Benzodiazepine class action law suit

Posted by shake @shake, Nov 4, 2022

Has anyone looked into a class action law suit regarding Benzodiazepines?

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They need to do something people have been dying or want to left and right from these meds.

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Dying left and right by taking what meds?


Benzos …if they don’t die.. They suffer immensely until they do


I am reporting my "Dr." to everyone possible. I thought he was a decent doctor, his father and grandfather were. He started prescribing benzos to me without any discussion about side effects or dependency. This has been going on for over 10 years. Then he lost his license due to his bogus practices and the withdrawal has been hell. Severe nightmares where as I rarely remembered my dreams while taking Xanax. Also, I am a younger person and he continued to increase my dose. I have tried to ask for help tapering/coming off of them, but obviously that wasn't in his best interest.


Dying left and right by taking what meds?

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Benzodiazepines can wreak havoc but they don’t kill people. You made a strong statement. Can you clarify? Most on this forum would like to know. Can you provide some sources?


Benzos …if they don’t die.. They suffer immensely until they do

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Can you clarify? I was not aware that people could die from taking Benzos. Do you mean suffering from withdrawals can cause death?


I am reporting my "Dr." to everyone possible. I thought he was a decent doctor, his father and grandfather were. He started prescribing benzos to me without any discussion about side effects or dependency. This has been going on for over 10 years. Then he lost his license due to his bogus practices and the withdrawal has been hell. Severe nightmares where as I rarely remembered my dreams while taking Xanax. Also, I am a younger person and he continued to increase my dose. I have tried to ask for help tapering/coming off of them, but obviously that wasn't in his best interest.

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Can you not find another doctor that will help you taper properly?


I am in the process, thanks.


I too take Klonopin. Have been for a couple of years. 0.5 in the morning and 1 milligram at 4:00 pm. I have grown addicted to it. My anxiety goes way up an hour before I take it. I can feel it almost to the point I can’t stand waiting for it.

While in the hospital they stopped it but they gave me 2 adavan a day and it was kind of similar but when I went to rehab I ended up begging for adavan since I was no longer taking klonopin.

I was a basket case. After a few days it started becoming ineffective and I once again begged for my klonopin. I don’t know how to get off of it. I’m actually afraid to taper off it as I feared my anxiety would get worse again.

I also take 150 mg of Wellbutrin and 25mg of seroquel in the morning with a 100 mg at bedtime with 100 mg of lamictal to sleep.” I turned into a zombie.
I would fall asleep watching television sitting on the couch and spend the day in bed with my headache and stomach ache.

Klonopin works for me to get rid of my GAD until the lamictal and seroquel would take over at bedtime. I’m afraid I’m addicted to Clonazapan (klonopin).


Benzodiazepines are very addictive. And, yes, they can kill you. An overdose can cause respiratory arrest. You stop breathing. If you mix benzos with alcohol or any other sedatives, the same thing can happen (at high enough doses, but the synergetic effects from combining drugs can be unpredictable).

You can also have seizures, even fatal seizures, from quitting benzos cold turkey or tapering too quickly. It needs to be done under medical supervision.

I know this because I was hospitalized twice for addiction to benzodiazepines. Please be careful.

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