Diarrhea side effects from the Big 3

Posted by machelp @machelp, Jan 28 6:41pm

I began taking the big 3 in mid-December and am also on Arikayce treatments daily. My main side effect is frequent diarrhea, and I also feel very weak. My ID physician prescribed anti-diarrhea powder, but the diarrhea only subsided slightly. I am at the point where I have to wear Depends, which has put a hold on my marital love life. I want to be cured of the MAC, but is this treatment worth it? I have a virtual appointment with my ID physician tomorrow. Please help me!

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Hi Kathy. Since yogurt, kefir and all the different types of fibre you’re adding to your diet are new to you, a suggestion would be to start slowly and maybe just try the yogurt first. Kefir is an amazing product for boosting the good bacteria in the gut biome. But it can also cause gas and bloating if you’re not used to it.
So I’d begin with 8 oz of yogurt daily. You can break that into smaller portions, morning and then evening before bed. Then in a few days, you can add a little kefir to give that a try. I wouldn’t go with a full serving size right away. That might be too much of a good thing when you’re not used to it. You could used a couple tablespoons the flavored kefir mixed into your plain yogurt to start.
This will take time to completely heal your gut…weeks to months! But don’t get discouraged. You’re on the right track now with getting the healthy pre and probiotics back into your system. Good luck!

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Hi Lori-
Nice to see your post above.
Totally agree, sometimes we go at it too quickly without realizing it.
As I mentioned to Kathy I start out and quite often just do an ounce a day to slowly introduce things such as Kefir, Yogurt, Aloe Vera juice etc. into my system.
Glad you are here to help us.
Hope Kathy has success.


Barbara, I went to Aldi today and didn't see the black container you suggested. I bought a carton of Friendly Farms Plain Nonfat Greek Yogurt. According to the label, it contains several live and active cultures. I also bought a 32 oz. carton of Friendly Farms Probiotic Kefir Blueberry Cultured Lowfat Milk. My plan is to start tomorrow adding the yogurt and Kefir to my diet to help my gut with the diarrhea side effects from the antibiotics.

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Great Kathy.
Step number one accomplished, bought.
Take it slow as Lori has suggested.
I also last time found that they were out of stock of the high protein labeled yogurt, hopefully the case and not discontinued.
Hoping you see some improvement by the end of the week.


Hi Kathy. Since yogurt, kefir and all the different types of fibre you’re adding to your diet are new to you, a suggestion would be to start slowly and maybe just try the yogurt first. Kefir is an amazing product for boosting the good bacteria in the gut biome. But it can also cause gas and bloating if you’re not used to it.
So I’d begin with 8 oz of yogurt daily. You can break that into smaller portions, morning and then evening before bed. Then in a few days, you can add a little kefir to give that a try. I wouldn’t go with a full serving size right away. That might be too much of a good thing when you’re not used to it. You could used a couple tablespoons the flavored kefir mixed into your plain yogurt to start.
This will take time to completely heal your gut…weeks to months! But don’t get discouraged. You’re on the right track now with getting the healthy pre and probiotics back into your system. Good luck!

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Great suggestions! I will take it slow, as you suggested. Fingers crossed.


I’m relieved for you that you don’t have C-Diff. That’s scourge I wouldn’t wish on anyone! Keeping my little gut-bugs happy is my goal. 😃
Antibitoics are godsends for helping us fend off certain bacteria. Unfortunately they are not discriminatory and kill off the good bacteria in our guts as well. So we need to replenish, feed and nurture the good guys!
There are some great articles online about keeping our gut biome healthy. I gave you a couple links yesterday and with the addition of some of those foods, the yogurt you bought and the addition of fiber will help.

I wanted to caution you though! Add fiber daily in small amounts! Too much will cause their own level of gastric disturbances. ☺️ If you end up with more bloating or gas, just back off for a day or so again. For the yogurt, aim for 8 oz daily. You can divide that into smaller portions of 4 oz morning and then evening after dinner. If you’re introducing fiber like ground flax seed, then only mix 1 teaspoon in with your morning oatmeal. And also, if you’re not used to oatmeal, work your way up to larger portions of that as well. I think a serving is 1/2 cup of raw oats (before cooking). That’s a lot if you’re not used to it! So try 1/4 cup and cook in the microwave with either milk or water added.
Same thing for the muffins! They sound healthy but if you’re not used to a lot of fiber, slow and steady gains is the way to introduce them.

Another staple food I add to my diet daily is raw sauerkraut. Fermented foods such as raw sauerkraut or kimchi are super healthy for our guts. The kraut should be fresh, not canned. You can make it at home, or grocery stores carry it in refrigerator case! I eat about 2 tablespoons of kraut daily on a salad or sandwich.
You might also consider having a consultation with a registered dietician to help you find a happy balance with getting enough fiber, nutrition and protein. Weighing only 70 pounds you definitely can’t afford to lose any more weight. Let’s get that gut healthy so you can put some meat on your bones again. It takes time to heal a gut, so don’t rush it!

Best wishes for success in treating your MAC. That’s out of my wheelhouse but I would like you to let me know how you’re doing with your intestinal issues.

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@loribmt I appreciate your mentioning sauerkraut and kimchi. While I dislike the taste of both, they are vegan options which I need so I think I should start investing tolerable brands for when I need them.


