Benzodiazepine class action law suit

Posted by shake @shake, Nov 4, 2022

Has anyone looked into a class action law suit regarding Benzodiazepines?

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My GP knew I was prescribed 3 mgs. Xanax and 40 mgs. Paxil per day for 25 years. I asked a few times what he thought about the meds and the doses. He always said “you’re not on too much medication you seem to be doing just fine.” So I have two doctors turning me into an addict and now we’re being hung out to dry and treated like street addicts.

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...yes maybe repeaeting myself but i said to one dr at emerge when trying to renew Clonazepam after Dr. left Province: ... I feel like a drug seeker! She said, well you are! I was shocked and should have said, what about the dr's roll in this?


...yes maybe repeaeting myself but i said to one dr at emerge when trying to renew Clonazepam after Dr. left Province: ... I feel like a drug seeker! She said, well you are! I was shocked and should have said, what about the dr's roll in this?

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I'm having a hard time getting my script for alporazopam! My Psychiatrist died last year. Then my Neuologist prescribed all my Psych meds, then he WOULDN'T. Now I have a horrible Prim Care P.A. who hates doing it, but I keep reminding her how dangerous it would be to be cut off....right up to seizures & death.


If benzodiazepines are made illegal, I will likely not be able to survive. Then you folks who win your class action suit can have a party and be all happy.

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Try rehab to come off your benzodiazepines. It will change your outlook in life and improve your quality of life.


hi, no I don't think Canada has many lawsuut but that could be re our relatively small population? Well if you Dr. told you 5 yrs ago they maybe would take off the market, why was I given them for so long I wonder. I did read of a man trying to take action/maybe suing for a doctor here, recently, who had him on them 5 weeks and hadnt told him could be addictive, well me its over fifteen years and one a day a bedtime! OMG I feel it takes a "special person" to be a Doctor and findtime to deal with mental and physcial issues.. rare where I live. I think it's better in USA - many years ago in Florida for first visit and Dr. there very good !

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There is presently no class action lawsuit in either country regarding benzodiazepines.
Some people on Effexor claim it is a benzo. It isn’t. It’s an SSRI anti depressant and although it does have withdrawal symptoms Effexor has a shorter withdrawal symptom period but it can be hard to get off of it. It just doesn’t last as long as benzodiazepines..

Both medications however need to be weaned off of.
One of you mentioned something about Xanax I believe. This medication is also a benzodiazepine just like Klonopin is a benzodiazepine and it could take up to a year to get off it depending on how much you’re on. Benzodiazepines are not recommended as a first in line anti anxiety medication although it works well for anxiety.

Going back to Effexor, it was taken off the market a few years ago. However, the XL version is still available.
I’m a klonopin user. It was stopped abruptly while I was in patient at a hospital. My older chart didn’t show I was on klonopin because the med list they had from 3 years ago didn’t list it. My current medication list includes klonopin but the hospital lost it and went to their computer to grab a list of 3 years ago when I wasn’t on klonopin. They refused to give it to me. I was hospitalized for something else for 2 months and didn’t get klonopin while there.
It was a hellish nightmare. I almost had to be tied down.
I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. I’d rather be dead. That’s how addicting it is. I soon as I got home I took a 1 mg of klonopin and within 20 minutes the withdrawal symptoms stopped. Bad stuff.


Agree! But if the ativan helped you, why stop! When you take an anti depressant, its taken daily, probably 2x, so than we are addicted to anti depressants too! So how can anybody label a person an addict when most medication is taken daily!? I was on a large dose of effexor for years. My pcp suggested a different one. So my other dr dropped me off 300 mg of effexor in 6 days to start a lower dose similar drug. What happened was tremors, no sleep, dizziness, nausea, and a few more side effects coming off so fast. Well- im done! Had it! 6 weeks of that to feel good enough to drive! So dont beat yourself up over taking something that may help. Sticks and stones.

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Effexor is an SSRI and not a benzodiazepine. While it does have withdrawal symptoms they are short lived compared to benzodiazepine. Effexor was discontinued a few years ago however, the SL version is still available.


If you do find an attorney willing to do so, please let me know! I've broken basically every bone in my body due to Xanax withdrawal! Shattered most of them! I was having Gandmal seizures on a weekly basis! My dr just said, don't run out & wrote more!

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Sorry but presently there are no class action suits in Canada and the US.


I have and there are presently no class action lawsuits in the UNITED STATES or CANADA.


If benzodiazepines are made illegal, I will likely not be able to survive. Then you folks who win your class action suit can have a party and be all happy.

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Don’t worry about losing your benzodiazepine Frankbukowski as of 2023 there are no Class action lawsuits filed or adjudicated. I would die to.


There are presently no class action lawsuits in Canada or the US

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