Grover's Disease: What works to help find relief?

Posted by 43219876x @43219876x, Sep 23, 2016

I have been diagnosed with Grover's disease under my breasts. I had a biopsy for diagnosis. Tried topical ointment with no really good results. Any ideas?

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These grain of sand pimples where my skin was hot for weeks that erupted feels are so weird! Ugh
What a nightmare of burning and itching


These grain of sand pimples where my skin was hot for weeks that erupted feels are so weird! Ugh
What a nightmare of burning and itching

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I’m so sorry!


I was diagnosed with Grovers in my 20s. Unusual for female as well. Started out on my chest has now progressed to my stomach and back. When I moved to a different area that has very dry air, I am in misery. Nothing helps.


I found this support group the first part of January. Every year we go to Hawaii for 2 weeks and my Grover's Disease rears its ugly head while on the trip and when I get back home (Minnesota). I saw discussion on cilantro and decided to give it a try. Every day I made myself a smoothie using a cup of fresh cilantro, a little fruit, and some water. It worked!!! I had no breakouts and now that I am home, I have had no additional breakouts. This was a game changer. I'm continuing to make my smoothie's several times a week but I am just so delighted with the results!


I found this support group the first part of January. Every year we go to Hawaii for 2 weeks and my Grover's Disease rears its ugly head while on the trip and when I get back home (Minnesota). I saw discussion on cilantro and decided to give it a try. Every day I made myself a smoothie using a cup of fresh cilantro, a little fruit, and some water. It worked!!! I had no breakouts and now that I am home, I have had no additional breakouts. This was a game changer. I'm continuing to make my smoothie's several times a week but I am just so delighted with the results!

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That’s amazing! Cilantro was my game changer too. This summer will be the test, as heat, sun and sweat were triggers for me. It’s amazing to hear that you didn’t breakout after going to Hawaii!


I found this support group the first part of January. Every year we go to Hawaii for 2 weeks and my Grover's Disease rears its ugly head while on the trip and when I get back home (Minnesota). I saw discussion on cilantro and decided to give it a try. Every day I made myself a smoothie using a cup of fresh cilantro, a little fruit, and some water. It worked!!! I had no breakouts and now that I am home, I have had no additional breakouts. This was a game changer. I'm continuing to make my smoothie's several times a week but I am just so delighted with the results!

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I really dislike cilantro, but at this point I am willing to eat a whole stalk of it! Thank you for your comment


After suffering for a year from Grover's and having tried all manner of medications, I was prescribed Dupixent by my dermatologist. It began with two injections in the stomach at the derm's office and then one injection at home every two weeks. I found the shots to be painless, I suffered no side effects except some initial eye irritation which quickly disappeared, and at six weeks I was itch free. My will to live has returned.


Try cilantro smoothies. Raw cilantro, yogurt and orange juice in a blender once per day. Had biopsy indicating Grover’s. Have done this with past eruptions in last 6 years. Symptoms went away each time in 10 days.


Anyone here had any luck with topical Vitamin D creams? Pros, cons?


The calcipotriene cream made my Grover’s worse. The steroid creams help a little with itching and redness but don’t get rid of the bumps. I have found the only thing that really helps is avoiding contact and exposure as much as possible for as long as possible. The less I touch it with clothes or creams, and the less I expose it to heat/sweat/sun/chemicals/aha and bha lotions) the sooner it goes into dormant stage (little flesh colored bumps under the skin that don’t itch - but that turn red and itchy if disturbed.) Then it takes many more months for the little bumps to go away. I wish there was a better solution out there.

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