Being attacked by some negative ideas

Posted by aliali @aliali, Apr 23, 2022

I have depression. I am being attacked by the following ideas. I am afraid and anxious. This world is really terrifying. No one loves anyone in this world. I can sense that. When I deal with people working in restaurant or supermarket, I can sense how they are doing their job because they have to, not because they love their society. Okay, so why should I get anxious by this? Here it is; the product you receive whether it is from food industry or pharmaceutical industry or even you laptop of smartphone, you are not aware of the way it was manufactured and delivered to you. Probably food is not that clean; this makes me worry about my health and worry about that others don’t love me or anyone else. The clothes I am wearing currently, were they manufactured with care or not? Chemically manufactured stuff we are dealing with during our everyday life is manufactured from toxic chemicals. If these toxic chemicals are not removed properly then things will not be fine.
I really need help to get out of this loop

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Hi there .... my heart goes out to you with the heaviness you must feel carrying all these thoughts. Someone may have already said this, but are you in therapy? do you see a Psychiatrist for medication? It sounds to me (a total non-professional!!) that you're having an obsessive/compulsive thought pattern and once a negative "tape" starts in your brain, it just keeps going round and round. If you aren't getting help, please do consider it. I know the world is a mess in so many ways right now, but since there is so little we can do about much of it, we just need to take the best care of ourselves we can. I struggle with Depression, not OCD, but if it weren't for my therapist and my Psychiatrist who prescribes the right medications, I'm not sure I'd feel life was worth living anymore. Believe me ..... be kind to yourself and take care of "you."


I feel a sense of doom every morning for the past few weeks, it gets better as the day goes on but it’s hard to start a new day like that, plus then I feel ungrateful for not being happy to be alive in the morning. I know for a fact other people have it much harder than I do but that still it doesn't help me, I’m praying, and trying to take care of myself more but my anxiety makes it hard to relax and enjoy the moment. I don’t want to upset or bring others down by sharing my thoughts so I just try to go on.

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I understand your struggle with anxiety. I have it as well. I hope you find your answers. Prescription drugs have not been of benefit to me and the side effects have been awful.


I understand your struggle with anxiety. I have it as well. I hope you find your answers. Prescription drugs have not been of benefit to me and the side effects have been awful.

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My first rheumatologist told me that my best medicine wouldn't come in a bottle; I was disappointed as I so needed help to last a day with fibromyalgia. Most doctors at the time weren't supporters of the fibro diagnosis. It's in your head! Yes, I'd agree and in the rest of my body as well. I never thought that someone could live with constant pain, till I had constant pain! I had to develop a survival plan for myself.
Cymbalta was great but I needed to increase the Kdosage to continue the relief effect; depression was settling in; when was I happy or how had I found relief before? Funny, it was when I was helping someone else; I felt good about myself that I could have such a powerful yet positive effect on others. But I also knew I needed to be careful to keep my tank full. Balance. Sometimes I had to close my office door, so to speak. I had to help guide others to where my 'waters' were flowing from. So, I took my crafting abilities and started making a like book called "Comfort from the Scriptures". My research for such scriptures kept me up while making the books kept me occupied. Have you found such to be your case? I've made over 500 of these little books and am currently looking to freshen things up with a 'sequel'. 😊 It is time for me to be refreshed myself. I could go on, but does anyone get my point?


My first rheumatologist told me that my best medicine wouldn't come in a bottle; I was disappointed as I so needed help to last a day with fibromyalgia. Most doctors at the time weren't supporters of the fibro diagnosis. It's in your head! Yes, I'd agree and in the rest of my body as well. I never thought that someone could live with constant pain, till I had constant pain! I had to develop a survival plan for myself.
Cymbalta was great but I needed to increase the Kdosage to continue the relief effect; depression was settling in; when was I happy or how had I found relief before? Funny, it was when I was helping someone else; I felt good about myself that I could have such a powerful yet positive effect on others. But I also knew I needed to be careful to keep my tank full. Balance. Sometimes I had to close my office door, so to speak. I had to help guide others to where my 'waters' were flowing from. So, I took my crafting abilities and started making a like book called "Comfort from the Scriptures". My research for such scriptures kept me up while making the books kept me occupied. Have you found such to be your case? I've made over 500 of these little books and am currently looking to freshen things up with a 'sequel'. 😊 It is time for me to be refreshed myself. I could go on, but does anyone get my point?

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Glad you found your calling with the “little books”. I’ve been so desperate for sleep, I didn’t focus on why I wasn’t sleeping. Before Covid slept well 7-8 hours. Last night I fell asleep ((about two hours)but woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep. Then anxiety kicked in and I had to take a hypnotic. My issue is not fibro ( sorry to hear you have it) I just don’t sleep or if by the rarest chance I do it is short lived. I’m very desperate, tired and feeling I’ll never get better. I don’t want to be a “Debbie downer” so I’ll stop going on and on. Thanks for reaching out, I appreciate your effort and time.


Hi there .... my heart goes out to you with the heaviness you must feel carrying all these thoughts. Someone may have already said this, but are you in therapy? do you see a Psychiatrist for medication? It sounds to me (a total non-professional!!) that you're having an obsessive/compulsive thought pattern and once a negative "tape" starts in your brain, it just keeps going round and round. If you aren't getting help, please do consider it. I know the world is a mess in so many ways right now, but since there is so little we can do about much of it, we just need to take the best care of ourselves we can. I struggle with Depression, not OCD, but if it weren't for my therapist and my Psychiatrist who prescribes the right medications, I'm not sure I'd feel life was worth living anymore. Believe me ..... be kind to yourself and take care of "you."

