’re healing

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That was from the surgery in February. Still on the mend but healing great. Glad to still be here. They did a fantastic job.

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