I’m optimist that you’ll start noticing some changes within a few days of eating the yogurt and some of the pre/probiotic foods. Those foods will start giving your intestines some good bacteria again!

When you have time, do a little research for healthy foods to eat for repairing gut health. But try not to get too obsessed with it! Eat what you will enjoy and skip the weird foods that might not appeal to you. It won’t take long before you’re comfortable with the new food routines. They’ll become second nature.
After your stool starts becoming more formed you can add foods like nuts and berries, healthy salads, fruits, veggies to your daily intake. I think I mentioned avoiding dairy (except the yogurt) for few days until your stool is normal as well. I’d also suggest switching to lactose free milk products. For example, I drink Fairlife (fat free) milk. All the Fairlife products are lactose free. Other products on the market are Lactaid, which also makes lactose free ice-cream (which is to die for! 😅). They also make cottage cheese and sour cream. I didn’t have any luck at all with the Lactaid pills, (to take before eating dairy) they really bothered my stomach. But I’ve tried most all the lactose free dairy on the market. Another yummy cottage cheese is a brand called Good. They have a lactose free product in their lineup. That on has active yogurt cultures in it too.
My goodness…you have lost a lot of weight. I’m hoping you can gain some of that back soon. When your guts are healthy again, I can guarantee success in that department if you start eating some of that Lactaid Salted Caramel Ice Cream. 😂

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Today I made a smoothie of 6 oz yogurt, 2 oz. kefir, a tsp of protein powder, a banana, a few blueberries, and ice. It was yummy and so very healthy! Fingers crossed that my pitiful gut will appreciate it.


Today I made a smoothie of 6 oz yogurt, 2 oz. kefir, a tsp of protein powder, a banana, a few blueberries, and ice. It was yummy and so very healthy! Fingers crossed that my pitiful gut will appreciate it.

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Well if your guts weren’t thrilled at least your taste buds were excited!! That sounded really yummy!!! I really am optimistic that this new diet will really be helpful to get you on the right track! I sure hope so, for your sake!
Another great overall diet is the Mediterranean Diet full of delicious fresh veggies, fruits, lean proteins, healthy fats and antioxidants. It keeps the guts and palate happy! ☺️


@loribmt I appreciate your mentioning sauerkraut and kimchi. While I dislike the taste of both, they are vegan options which I need so I think I should start investing tolerable brands for when I need them.

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I grew up with kraut…my grammy used to make it all the time. While I’ve made it myself, I just don’t like the fragrance wafting through the house all the time. 😅. So I buy fresh refrigerated sauerkraut at grocery store. Once open, I put it into a glass quart jar in the fridge. Keeps the odor from gracing everything else. LOL.
If you don’t like it plain, try adding a tablespoon of kraut as a condiment on a sandwich or added on top of a lettuce salad.
One of my favorite brands, that I seem to find wherever we travel in the US, is Cleveland Kraut. Usually found in the produce area or health food sections in a cooler case. Though I have found certain brands nestled in a meat case.

A suggestion for kimchi if you’re not used to it, would be starting with a less spicy variety. It will say on the front of the package or bottle. Again, you can use it on sandwiches, baked potatoes, salads…
They are both super healthy foods for gut health! Let me know if you try them!


Today I made a smoothie of 6 oz yogurt, 2 oz. kefir, a tsp of protein powder, a banana, a few blueberries, and ice. It was yummy and so very healthy! Fingers crossed that my pitiful gut will appreciate it.

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Great smoothie recipe with both yogurt and kefir. Glad it was yummy for you.


I grew up with kraut…my grammy used to make it all the time. While I’ve made it myself, I just don’t like the fragrance wafting through the house all the time. 😅. So I buy fresh refrigerated sauerkraut at grocery store. Once open, I put it into a glass quart jar in the fridge. Keeps the odor from gracing everything else. LOL.
If you don’t like it plain, try adding a tablespoon of kraut as a condiment on a sandwich or added on top of a lettuce salad.
One of my favorite brands, that I seem to find wherever we travel in the US, is Cleveland Kraut. Usually found in the produce area or health food sections in a cooler case. Though I have found certain brands nestled in a meat case.

A suggestion for kimchi if you’re not used to it, would be starting with a less spicy variety. It will say on the front of the package or bottle. Again, you can use it on sandwiches, baked potatoes, salads…
They are both super healthy foods for gut health! Let me know if you try them!

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Although I didn't eat a lot of sauerkraut growing up like you did, I do enjoy it on Reuben sandwiches and hot dogs with mustard. I found Sabrett sauerkraut at Publix a couple of days ago. It was in the cooler with the hot dogs.
I first experienced kimchi when I lived in the Far East. As I recall, kimchi was very popular in Korea. I have a question: When I buy kimchi, does it have to be raw; or can I purchase it in a jar?


Although I didn't eat a lot of sauerkraut growing up like you did, I do enjoy it on Reuben sandwiches and hot dogs with mustard. I found Sabrett sauerkraut at Publix a couple of days ago. It was in the cooler with the hot dogs.
I first experienced kimchi when I lived in the Far East. As I recall, kimchi was very popular in Korea. I have a question: When I buy kimchi, does it have to be raw; or can I purchase it in a jar?

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@loribmt @machelp
Yum Sauerkraut.
I recently made a sauerkraut soup and I preferred to puree it. I liked it. I try to have a soup and a salad with every light evening meal.

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