Low-grade fevers weeks after COVID: Is this common with long COVID?

Posted by pdd @pdd, Feb 28, 2022

I was hospitalized for COVID and home since 2/3. On 2/24 started to have low grade fevers in the evening. Tylenol takes care of the fever. I am on home oxygen still but improving. Mobility and strength is better. Important to note immunosuppression due to cancer therapy a year ago. Lymphocytes are still depleted. Is this common with long COVID?

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Hi! How is everyone doing? I got covid at the end of June this year and I'm still getting low grade fevers every day and its worse every night (especially if I overdo it) it's rarely normal and usually between 99 to 100.2. My stomach has also been burning above my belly button and my dysautonomia symptoms have been worse. The burning belly happened when I had covid and went away for about 2 months for the most part but I overdid it with ibuprofen and now it never stops burning. I have a GI doctor appointment on the 15th for that but all the doctors and nurses I've talked to about the low grade fever are pretty clueless and unhelpful. Most say it wouldn't be from covid so I'm relieved I found this thread. I'm sorry yall are dealing with it too. I'm a 29 yr old female with dysautonomia, hEDS and sleep apnea.

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Hi @kelskid, how did your appointment go yesterday?

I thought you might to join others like you living with hEDS in the Bones, Joints & Muscles group. Get started in this discussion:
- Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) & HSD, calling all types! https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/edshsd-calling-all-types/

And this blog:
- Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome blog https://connect.mayoclinic.org/blog/ehlers-danlos-syndrome/


Hi @kelskid, how did your appointment go yesterday?

I thought you might to join others like you living with hEDS in the Bones, Joints & Muscles group. Get started in this discussion:
- Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) & HSD, calling all types! https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/edshsd-calling-all-types/

And this blog:
- Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome blog https://connect.mayoclinic.org/blog/ehlers-danlos-syndrome/

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Thank you! That's very thoughtful 😊 my appointment went fine. I'm gonna have an endoscopy at the beginning of next month. My stomach actually hardly ever burns now that for several weeks I only ate foods that were good for ulcers in case thats what it was and also lowered how much salt i was eating. My low grade fevers are also better and I've had more nights without a low grade fever than with but idk why that is except that I did connect the days that I got extremely emotional or stressed were the days it was worse.


Thank you! That's very thoughtful 😊 my appointment went fine. I'm gonna have an endoscopy at the beginning of next month. My stomach actually hardly ever burns now that for several weeks I only ate foods that were good for ulcers in case thats what it was and also lowered how much salt i was eating. My low grade fevers are also better and I've had more nights without a low grade fever than with but idk why that is except that I did connect the days that I got extremely emotional or stressed were the days it was worse.

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I had a similar experience after COVID. For about 2 months had same low grade fevers on and off with dysautonomia. I was tested for celiac and the results came back elevated, so I went gluten-free. Both the sweats and dysautonomia improved afterwards. Not sure if the diet helped or if it was a coincidence.


I had a similar experience after COVID. For about 2 months had same low grade fevers on and off with dysautonomia. I was tested for celiac and the results came back elevated, so I went gluten-free. Both the sweats and dysautonomia improved afterwards. Not sure if the diet helped or if it was a coincidence.

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I have read that dysautonomia tends to be better when you go gluten free. Were sweats and a low grade fever the only symptoms you had? I'm glad you're doing better now. I've been allergy tested and I only have a bad dust allergy which is extra bad this year.


I have read that dysautonomia tends to be better when you go gluten free. Were sweats and a low grade fever the only symptoms you had? I'm glad you're doing better now. I've been allergy tested and I only have a bad dust allergy which is extra bad this year.

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Dysautonomia, headaches, nausea, low grade fever were the major symptoms. Celiac is an autoimmune disease, not an allergy, and the test panel is different from common allergies. May be worth checking, as it is a simple blood test and the diet brings about huge improvement (gut-wise and diet-wise).


71 year old female. Had Covid 9/25. Took paxlovid and recovered quickly. Caught a nasty virus—probably RSV from grandkids. Took a month for coughing and congestion to subside. As I write this I am in week two of low grade fevers occurring three to five nights a week. Tonight temp peaked at 101.1. I can feel it happening as a wave of fatigue descends. I usually take two advil, go to sleep and feel pretty good in morning. Good enough to run around a pickleball court. Extenuating factor is that I have smzl in remission. I do not have night sweats or weight loss. So my confusion is do I attribute fevers to long Covid plus RSV? Or am I possibly relapsing with smzl?


I as well have this persistent low grade fever. I tested positive for covid on 6/3/20. I was very ill for 2 weeks. After the 2 weeks I returned to normal. On the 3rd week I started having intermittent low grade fever. My temperature now fluctuates, staying normal (98.2) for an hour or so then jumps to 99.0-100.2 for several hours . Today is day 57 of this intermittent low grade fever. When my temperature is normal I feel ok but still weak. When I have the low grade fever I feel very weak and is accompanied by an headache. I should also mention I have slight wheezing when I breathe in. Also when I take deep breaths I have a uncomfortable pressure on the right side of my chest almost as if something is lodged. I am 38 years old male, I have always been healthy and active. I hope this is temporary.


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Hello! Fever is a sympton of Long Covid. I also have fatigue, pain, bloating, gained 7 pounds, tingling and fever which starts around 97.3 in the mornings and goes up gradually during the day and at night I have like 99.1. I got sick with Long Covid on July 22nd of this year and still going.


Yes. had severe covid in November 1st and lasted 10 days with extreme illnes and temp 104 F.
Am now better and in stage 3 --extreme exhaustion. The infectious disease medical doctor explained that it is likely I may have to expect many months of same symptoms as the virus remains in the body before becoming dormant. So I test myself at home with the Rapid Antigen Test Kit at least weekly. he was right every so often I TEST POSITIVE for covid without symptoms except for the exhaustion, headache, and unsteadiness on my feet. MD stated this may go on for another month or 6 more months. Talk about patience! Wishing you all the best in recovery. Am with you!!


Hello! Fever is a sympton of Long Covid. I also have fatigue, pain, bloating, gained 7 pounds, tingling and fever which starts around 97.3 in the mornings and goes up gradually during the day and at night I have like 99.1. I got sick with Long Covid on July 22nd of this year and still going.

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I’m so sorry to hear this . I hope you feel better. I had covid almost 3 weeks ago . Fever lasted 3 days. I got one good week in after, although I may have run myself down with the holiday, and now I’m back to fevers . In the morning I’m fine , by night I reach 100.6 . Are you still having fevers everyday ? What had your dr said ? This is so worrisome .


I’m so sorry to hear this . I hope you feel better. I had covid almost 3 weeks ago . Fever lasted 3 days. I got one good week in after, although I may have run myself down with the holiday, and now I’m back to fevers . In the morning I’m fine , by night I reach 100.6 . Are you still having fevers everyday ? What had your dr said ? This is so worrisome .

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Yes that’s common at least for me
March 2020
Your fever is higher than normal for covid usually tuns around 99.1 or so for quite awhile but my normal temp is in the the 97. Range
So if your normal temp runs higher that makes sense
Can’t tell you how long mine would go up and down sometimes my temp would drop to the 96 point range
Think it lasted about 6 months plus for long covid

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