Has anyone ever shrunk an Aneurysm?

Posted by tripleaaa @tripleaaa, Apr 30, 2024

On 2/5/24 I took myself to the ER for ongoing sharp back pain (waited all day). The CT scan revealed a AAA at 7.9 on the verge of rupturing, plus 2 others. The next largest one is a 5.4 Ascending. I’m still recovering from the first life saving surgery and I was wondering in anyone has any information on shrinking an Aneurysm naturally.

I’m 51, in good shape and never smoked however I chewed tobacco or used nicotine pouches for 30 years (up until the surgery). My next scan is September. I’ve tried researching this topic but there is no information and no one says you can’t shrink it holistically but they also don’t offer any other information.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Aortic Aneurysms Support Group.


Thanks. I wasn’t given much to go on, just the standard, don’t lift more than 30 pounds, keep my blood pressure under 130 (My diastolic is around 50 since the surgery) and take my pills (beta blocker, lypator). I do have a cardiologist now so I may ask him but I feel like if there isn’t a pill to prescribe then they won’t tell me it can be done.

I’ve incorporated a whole list of new daily routines (green tea, vitamins - saw a study on Vitamin C on rats 🤣, meditation, etc.) in hopes I can shrink the other 2. I didn’t have the EVAR surgery but the more evasive one. Taking it a day at a time, enjoying every second of it.

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Just a quick update. My second annurysm that was an ascending and 6.0+ was repaired in October along with a Mechanical Valve. Unfortunately 3 weeks later, my wife made me go back to the ER. I had a second open heart surgery in which they found clots in my valve, lots of scar tissue from the AAA complication in February and infection everywhere. I had to get a pacemaker after the clean up and repair. It’s been a crazy year but I’m still here. Living it up while I can. 🤪


Tripleaaa, you have certainly had a terrible time. How fortunate you were to get to the ER before your aneurysm ruptured.

I've been told by my cardio that an aneurysm cannot be reduced. Apparently the aneurysm is a weak spot in the artery that has enlarged and it is similar to a balloon that has been blown up and then deflated. It never goes back to its original size and shape.

Those of us with cardiac issues can be so thankful that medical science can repair our hearts and give us a longer life than even 20 or 30 years ago.

Best wishes for continued healing and no more "issues"!



Just a quick update. My second annurysm that was an ascending and 6.0+ was repaired in October along with a Mechanical Valve. Unfortunately 3 weeks later, my wife made me go back to the ER. I had a second open heart surgery in which they found clots in my valve, lots of scar tissue from the AAA complication in February and infection everywhere. I had to get a pacemaker after the clean up and repair. It’s been a crazy year but I’m still here. Living it up while I can. 🤪

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Thank you for sharing !
Thank god you’re doing well.
Stick with the natural diet bc it will protect you from any further illness.
I was a complete health nut almost all of my life after a bad toxemia pregnancy.
After believing I was healed 35 years later I started to eat a normal American bad diet and now have a 5.4 TAA - scared to death of the surgery.
Wishing you a great healthy life !
Diet is key !!


Thank you for sharing !
Thank god you’re doing well.
Stick with the natural diet bc it will protect you from any further illness.
I was a complete health nut almost all of my life after a bad toxemia pregnancy.
After believing I was healed 35 years later I started to eat a normal American bad diet and now have a 5.4 TAA - scared to death of the surgery.
Wishing you a great healthy life !
Diet is key !!

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Dianelynn, I don't think you should feel that your TAA is your fault. You are at least 35 years older and our parts and pieces just start to show their age. I agree with you that we need to be aware of our diets, stay away from processed foods, red meat, commercial bakery items for cardio health but an aneurysm can hit even those with the healthiest life style. I wish you good luck with your surgery and a swift recovery.


I lost 15 to 20 pounds and mine shrunk from 4.8 to 4.1. However, just learned it is not stable again CT w contrast next week...

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My cardiologist told me it an aortic aneurysms cannot shrink. Mine is 4.8--she said verbatim, "it can't shrink but we can keep an eye on it to monitor it".

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