Blood clot in heart

Posted by bevh @bevh, Aug 19, 2021

I was previously diagnosed with a blood clot in my heart and put on blood thinners for a while. I was taken off blood thinners and assumed the clot was gone because my Doc gave the ok to have my defibrillator implanted. I have had subsequent echoes and it was no longer mentioned. I had an echo yesterday and was told By a different Dr. the blood clot was still there and would probably be there the rest of my life. Was anyone here told this and if there is added danger with this condition

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I've got arrythmia and afib. I'm on meds for afib. I was recently turned away from atrial ablation procedure after a pre-procedure transesophageal echo showed a "darker area" in the echocardiogram result that justifiably could be a clot (nobody explained if there's any other type of result from a TE echo). I don't remember if the clot is in my left atrium or left ventricle. Doctor switched me from Eliquis to Xarelto post-op and asked me to reschedule the ablation procedure for a month from now, but I don't know what efficacy there is in a nearly identical medicine swap (Eliquis vs. Xarelto) and just waiting four more weeks. I'd prefer to not get turned away twice if I can help it. Are blood thinners (Coumadin, etc.) advisable in combination with anticoagulants (Eliquis/Xarelto)? Removing/dissolving the clot, if that's what the echo showed, would be nice as a "Plan A" approach. The goal is to improve (even if only slightly) my left atrial ejection fraction once I'm no longer in afib. I've read about the mini-Maze procedure. It looks interesting if I'm a good candidate. Any others with similar experiences where ablation may not have been possible? All feedback is welcomed. Thanks in advance!


I have a blood clot in my heart too. I am waiting for my second Ablation to get out of Afib. I remain in Afib,on meds,am exhausted,short of breath,and want my life back.I am surprised your clot did not dissolve. I am worried now. Any thoughts? Thanks, Afibjan

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What anti-arrythmic med are you taking?


What anti-arrythmic med are you taking?

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Have you ever heard of Multaq post a-fib an anti-arrythmic med?

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