CAC score in 95th Percentile - Next Steps?

Posted by sunnysky @sunnysky, Sep 14, 2023


I am turning 50 and recently had my annual physical. My BMI is 21. I am on no drugs currently. I eat a heart-healthy diet and exercise regularly.

Here are my cholesterol results:
Cholesterol: 165
LDL: 93
HDL: 56.

I have a strong family history of early-onset heart disease. My dad had his first quadruple bypass in his mid forties.

My coronary calcium (CAC) score came back at 30, which is in the 95th percentile for my age.

My primary care physician noted that my CAC score was "good" and recommended no changes to my lifestyle or any medication.

But I am concerned that my CAC score is in the 95th percentile, despite my diet and exercise, and my family history of early-onset heart disease. I want to stop the progression of my heart disease.

My question: should I seek a second opinion about whether medication might be appropriate in my case? I would certainly be willing to take a statin if that would help.

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hi- My brother passed away at 57 in july. He was very fit and cycled daily and had no health issues. He had a cardiac arrest after a hard workout. It shocked us all. Our family got checked for heart issues. We all got an angiogram and my result came back EXACTLY like your. Calcium score of 30-95%. I am 49, have normal blood pressure and cholesterol is ok. My cardiologist told me he believes in prevention and put me on a statin and baby aspirin. He told me the plaque build up is generic and not lifestyle driven and if I don't get on statin I could have the same fate as my brother in 7-10 years beacuse it will just continue to build. I would get a second opinion and find a dr who beleive in prevention!

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@montrealnymontreal, Welcome to Mayo Connect, and let me first say how sorry I am that you lost your brother. Being 57, fit and healthy, no wonder his death was such a shock to you and your family. It never hurts to gather all the information you can and learn as much as possible, especially when beginning a new drug regimen. You want to be sure you are being given the best advice possible. This is your life, your body and you have every reason to question the path chosen. You want to be informed and be your own advocate. That is the most important thing you can do for yourself. Do I understand you plan to get a second opinion or you're saying prevention is the way to go? Either way, welcome to Connect! When will you see your cardiologist again?


You might want to read “How to beat the Heart Attack Gene”


I am 57 and share the same characteristics as you: hereditary high cholesterol which I control, eat healthy, exercise, and don’t smoke. 5’ 10 - 175. Six years ago CAC was very high. Over the six years passed two stress test at different locations and two CT scans with dye. No symptoms. Last month took another CAC test and results were 30% higher. Took CT scan with dye-inconclusive. Then had an angioplasty procedure done with intent of visually seeing with scope and stent if needed. Blockage was too bad to stent and had open heart surgery the next day. IMO we really don’t know exactly what is going on until an angio is done. My progression is the norm for most doctors. Again, I had no symptoms. Good luck.

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