Fatigue every afternoon - How can I get more energy?

Posted by jmorris58 @jmorris58, Dec 18, 2022

I am 75 and am very tired every afternoon. I need a two hour nap. My blood work is good. Any comments that can help me get more energy?

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Apparently there is a solution where they implant a nerve stimulator to control sleep apnea. I know I could never get to sleep wearing a mask.

I don't think I have sleep apnea just get up 4 times a night to use the toilet.

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I don't know how a BIPAP machine works, but I use a CPAPmachine. It took several months to get it to fit right. If I have a restless night, the incident count is always higher. The company did not adust the pressure correctly for me. I had to have my doctor help me adust it.
Did you have a lesson on how th use it and adust the parts? That cam be done on Zoom or youtube. Good luck.


For me, simply speaking, I exercise. Walking fir twenty minutes each day tooosen up and begin to energize. Also, I go to the gym and exercise under direction of a competent trainer three days per week. The exercise is demanding but I feel great and energized. Even my sciatic pain is reduced and many times mitigated. Regular and sufficient nightly sleep. I take naps but no more than twenty to thirty minutes; sometimes just laying down and just resting staying awake. (I suspect that your long naps are affecting your sense of energy.
By the way, I am 79 y/o almost 80. I ride horses and ride a mountain bike. All of those I enjoy and find very stimulating.
I wish you the best and success in trying daily walking and some light exercises. I truly hope this works for you. Peace be with you.


For me, simply speaking, I exercise. Walking fir twenty minutes each day tooosen up and begin to energize. Also, I go to the gym and exercise under direction of a competent trainer three days per week. The exercise is demanding but I feel great and energized. Even my sciatic pain is reduced and many times mitigated. Regular and sufficient nightly sleep. I take naps but no more than twenty to thirty minutes; sometimes just laying down and just resting staying awake. (I suspect that your long naps are affecting your sense of energy.
By the way, I am 79 y/o almost 80. I ride horses and ride a mountain bike. All of those I enjoy and find very stimulating.
I wish you the best and success in trying daily walking and some light exercises. I truly hope this works for you. Peace be with you.

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Sometimes a vitamin deficiency can make you feel tired or run down. Get your physician’s advice; but supplements such as B12 can often help.


Yes. That advice about vitamin deficiency is true but that would have been discovered in the blood work.
I do talk vitamin and mineral supplements as well.


Yes. That advice about vitamin deficiency is true but that would have been discovered in the blood work.
I do talk vitamin and mineral supplements as well.

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Many times vitamin levels are not included in blood work unless you request it. Perhaps your doctor does add them to your order. I have to ask for D3 and B12 to be included. My doctor advises that I might get charged for it, but I’m good with that as these are important numbers to know.

If you add an under the tongue dissolvable B, take it early in the day so it does not keep you awake at night.



None of the above have worked for me and I’m on infusions at CARTI, so definitely check it out, especially if your appetite isn’t well, check for celiac gene it’s inherited and they won’t know unless they check the gene, no one ever checked me and now I’m 53 and my body will not hold nutrients so it’s refractory now with no cure, but we are trying I will say a prayer for you🙏


For me, simply speaking, I exercise. Walking fir twenty minutes each day tooosen up and begin to energize. Also, I go to the gym and exercise under direction of a competent trainer three days per week. The exercise is demanding but I feel great and energized. Even my sciatic pain is reduced and many times mitigated. Regular and sufficient nightly sleep. I take naps but no more than twenty to thirty minutes; sometimes just laying down and just resting staying awake. (I suspect that your long naps are affecting your sense of energy.
By the way, I am 79 y/o almost 80. I ride horses and ride a mountain bike. All of those I enjoy and find very stimulating.
I wish you the best and success in trying daily walking and some light exercises. I truly hope this works for you. Peace be with you.

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Just curious, have you been told NOT to ride horses? I've stopped when my MRI showed severe tendonosis and inflammation in my left hip. I felt if I continued, I would end up on a wheelchair. What are your feelings?


My doctors know about my hobbies and exercise practices and have voiced no concerns. They support these activities, in spite of having several falls out of the saddle and falling with the horse. I did suffer one injury from being tossed out of the saddle over the horses head (he spooked at ducks taking off) and have a separated right bicep tendon and supra spin at us partially torn tendon. Happened 3 yrs ago. This and the sciatic pinch is why I am at the gym.
I ride every Friday morning both warm ups in our small arena and on the dirt farm roads and trails around where we live. I'm not as an aggressive rider any longer (fear of falling again) and try to keep my horse to a trots and lopes for short distance while checking the ground in front of us. I'd like to keep riding until it just isn't doable or another injury occurs. Otherwise, I 'm very sensible in what I do. 🙂


None of the above have worked for me and I’m on infusions at CARTI, so definitely check it out, especially if your appetite isn’t well, check for celiac gene it’s inherited and they won’t know unless they check the gene, no one ever checked me and now I’m 53 and my body will not hold nutrients so it’s refractory now with no cure, but we are trying I will say a prayer for you🙏

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I also, beginning at age 51 (now 72), suffer from being unable to hold nutrients due to a defective celiac gene I unknowingly inherited. Gluten is hiding in so many food products as well as in the majority of grains so avoiding damage to intestinal Villi and thus nutrient loss, is very hard. Osteoporosis is a great risk also.


Just curious, have you been told NOT to ride horses? I've stopped when my MRI showed severe tendonosis and inflammation in my left hip. I felt if I continued, I would end up on a wheelchair. What are your feelings?

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Have you had your iron level checked. Low iron can make you tired and less energy

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