Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss: Meet others & Share

Posted by Amanda Burnett @amandaa, Jun 24, 2022

Welcome to the Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss group, a space for support, practical information, and answers to your questions from members like you about bariatric surgery, weight-related medical conditions, weight loss and healthy living. I am Amanda and I will be your moderator for this group. I have had the surgery myself and have a very real and close connection to the topic.

Pull up a chair and a healthy snack and let’s chat. Why not start by introducing yourself? What’s your story?

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You should qualify
Some insurances specificly exclude BariatricPal surgery
Read you policy
Most policies require a bunch of
Med appts ie cardiac
Pulmonary. 6 months diet
Psych visit and nutritionist visit

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I am Medicare Original and Tricare For Life. Have begun or been doing many of these things already. Seeing a Nephrologist, Cardiac Doctor, Diet for years, and an Internist at the base is my PCM. Thinking of finding a Gerontologist to maybe replace internist unless the internist is a better fit. You're opinion is very welcomed and extremely appreciated. Thank you for your input.


Follow up from earlier post.

I had my yearly endocrinology recheck post gastric by-pass surgery today. My surgery was in 2012. Due to low Ferritin, the provider order iron infusion via IV. I was luckily enough to be able to get the first infusion today and the 2nd will be next week. I have not needed an iron infusion since 2017, not sure why it dropped now, but will recheck blood in 3 months to see if I am able to maintain my Ferritin level.

Found out that I should not be taking my calcium and Multi-Vitamin pill at same time. It can be confusing when on multiple prescriptions and supplements when to take each and what not to take together. I also take a Thyroid medicine and cannot take at same time as calcium and Multivitamins. So I suggest when you review your medications during an appointment, you also review what should be taken when and any interaction between. The pre-appointment questionnaire asked questions about name and dosage of supplements, I was glad I had that information with me. It might be smart to bring your pill bottles with you so can check the the dosage if any questions.

As Tara Schmidt, @taraschmidt, mentioned in previous post, I think it is important to do follow-up appointments after weight loss surgery. My Primary Care provider is great, but not a specialist in the effect weight loss surgery has on your body.



my name is Cheryl and I was obese since early childhood in the 60's. Had my first Stapling done in 1977 when I also had my gallbladder removed due to many stones. I was about 278 at the age of 21. At that time the surgery was very new and the staple line ran horizontally across the top of the stomach. We ate an ice cube of broth as a meal for the first month and attended a support group each week with the small group of us in the chicago suburbs. I lost about 100 lbs and felt amazing with my 5'6" frame. Over about 10 yrs though the weight slowly came back and I started having stomach spasms. I went to a new Dr in Houston who explained that the staple lines now were done vertically so food would not sit on and disrupt the staples. At the age of 30 and at 320 lbs I went in to have the staple line revised. When I woke from anesthesia the Surgeon told me that "it was like trying to suture a kleenex" since the stomach tissue had been so damaged. I developed peritonitis and was kept in the hospital for almost 6 months with many complications and eventually 3 more surgeries to try to repair the damage. I weighed 125 lbs at my release. I have been through severe esophagitis and within a few years, 8 mm of Barret's Esophagus. I learned to eat carefully, small portions and supplement with ensure. I've had scopes every year since for biopsies and several dilatations to reopen where scar tissue due to severe gerd, had closed up my throat. I've learned to recognize that familiar "taste" and pain when I have ulcers due to H-pylori and chug pepto bimol for the curative value of the bismoth. I've lived through so many "new" patented acid medications and still woke up every night with a stomach and throat full of bile and acid. My teeth have lost enamel from so much vomiting over the years. For about 20 yrs I slept when I could in a recliner. Now at age 65 I have lost 4" of height due to degenerative disc disease in my spine and my esophagus is essentially "folding" over itself causing yet another issue. Would I do it again? YES. My self-esteem stayed the same but OTHER"S estimation of me changed drastically. I got the promotions that were eluding my 300 lb person and learned so much about living that I otherwise never would have. We now have come so far with this surgery and the medications are finally giving some actual relief! My first few scopes were done in the Dr.'s office a bit of spray on the back of the throat and the command to "Swallow and Breathe". Now my combined EGD and Colonoscopy with a bit of propofol is the best sleep I get all year! I am happy to share that I AM the story of all that can go wrong, and I thank God that I was in Hermann Hospital with many experts available. I am happy to share also that the biggest change is phycological and secondary is the physical.


