Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)

Posted by naiviv @naiviv, Oct 14, 2022

My husband was diagnosed 2 days ago with Right side CHF and he has to take Lasix everyday in addition to his BP meds. Anyone else has been diagnosed with this? Thank you

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I was diagnosed with left CHF 2 weeks ago. Have been on Diuretic and Entresto for 2+ weeks waiting on CT Calcium Score Scan and Follow-up with Doc. Seems everything takes so long and very little education is provided when first diagnosed. I have been worried, researching, scared, and more while I wait. Thank goodness for sites like the Cleveland and others to give me information. I find that Salt is the Killer and too much liquid intake. Such a lifestyle change. I think managing this newly illness is the hardest part … living with a chronic condition is hard enough with my past of chronic asthma and irregular heartbeat already. Just because it seems to be a common diagnosis nowadays isn’t good reason for doctors to treat it so lightly. I hope to get a nutritionist and I guess a fitness regimen. What do you all do?

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@marilynawilson47 Right on, Marilyn. I, too, have CHF There are many disorders which cause this, including myeloma and others. Oh, well. Even the docs I see don't have a clue, so I just pretend this makes me smarter than them, if not wealthier. I tried one time to name and identify all the locations of cancers I have in my body. I was going to have my wife massage them all for me, and maybe that would help. But then I became afraid she might massage the white matter cancer in my brain with a baseball bat, so I settled on massaging my lips with hers. Simpler, cheaper, smarter. oldkarl


@marilynawilson47 Right on, Marilyn. I, too, have CHF There are many disorders which cause this, including myeloma and others. Oh, well. Even the docs I see don't have a clue, so I just pretend this makes me smarter than them, if not wealthier. I tried one time to name and identify all the locations of cancers I have in my body. I was going to have my wife massage them all for me, and maybe that would help. But then I became afraid she might massage the white matter cancer in my brain with a baseball bat, so I settled on massaging my lips with hers. Simpler, cheaper, smarter. oldkarl

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Great attitude! I agree, the docs don't really know a thing and each person responds differently to everything. We had a cardiologist rehab woman tell us once that healing is 100% mind over matter. So I'm staying busy and positive.
Massage does help though ... plus lots of alternative tools that calm our spirits which in turn calms the body.


I have diastolic heart failure ( also called HF PEF ( heart failure with preserved ejection fraction). My ejection fraction is normal but my heart doesn’t relax enough afterwards. Anyone else?


Well, update ... my CAC score was 207, so a Heart Cath is prescribed by end of month. Wish there was another way to find blockages and I know they can be dangerous, but thinking positive!


I had a cardiac work up. I read the impression that said. “ no active coronary artery disease”. Why use that wording. I forgot to ask.


I have been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. I believe it’s my left side. I will find out when I see my doctor on the 1 st. I also have AFib. I’m on the same water pill as your husband plus potassium. I also take Cartia for my AFib. My walking is not good at all. How did your husband find out his problem?


I keep hearing the names of different heart problems, None of them seem to describe what I have. I had a heart rate of 72 when I was a teenager. I was always congratulated on my low heart rate. Apparently, that is the sign of an athlete. I wasn't. Then it started tanking to less than 55 heart beats a minute. I didn't have any problems after that. I got a new technician the last time it was checked. He insisted on setting it for 80 heart beats a minute. I am not happy. That is faster than my "normal" heart beat. I wanted it reduced. He wouldn't do it. Has anyone had a similar problem? And what was your experience? I am booked to see the cardiologist on February 14th!


I forgot to state what the technician was checking. It is my pacemaker. I've had it since January 2020. It was set at the standard rate that all new pacemakers are set at. I had no problems with it. I think the new technician just wanted to set it to what he wanted and not what I wanted or what I felt I needed.


I forgot to state what the technician was checking. It is my pacemaker. I've had it since January 2020. It was set at the standard rate that all new pacemakers are set at. I had no problems with it. I think the new technician just wanted to set it to what he wanted and not what I wanted or what I felt I needed.

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Hi elizaolson, I used to have a pacemaker actually 2 total over a 10 year period and I find it interesting that the Tech would decide to either raise or lower the rate. Over the years I had mine adjusted many times but it was always the EP Cardiologist who set the rate, there is no standard settings. So I would suggest talking with your Doctor as to why he changed it. Mine was set at different times for 80-100 to help treat my issues.
Now during an appointment to check my pacemaker the tech under orders from the doctor would test the pacemaker by raising and lowering the rate justnto make sure it was working properly. Thus was always uncomfortable and would take a few hours to feel good again.
But I hope the doctor can help you decide a good rate that feels comfortable as I once did have it too high and he obligated me and turned it down.
Let me know what he says and if I can help further please let me know.


Dana, the first technician I had didn't change the setting because she thought it was OK. I think this new "young" thing thinks he knows best. I have left a couple of messages for my cardiologist, but I have not heard back from him. I can understand it being upped to my old rate, but not above my old rate. If I don't get it reduced, I think I will threaten to stand in the middle of the road, take off my clothes and holler, "Fire!" I hear hollering "Fire" is more effective than hollering rape!

Thanks for contacting me. I appreciate it.

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