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Your discussion was up-lifting. Many of us are very sleep deprived and depressed. I for one am very tired from not sleeping.


Glad you found your calling with the “little books”. I’ve been so desperate for sleep, I didn’t focus on why I wasn’t sleeping. Before Covid slept well 7-8 hours. Last night I fell asleep ((about two hours)but woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep. Then anxiety kicked in and I had to take a hypnotic. My issue is not fibro ( sorry to hear you have it) I just don’t sleep or if by the rarest chance I do it is short lived. I’m very desperate, tired and feeling I’ll never get better. I don’t want to be a “Debbie downer” so I’ll stop going on and on. Thanks for reaching out, I appreciate your effort and time.

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Thank you all for sharing. This has been an epic time in history I think for everyone and now we are hearing words like "nuclear" which only add more anxiety and fear, and our news is full of the horrors of the Ukraine situation. How to channel and absorb all of this has proved to be a real challenge. Getting involved more with family, church, projects within your community or just doing something from home that helps in someway hopefully helps some, but for others trying to get professional help is important but has proved to be difficult. I reached out to some online counseling, and it was helpful but did alot of research before chooseing one. I am doing meditation and deep breathing exercises and started a Tai Chi class. We're all wired differently - I've turned off the news and just read some of what is happening as having 24-7 coverage of COVID/ Ukraine / and all the other "bad" news doesn't enhance quality of life for anyone.
Thanks again for sharing - just knowing you're not the only person impacted helps.


Do you remember the TV show, Fraser? One of my favorite comments on the show was “What fresh hell awaits today?” We jokingly use that almost every morning when we get up. But I have to admit, with so many sad events in the world, and as @normawatkins said, the never ending stream of negative communication bombarding us, makes it really difficult to have a break in the anxiety.

One thing I really feel the need to do is to help you realize that it’s important to never compare yourself with someone else’s situation. No matter what they’re going through, it doesn’t diminish what you’re facing. To you, at this moment, what you’re trying to cope with is your own personal battle and it’s just as difficult. I think you’re dealing with this admirably by praying and taking care of yourself. Maybe try adding a few more activities to distract yourself such as reading, art work, walking, etc…and meditation is another calming action.

I know Covid has forced so many of us to lose normalcy in our lives. Not having contact with people we love, or being able to get out for dinners or activities adds to the loneliness and I think adds to our anxiety.
Do you have friends or family you can get together with? I can guarantee you’ll start feeling better when you share your thoughts with them and also, I think you’ll be surprised at how many of them are probably sharing the same anxiety as you. So don’t worry about bringing others down, you might actually be lifting each other up. ☺️

What do you enjoy doing during the day?

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Thanks for you kind words I will try to think positive


Thanks for you kind words I will try to think positive

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Good morning, @antonieta71, Babysteps. Little changes daily will be your key to moving to a more positive frame of mind. It takes repetition to change old habits so don’t expect changes overnight. But don’t give up, you can do this! ☺️ You have control over your effort and your attitude.

I have a quote that’s taped to my bathroom mirror and I read it every day, though I know it by heart. I’ve had the original copy for almost 40 years! It became the motivating factor in my life since the very first time I read it.
“I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it will be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it!” Groucho Marx

Mayo Clinic has a really great page on Healthy lifestyle and stress management. Start with this page and then take a look online for other sites dedicated to positive thinking. There are videos on youtube to help with mindfulness exercises and also motivational videos. All of a sudden, just the right thing will resonate with you like the Groucho Marx quote did with me.

Being postivie doesn’t mean you never have a negative thought. It just means you don’t let those thoughts control your life.
What positive things have impacted you today so far?


Good morning, @antonieta71, Babysteps. Little changes daily will be your key to moving to a more positive frame of mind. It takes repetition to change old habits so don’t expect changes overnight. But don’t give up, you can do this! ☺️ You have control over your effort and your attitude.

I have a quote that’s taped to my bathroom mirror and I read it every day, though I know it by heart. I’ve had the original copy for almost 40 years! It became the motivating factor in my life since the very first time I read it.
“I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it will be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it!” Groucho Marx

Mayo Clinic has a really great page on Healthy lifestyle and stress management. Start with this page and then take a look online for other sites dedicated to positive thinking. There are videos on youtube to help with mindfulness exercises and also motivational videos. All of a sudden, just the right thing will resonate with you like the Groucho Marx quote did with me.

Being postivie doesn’t mean you never have a negative thought. It just means you don’t let those thoughts control your life.
What positive things have impacted you today so far?

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Grouchy didn't deserve that name. But he lives on in his quote, right? You will see that I struggle with getting others quotes right but isn't there one also that says yesterday is gone; tomorrow isn't here yet; but TODAY is a present. Close enough and I must go open my present day 😎🤔


Grouchy didn't deserve that name. But he lives on in his quote, right? You will see that I struggle with getting others quotes right but isn't there one also that says yesterday is gone; tomorrow isn't here yet; but TODAY is a present. Close enough and I must go open my present day 😎🤔

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And that right there, Betty, is the key to happiness. Every day is a gift. ☺️
What’s in your gift box today? 🙃

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