my name is Cheryl and I was obese since early childhood in the 60's. Had my first Stapling done in 1977 when I also had my gallbladder removed due to many stones. I was about 278 at the age of 21. At that time the surgery was very new and the staple line ran horizontally across the top of the stomach. We ate an ice cube of broth as a meal for the first month and attended a support group each week with the small group of us in the chicago suburbs. I lost about 100 lbs and felt amazing with my 5'6" frame. Over about 10 yrs though the weight slowly came back and I started having stomach spasms. I went to a new Dr in Houston who explained that the staple lines now were done vertically so food would not sit on and disrupt the staples. At the age of 30 and at 320 lbs I went in to have the staple line revised. When I woke from anesthesia the Surgeon told me that "it was like trying to suture a kleenex" since the stomach tissue had been so damaged. I developed peritonitis and was kept in the hospital for almost 6 months with many complications and eventually 3 more surgeries to try to repair the damage. I weighed 125 lbs at my release. I have been through severe esophagitis and within a few years, 8 mm of Barret's Esophagus. I learned to eat carefully, small portions and supplement with ensure. I've had scopes every year since for biopsies and several dilatations to reopen where scar tissue due to severe gerd, had closed up my throat. I've learned to recognize that familiar "taste" and pain when I have ulcers due to H-pylori and chug pepto bimol for the curative value of the bismoth. I've lived through so many "new" patented acid medications and still woke up every night with a stomach and throat full of bile and acid. My teeth have lost enamel from so much vomiting over the years. For about 20 yrs I slept when I could in a recliner. Now at age 65 I have lost 4" of height due to degenerative disc disease in my spine and my esophagus is essentially "folding" over itself causing yet another issue. Would I do it again? YES. My self-esteem stayed the same but OTHER"S estimation of me changed drastically. I got the promotions that were eluding my 300 lb person and learned so much about living that I otherwise never would have. We now have come so far with this surgery and the medications are finally giving some actual relief! My first few scopes were done in the Dr.'s office a bit of spray on the back of the throat and the command to "Swallow and Breathe". Now my combined EGD and Colonoscopy with a bit of propofol is the best sleep I get all year! I am happy to share that I AM the story of all that can go wrong, and I thank God that I was in Hermann Hospital with many experts available. I am happy to share also that the biggest change is phycological and secondary is the physical.

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You are an inspiration and I’m so sorry you had to go through all of the things you did but thank you for your honesty.


Follow up from earlier post.

I had my yearly endocrinology recheck post gastric by-pass surgery today. My surgery was in 2012. Due to low Ferritin, the provider order iron infusion via IV. I was luckily enough to be able to get the first infusion today and the 2nd will be next week. I have not needed an iron infusion since 2017, not sure why it dropped now, but will recheck blood in 3 months to see if I am able to maintain my Ferritin level.

Found out that I should not be taking my calcium and Multi-Vitamin pill at same time. It can be confusing when on multiple prescriptions and supplements when to take each and what not to take together. I also take a Thyroid medicine and cannot take at same time as calcium and Multivitamins. So I suggest when you review your medications during an appointment, you also review what should be taken when and any interaction between. The pre-appointment questionnaire asked questions about name and dosage of supplements, I was glad I had that information with me. It might be smart to bring your pill bottles with you so can check the the dosage if any questions.

As Tara Schmidt, @taraschmidt, mentioned in previous post, I think it is important to do follow-up appointments after weight loss surgery. My Primary Care provider is great, but not a specialist in the effect weight loss surgery has on your body.


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good idea to take pill bottles or keep an accurate list of all dosages of supplements and OTC medications as well as all prescriptions.


Hi Everybody, my name is Tina. I'm 44, and mother of 3 adult children. I have 2 dogs (fur children). I have been a CNA and Daycare provider my entire life since the age of 15 when I moved out on my own.


Hello! My name is Tamie and I live in Eau Claire, WI. I am almost 56 years old and am a retired home school and substitute teacher. Ten years ago, I had a Sleeve Gastrectomy and lost 90 pounds! I felt great, but was unable to reach my weight loss goal of 135 pounds. Unfortunately, during the past 5-6 years, I have gained back 40 of the 90 pounds that I had lost. So, now I need to lose 85 pounds to reach my goal! Fortunately, I have been approved for a second bariatric surgery and am considering getting the Gastric Bypass (Royx-En-Y.) Since I did lose 90 pounds before with the Sleeve, I am considering this as well. I am looking forward to participating in this group, as I didn't have this type of support 10 years ago when I had my initial surgery!


Stomach expands in time. I had the RNY. Was 320 in 2016. Now 185
RNY works better over time.


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Stomach expands in time. I had the RNY. Was 320 in 2016. Now 185
RNY works better over time.

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That's an incredible weight loss! Congratulations! I'm certain to do the RNY this time, then. Thank you!

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