COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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Yesterday (10/3/23), I got the updated Covid vaccine (Comirnaty) and within 30 minutes both my feet burned fiercely and tingled. I was diagnosed with small fiber neuropathy in 2009, so I am accustomed to paresthesia and pain in my lower extremities. However, this dramatic increase after the vaccine is alarming. The burning/tingling in the feet has subsided some, but the flare-up in pain, fasciculations and heaviness in my calves and the back of my thighs, which happened after the injection, continues and is worrying. The same thing happened after my first Covid injection in March 2021, but it wasn't nearly as severe and resolved within a couple of hours. I'm worried this time it might not resolve at all. Anyone have experience to share?

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This is very disturbing. You are not alone.


Yesterday (10/3/23), I got the updated Covid vaccine (Comirnaty) and within 30 minutes both my feet burned fiercely and tingled. I was diagnosed with small fiber neuropathy in 2009, so I am accustomed to paresthesia and pain in my lower extremities. However, this dramatic increase after the vaccine is alarming. The burning/tingling in the feet has subsided some, but the flare-up in pain, fasciculations and heaviness in my calves and the back of my thighs, which happened after the injection, continues and is worrying. The same thing happened after my first Covid injection in March 2021, but it wasn't nearly as severe and resolved within a couple of hours. I'm worried this time it might not resolve at all. Anyone have experience to share?

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Wow - sorry to hear - what does your Neurologist think? Sure hope you get some help.


Yesterday (10/3/23), I got the updated Covid vaccine (Comirnaty) and within 30 minutes both my feet burned fiercely and tingled. I was diagnosed with small fiber neuropathy in 2009, so I am accustomed to paresthesia and pain in my lower extremities. However, this dramatic increase after the vaccine is alarming. The burning/tingling in the feet has subsided some, but the flare-up in pain, fasciculations and heaviness in my calves and the back of my thighs, which happened after the injection, continues and is worrying. The same thing happened after my first Covid injection in March 2021, but it wasn't nearly as severe and resolved within a couple of hours. I'm worried this time it might not resolve at all. Anyone have experience to share?

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I’m just recovering from Covid. Doctor says I now don’t need the latest shot which I’m happy about. Each Covid injection has made me nervous. The vaccines ramp up the immune system and thus cause inflammation which affects neuropathy. I hope your symptoms quiet down soon. Is your SFN autoimmune? A flare of symptoms would make sense in that case. Take care.


This is very disturbing. You are not alone.

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I have neuropathy caused by DADS which is a variant of CIDP. The symptoms began within 2 months of getting my first two Pfizer vaccines and progressed over the next year or so. I am convinced that is what caused all of this though it has not been confirmed. I went on to get the first booster before making the connection as my symptoms were somewhat mild at that point. It was after the booster that symptoms really took off and changed my life, forcing me into early retirement. I refuse to get any more Covid vaccines unless/until I am 109% guaranteed they did not cause my illness. Not only that I refuse any vaccine that is not absolutely imperative. This illness is hell!


Also me. Hugs I trust none of vaccines for a friend was told one set of ingredients, I asked for a sample to test and got a whole set of other answers. Each one has to deal with their own. I fear not flu, covid, RSV, shingles, hepatitis, pneumonia etc for I am from pioneer stock. My beloved mother survived something and passed on wonderful immunity to her kids. The vaccines would removed that immunity.

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Just when I think I've heard it all, I read a post like yours and it brings me back to reality. I never knew you could be an immune Superhero! As far as someone telling you the ingredients, Do some research, read a book. There are no ingredients, They are Lab created RNA that when used with MRNA causes the body to create the immunity. You asked for a sample to test?? What does that even mean? Is there any way to test for super immunity?


I also have the same concerns, except I was diagnosed with erythromelalgia in 2018. It started in 2017, it then became dormant the fall of 2018, but surfaced again this past November 2020 and I have had flare since then. I have not resorted to medications other than aspirin, a topical cream and ice pack but may be looking into other medications after I give it another few months to see if it gets under control again. This still all new to me! I am 74. I have read a lot of comments on erythromelalgia and understand my pain and flare is not as bad as many people face but it is still there. I have wondered if anyone with neuropathy and/or erythromelalgia (specifically) has received the Covid vaccine and what has been your results. Is there a erythromelalgia area I should be posting to instead? I am new to this Mayo site. Thank you.

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If you don't want to die from Covid, you'll get the vaccine. Your choice.


I just read that 90% of people who are dying from Covid now are over 65. I would rather take my chances with the vaccine rather than take my chances with having Covid.


I have neuropathy caused by DADS which is a variant of CIDP. The symptoms began within 2 months of getting my first two Pfizer vaccines and progressed over the next year or so. I am convinced that is what caused all of this though it has not been confirmed. I went on to get the first booster before making the connection as my symptoms were somewhat mild at that point. It was after the booster that symptoms really took off and changed my life, forcing me into early retirement. I refuse to get any more Covid vaccines unless/until I am 109% guaranteed they did not cause my illness. Not only that I refuse any vaccine that is not absolutely imperative. This illness is hell!

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I am almost 99% sure that the Covid vaccine is behind a lot of my symptoms but the doctors aren't saying anything about that.
I have full body trunk legs arms hands feet peripheral neuropathy, they call it idiopathic , which means they don't know. I know how you feel and everyone out there that's experiencing what they think is a side effect of the vaccine.


I am almost 99% sure that the Covid vaccine is behind a lot of my symptoms but the doctors aren't saying anything about that.
I have full body trunk legs arms hands feet peripheral neuropathy, they call it idiopathic , which means they don't know. I know how you feel and everyone out there that's experiencing what they think is a side effect of the vaccine.

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I developed sensory and motor peripheral neuropathy after the Pfizer vaccine. My outstanding peripheral neurologist agrees the vaccine was the likely cause. My deep knees reflexes have returned 2 years later and I am slowly improving overall. While the initial vaccines saved many lives, they also seriously injured many people. After considerable research, I believe the government is not being transparent about the true serious adverse reaction rate.


Also me. Hugs I trust none of vaccines for a friend was told one set of ingredients, I asked for a sample to test and got a whole set of other answers. Each one has to deal with their own. I fear not flu, covid, RSV, shingles, hepatitis, pneumonia etc for I am from pioneer stock. My beloved mother survived something and passed on wonderful immunity to her kids. The vaccines would removed that immunity.

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Vaccines don't remove immunity.

This kind of talk is harmful.

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