Grover's Disease: What works to help find relief?

Posted by 43219876x @43219876x, Sep 23, 2016

I have been diagnosed with Grover's disease under my breasts. I had a biopsy for diagnosis. Tried topical ointment with no really good results. Any ideas?

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Just extremely bad for your memory 😩

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Maybe it's not bad for everyone's memory. I've had no problems. Had no problem stopping it either when I decided it wasn't working anymore.


jaffsa, I edited my basic smoothie recipe because I left out almond milk. Of course any liquid could be used.


Maybe it's not bad for everyone's memory. I've had no problems. Had no problem stopping it either when I decided it wasn't working anymore.

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It is for everyone but up to you! Takes time


Hi all! Just wanted to check in and let everyone know I am still GD FREE for 3 years!! Cilantro smoothies did the trick. Thanks, @gardeningjunkie for your support during my worst times. Hope all is well with you.


I'll always be grateful to you for telling us about cilantro putting GD in remission for some of us. You personally gave me my happy life back- free of the misery of GD. I'll always think of you as the Guardian Angel for GD.
Thank you and I'm so happy and encouraged to have a positive update from you.


Aluminum is tied to Parkinson's, Alzeheimers and Grover's Disease. This is based on aluminum staying in your body like the heavy metal mercury and others. Cilantro, as well as Oregano and other herbs, can chelete your blood naturally. Your blood can be filtered or chelated to remove heavy metals by doctors. I doubt medical plans or medicare would approve of this as a treatment and pay for it because it has not been proven it helps with GD. No other treatment ever gave me relief. They gave me hope, but were a waste of money. If cilantro doesn't put your GD in remission as it did for me back in 2019, at least it will pull out heavy metals that have accumulated which may cause other diseases. I don't like the taste, but I chug it down like a tonic-holding my breath. I only do this several times a month now just for maintanence.

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Who told you aluminum was tied to GD?


For information about metals tied to GD, Parkinson's and Alzeheimers do an internet search. No doctor told me about the relationship of metals to GD. None of the 5 or 6 dermatologists I saw over the 5 year period ever gave me a single medication to help with my GD and I have a large box filled with these useless expired expensive topical prescriptions.
I learned about it on this website from a fellow blogger, kimass1 in mid Feb 2019.
After learning about cilantro chelation from her and I went to the website she referenced, earthclinic's discussion on GD, where she read testimonials from fellow GD sufferer's. I searched the web and found information about the tie in to Parkinson's, Alzeheimer's and GD. I printed several good articles which I don't see in my recent search. I have that info boxed up and stored. Not dealing with GD anymore I've cleaned out my filing cabinets and stored outdated recorded, but I could pull those out of the attic when I have time.
I've had blood testing for metals and tested postive to 5 metals, aluminum was one.
Perhaps that why the cilantro detox helped me in terms of GD because it helped eliminate aluminum and other metals which were undoubtedly raising my histamine levels. Mind you I had no issues with my skin until middle age, not even acne.
Aluminum is considered a less common metal then lead or mercury and a light metal because it has a lower density, but it still collects in your organs, brain, liver an so on, from various sources, like from anti-persperient deoderant, soda can and so on.
Blood chelation to remove metals is not a proven treatment for GD, but nothing else is either and doctors still prescribe useless expensive prescriptions. I don't know why blood chelation is not considered a preventive treatment for various diseases like Alzeheimer's which has researched it's causes. There has been no funding or research to my knowledge about blood chelation and GD.


Just extremely bad for your memory 😩

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Probably depends on the dose. I looked at the Facebook group about Gabapentin. Most of the people having problems there were taking 3000 to 5000 mg per day. I took 300 mg per day for 13 years and quit when it stopped working. No side effects and no problem quitting (no withdrawal).


For information about metals tied to GD, Parkinson's and Alzeheimers do an internet search. No doctor told me about the relationship of metals to GD. None of the 5 or 6 dermatologists I saw over the 5 year period ever gave me a single medication to help with my GD and I have a large box filled with these useless expired expensive topical prescriptions.
I learned about it on this website from a fellow blogger, kimass1 in mid Feb 2019.
After learning about cilantro chelation from her and I went to the website she referenced, earthclinic's discussion on GD, where she read testimonials from fellow GD sufferer's. I searched the web and found information about the tie in to Parkinson's, Alzeheimer's and GD. I printed several good articles which I don't see in my recent search. I have that info boxed up and stored. Not dealing with GD anymore I've cleaned out my filing cabinets and stored outdated recorded, but I could pull those out of the attic when I have time.
I've had blood testing for metals and tested postive to 5 metals, aluminum was one.
Perhaps that why the cilantro detox helped me in terms of GD because it helped eliminate aluminum and other metals which were undoubtedly raising my histamine levels. Mind you I had no issues with my skin until middle age, not even acne.
Aluminum is considered a less common metal then lead or mercury and a light metal because it has a lower density, but it still collects in your organs, brain, liver an so on, from various sources, like from anti-persperient deoderant, soda can and so on.
Blood chelation to remove metals is not a proven treatment for GD, but nothing else is either and doctors still prescribe useless expensive prescriptions. I don't know why blood chelation is not considered a preventive treatment for various diseases like Alzeheimer's which has researched it's causes. There has been no funding or research to my knowledge about blood chelation and GD.

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My dad told me not to use anti-perspirants close to 70 years ago because of the aluminum. He said it clogged the pores and led to other problems. Guess he read that somewhere. He was right.


I think I might ask my doctor to do a 5 day extended allergy test on me. I had the in office test with it all over my back and only came back allergic to dust mites, mold and cats. I live in Southwest Florida so dust mites and mold are a big issue. However, my skin has been hyper sensitive my entire life which runs in the family. Do you think this will be helpful or useless in treating my GD?

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