Continued Post-Nasal Drip and Constant Mucus in Throat

Posted by adominic @adominic, Mar 22, 2022

I was sick the last week or January/first week of February. Home Test-negative, rapid PCR-negative. All COVID symptoms and known prolonged exposure to infected individuals make me believe it was COVID. Since then, I have had a tremendously hard time dealing with post-nasal drip and mucus collecting in my throat. It is clear, sticky and almost impossible to remove from throat by coughing or clearing my throat. Flonase does nothing, allergy pills do nothing. Had anyone else had an issue like this post COVID? How long did it last? What did you do to cope? Small problem in comparison to others that post here, I realize.

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I use Azelestine spray, better than any other, and can be taken as needed. works in 10-20 minutes.
Also red bell pepper chewed, dissolves the phlegm and clears the back of the throat. Try it!
I had 3 full doses of Moderna, last shot 20 months ago, Will never take any of the mRNA vaccines because the lipid nanoparticles penetrate every cell in the body and tigger numerouse unknow side effects.
If you are deficient in D3, and you will be unless you live in the southern states, your immune system is seriously comprimised. I take 5000iu of D3 and 100mcg K2 starting 4 months ago. Get rid of as much sugar as you can in your diet (like no processed foods with added sugar!) and you will see amazing results in every part of your body. I am 77 and walk 200minutes/ week on treadmill at 3.5-6% grade at 3mph. There is no magic bullet to body health, except getting rid of all excess sugars! Its literally poison, and buried in every processed food product you buy.

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I so agree. I have gotten off sugar since last October, lost 20 pounds (so grateful!). My bloodwork was all over the place after Covid last year. I also am on D3 with K2 daily. I also am on Azelestine spray and will try the red bell pepper. Thank you and God bless.


has anyone had regular vomitting with this mucus issues?


I have clear sticky saliva that gets stuck in the back of my throat since Covid last year. Its worse first thing in the morning. It wakes me up at night. This is NOT sinus drainage. I've been to 5 doctors and had my mouth cultured. All came back normal. B12 was low. I rinse my mouth a lot, scrape my tongue to get this stuff off several times a day and drink a lot of water. I was told to use Listerine to keep bacteria done. I have been on so many things and nothing has really helped. Personally, I think this is due to long Covid. I have been battling this since Oct. 11th of last year. Praying for you and I am so sorry you are battling this.


I have clear sticky saliva that gets stuck in the back of my throat since Covid last year. Its worse first thing in the morning. It wakes me up at night. This is NOT sinus drainage. I've been to 5 doctors and had my mouth cultured. All came back normal. B12 was low. I rinse my mouth a lot, scrape my tongue to get this stuff off several times a day and drink a lot of water. I was told to use Listerine to keep bacteria done. I have been on so many things and nothing has really helped. Personally, I think this is due to long Covid. I have been battling this since Oct. 11th of last year. Praying for you and I am so sorry you are battling this.

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Have the same issues…. Very annoying and I started after the covid booster & have been diagnosed with bronchiectasis!


I have never been diagnosed with Covid but received 2 doses of covid vaccine in April/May 21. Since that time it seems I have had this same chronic feeling of pflegm in the throat and constantly swallowing and never goes away. I am wondering if others that have had the vaccine and have also experienced this problem. Now 18 months later I am still struggling with these same symptoms.

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I had 2nd dose of vaccine April 24 2021 and days after started with thick adhesive like phlegm. My husband got vaccine April 8 and 13 days after fever hospitalized lungs filled with thick phlegm had heart attack in hospital after choking on phlegm put on ventilator died May 8. I was Diagnosed covid January 2022 after 3 trips to er after o2 says dropping to in the 50s hospitalized 2 weeks rehab 3 months through all this still have the thick phlegm drainage and now since actually having covid on O2


male 43 yo. otherwise in good health. never smoked.
about 12 months ago, I have been exposed repently to a high temperature change (from a 18° when I was abroad, to 30° back in my country). At the same time, I got covid.
those days, I sarted experimenting post nasal drip: mucus from the back of the nose that goes down to throat. From there, never passed completely. I still daily, experiment this.
I noticed that it gets worse, as even before
- when exposed to humid cold.
- when eating HOT food (hot milk, even pasta)
but now, something more completely new to me, it gets worse:
- when eating SUGARS, even sweet fruit (apples)
- Ice creams are the thing that get me the worst.(in fact they are sweet cold and humid)

But, oddly enough, NOT when eating sugar melt in a cup of water...

But even trying to avoid sugar and all of the above, the post nasal drip isn't completely gone, and in any case I start eating again those foods, it gets worse again.

I tried also to replace milk with soy milk or coconut milk, but sill I have the problem.

oddly, the sun, that always makes go away the post nasal drip when I had flue... does nothing at all in this case.

The specialist of ears/nose/throat who visited me, gave me some steroids nasal spray (Beclomethasone) to do for one month and repeat when neessary, but I had no benefits at all.

I was reading too that there is a "turbinate hypertrophy" that can be caused by high temperature change (like happened to me) and that causes post nasal drip, among the other things, but the doctors who visited me didnt tell me I had that. Moreover, it should cause problem to respiration, that I dont think I have.

Searching the web, some say that persistent post nasal drip may be caused by fungus, that live with sugars, and suggest to avoid sugars and eat cold liver oil, that boost immunitary system and is fungicide. but still I have the problem.

Has anyone had long term post nasal drip, after sudden temperature change/covid? or that get worse eating sugar?
and how did you solved it?

thank you!!!

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It lowers your immune system and the nasal passages are always cleaning with your immune cells. after a while, these immune cells get exhausted, and makes way for more irritants to become susceptible into your body
. I am not a doctor, but I think it’s all related. If you look at the invasion your immunity goes through every day and then put a new virus into the equation( COVID)
The excess mucus makes sense.
I am assuming the virus is still overreacting to getting hit by a foreign entity.
I still use mucinex daily. I really think it is viral overload. That’s my opinion but like I said, I’m not a doctor.


Been having a lot of post nasal drip after a month of testing negative from having Covid. I’ve had it on occasion before having Covid, but not in the volume it is now. Just bought a netti pot and going to try that.


Have you tried low histamine diet? It helped me.


I caught covid last year I’ve tried all prescribed steroids nasal sprays, tablets, antihistamines sinus wash outs and nasal ones but still missing lots of sleep from choking at night on thick post nasal drip. So exhausted feel I can’t cope anymore. ENT would like to do FESS op to drain sinuses but there are potentially bad side effects. Has anyone had this surgery and did it help?It sounds so minor but I’m short of breath now and can’t cope anymore. Has anyone had a good result from those op?


Musinex helps me at night

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